Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
Dratzo! We are quickly reaching the point where a time for denouement is becoming possible. The Alliance, including our Earth allies, realizes just how close we are to the very brink of our long-sought goal. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally coming to understand that this world's plight needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity must be revealed. The time is coming for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The prosperity plan is merely an instrument through which to achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into a realm of peace and harmony.
As Gaia moves toward her new reality, never forget who you are and that you are becoming One. Never before has Earth's surface humanity been able to contemplate the blessing of freeing itself of all the ills that have plagued it since the Great Flood of almost 10 millennia ago. You are to quickly develop a new perspective that can allow you to use your growing consciousness to alter every culture on the surface of Gaia. This new global interfusion of humanity is to set the stage for our arrival. Finally, you can stop believing the cabal's outright lies, and Government can bring a formal end to the UFO cover-up and prepare you for our coming. This is to allow us to transmit a series of broadcasts so you can know the truth about our existence.
Your governance needs to become an open transition between what is best for you (open governance) and your fully conscious future. Government originally was the province of the privileged. In your society, money "talks." It is the means by which the oligarchy, the few very wealthy families, control and manage elections and legislatures. But this arrangement cannot legitimately support public policy. Government must be opened up to all. This is the reason for NESARA/GESARA. We support it simply because any aging and non-responsive system is in need of massive re-structuring. An overhaul such as this can restore that system back to its original principles. This is where NESARA/GESARA now stands, near the brink of being manifested.
It is unfortunate that contact has taken so long to come about. Among us, your struggles are legendary. You are in the midst of challenging transformations to all your energy systems. Moreover, to undergo these changes during such trying world events is not usual during a first contact. It is also most unusual for us to sit on the sidelines and monitor developments. Heaven tells us that you are special, and we heartily concur. Long ago, many events transpired that left you much diminished in mind and body, and disconnected from Spirit. This moment is about returning you to your previous state of Being: it is our goal to use first contact to complete the operation. Introducing you to your mentors will be a pivotal event. Until then, we are to assist the Alliance and advise them on their preparations, as the changes are to occur in rapid-fire sequence that demands the most precise responses. It is imperative that you practice Love and invoke the wisdom of the Light.
Namaste!We are your Ascended Masters. We would like to begin this message by expressing all-encompassing gratitude to all Starseeds and Lightworkers. We are watching you very closely as we witness a new level of consciousness taking hold worldwide. We are excited to see how you are adapting to this new and more thoughtful reality. The energies that continue to flow onto your planet are assisting you and the general public with a quickening of consciousness. You are becoming more aware of how Spirit orchestrates your ascension. Maintain your rituals, for they are essential tools for working more effectively with Spirit and assist you in staying focused on your goals.
Your journey out of limited consciousness is not an easy one! Your reality is changing in veritable leaps and bounds. The dark ones are scrambling, desperate to find a way to halt the Light. In this changing realm, we are witnessing tentative peace talks that, until now, had been considered folly. This new coalition of Light, the Alliance, is creating the conditions to bring about the downfall of those who, in the name of the dark, formerly obstructed or delayed your rise in consciousness. We Masters are heartened by what is manifesting around your world. As the dark's options diminish, it is increasingly clear who will be victorious.
We also thank the Galactic Federation without whose assistance the Alliance would be unable to bring your prosperity to fruition. Each day we bless what is manifesting on this wondrous orb. Your positive energies are making a difference. Together with those of the GF, they are preparing monies to be distributed, new financial systems to form and new governance to be disclosed. Collectively, we are a team maintaining a vision of bringing in your new galactic reality. We are teetering on the threshold of a long-awaited Golden Age when peace, freedom and prosperity reign. Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we brought you another message. We are eager to keep you informed about our perspective on the events of the day. We trust you to use this information to better understand what is destined to unfold around your world. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
Dratzo! Estamos llegando rápidamente al punto en que un momento para el desenlace se hace posible. La Alianza, incluidos nuestros aliados de la Tierra, se da cuenta de lo cerca que estamos del borde de nuestra meta largamente buscada. Los diversos grupos de nuestros aliados terrestres finalmente están entendiendo que la difícil situación de este mundo necesita ser acomodada. A medida que la conciencia se eleva en este ámbito, el sistema financiero cambia y la nueva prosperidad debe ser revelada. Se acerca el momento para que estos cambios se manifiesten y expliquen. El plan de prosperidad es simplemente un instrumento a través del cual lograr sus sueños. Usa estos símbolos de poder para rehacer tu mundo en un mundo de paz y armonía.
A medida que Gaia se mueve hacia su nueva realidad, nunca olvides quién eres y que te estás convirtiendo en Uno. Nunca antes la humanidad de la superficie de la Tierra ha sido capaz de contemplar la bendición de liberarse de todos los males que la han plagado desde el Gran Diluvio de hace casi 10 milenios. Debes desarrollar rápidamente una nueva perspectiva que te permita usar tu creciente conciencia para alterar cada cultura en la superficie de Gaia. Esta nueva interfusión global de la humanidad es preparar el escenario para nuestra llegada. Finalmente, puedes dejar de creer en las mentiras directas de la camarilla, y el Gobierno puede poner fin formalmente al encubrimiento de los OVNIS y prepararte para nuestra venida. Esto es para permitirnos transmitir una serie de emisiones para que pueda conocer la verdad sobre nuestra existencia.
Su gobierno debe convertirse en una transición abierta entre lo que es mejor para usted (gobierno abierto) y su futuro totalmente consciente. El gobierno originalmente era la provincia de los privilegiados. En su sociedad, el dinero "habla". Es el medio por el cual la oligarquía, las pocas familias muy ricas, controlan y administran las elecciones y las legislaturas. Pero este acuerdo no puede respaldar legítimamente las políticas públicas. El gobierno debe estar abierto a todos. Esta es la razón de NESARA / GESARA. Lo apoyamos simplemente porque cualquier sistema que envejece y no responde necesita una reestructuración masiva. Una revisión como esta puede restaurar ese sistema a sus principios originales. Aquí es donde se encuentra NESARA / GESARA, cerca del borde de manifestarse.
Es desafortunado que el contacto haya tardado tanto en producirse. Entre nosotros, tus luchas son legendarias. Estás en medio de transformaciones desafiantes para todos tus sistemas de energía. Además, experimentar estos cambios durante tales eventos mundiales difíciles no es habitual durante un primer contacto. También es muy inusual para nosotros sentarnos al margen y monitorear los desarrollos. El cielo nos dice que eres especial, y estamos de acuerdo. Hace mucho tiempo, ocurrieron muchos eventos que te dejaron muy disminuido en mente y cuerpo, y desconectado del Espíritu. Este momento se trata de regresarlo a su estado previo de Ser: nuestro objetivo es usar el primer contacto para completar la operación. Presentarte a tus mentores será un evento fundamental. Hasta entonces, debemos ayudar a la Alianza y aconsejarles sobre sus preparativos, ya que los cambios deben ocurrir en una secuencia rápida que exige las respuestas más precisas. Es imperativo que practiques Amor e invoques la sabiduría de la Luz.
¡Namaste! Somos tus Maestros Ascendidos. Nos gustaría comenzar este mensaje expresando gratitud que abarca todo a todas las Semillas Estelares y Trabajadores de la Luz. Te estamos observando muy de cerca al presenciar un nuevo nivel de conciencia que se está estableciendo en todo el mundo. Estamos emocionados de ver cómo te estás adaptando a esta realidad nueva y más reflexiva. Las energías que continúan fluyendo en su planeta lo están ayudando a usted y al público en general con una aceleración de la conciencia. Te vuelves más consciente de cómo el Espíritu orquesta tu ascensión. Mantenga sus rituales, ya que son herramientas esenciales para trabajar más eficazmente con Spirit y ayudarlo a mantenerse enfocado en sus objetivos. ¡Tu viaje fuera de la conciencia limitada no es fácil! Tu realidad está cambiando a pasos agigantados. Los oscuros están luchando, desesperados por encontrar una manera de detener la Luz. En este mundo cambiante, estamos presenciando conversaciones de paz tentativas que, hasta ahora, habían sido consideradas una locura. Esta nueva coalición de Luz, la Alianza, está creando las condiciones para provocar la caída de aquellos que, en nombre de la oscuridad, anteriormente obstruyeron o retrasaron su ascenso en la conciencia. Los Maestros nos sentimos alentados por lo que se está manifestando alrededor de su mundo. A medida que disminuyen las opciones de la oscuridad, es cada vez más claro quién saldrá victorioso.
También agradecemos a la Federación Galáctica sin cuya ayuda la Alianza no podría llevar a buen término su prosperidad. Cada día bendecimos lo que se manifiesta en este maravilloso orbe. Tus energías positivas están haciendo una diferencia. Junto con los del GF, están preparando el dinero para distribuir, los nuevos sistemas financieros para formar y la nueva gobernanza para ser divulgada. Colectivamente, somos un equipo que mantiene una visión de traer su nueva realidad galáctica. Estamos tambaleándonos en el umbral de la tan ansiada Edad de Oro, en la que reinan la paz, la libertad y la prosperidad. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hoy, te traemos otro mensaje. Estamos ansiosos por mantenerlo informado acerca de nuestra perspectiva sobre los eventos del día. Confiamos en que use esta información para comprender mejor lo que está destinado a desarrollarse en su mundo. Sepan, queridos, que la incontable fuente y la infinita prosperidad del cielo son en verdad suyas!
Somos sabios e intelectualmente conscientes en proporción a nuestra mente abierta.
Piensa en un niño. De acuerdo con el trabajo de los psicólogos del desarrollo, en los primeros años de su vida, tiene un concepto muy amplio de sí mismo y de los objetos.
En lenguaje sencillo, un niño así es extremadamente egocéntrico y no puede imaginar el mundo desde el punto de vista de otra persona. Con el tiempo y la experiencia, sin embargo, como todos sabemos, esto comienza a cambiar.
Aprende a responder a las señales de sus padres, y comienza a reconocer la existencia de muchas personalidades únicas.
Con más tiempo y experiencia, arroja completamente la ilusión de que es lo único que existe en este mundo. Se da cuenta de que lo que sea que se identifique como el yo en realidad no es el único yo que interactúa con la realidad.
Los detalles de cómo ocurre esto son brumosos, pero una gran parte de esto es que, con el tiempo, solo hay más información que se ha consumido y filtrado para ayudar a la persona a entender sus interacciones con el mundo. Como resultado, comienza a ver su entorno de una manera más propicia para su supervivencia. Como adultos, la mayoría de nosotros tenemos un sentido de sí mismo muy definido. También somos muy conscientes de otras personas y de ellos mismos.
Dicho esto, de la misma manera que un niño pequeño a menudo lucha para ver el mundo como algo distinto a lo que conoce directamente, de manera similar nos atascamos a nuestra manera y nos negamos a mirar las cosas desde un ángulo diferente, incluso si ese ángulo puede se mejor para nosotros
En el mundo de hoy, la falta de mentalidad abierta es tal vez uno de los temas centrales que lidera el camino para muchos de los problemas a nivel de superficie que enfrentamos.
Parece que estamos tan acostumbrados a las formas existentes que la idea de aprender de la información nueva y conflictiva se ha vuelto tan aterradora para nosotros como muchas amenazas reales y físicas.
Nuestras identidades han encontrado su lugar, y no les importa actualizar.
Independientemente de cualquier opinión personal, eso es sin duda un problema, ¿no?
El valor de la conciencia periférica En The Mind Illuminated - un libro de meditación basado en la ciencia - los autores presentan un modelo simple de conciencia que creo que es relevante aquí.Comparan nuestra experiencia consciente con la de la visión, donde cada momento tiene un punto focal, sí, pero también un rango periférico que aparece sutilmente en el fondo.
Para la conciencia, la distinción es entre la atención, que es lo que nos enfoca, y la percepción periférica, que nos mantiene alerta.
Cualquier momento se experimenta algo, se tiene un punto de enfoque - algo la absorbe la propia energía mental. Si usted está cocinando, por ejemplo, esto estará cortando verduras.
Dicho esto, usted también sabe - y esto es su conciencia - que el perro está corriendo detrás de ti y que la TV está en la planta baja.
Si ampliamos este modelo un poco más, podemos ver cómo explica la diferencia que poseen las personas de mente abierta que no parece llegar tan fácilmente a aquellos que aún no están donde quieren estar en este sentido.
Cada vez que hablamos sobre algo que nos es querido, nuestro foco de atención no solo se centra en el tema, sino también en lo que defiende nuestra opinión. Vemos todo el tema a través de la lente preexistente que hemos adjuntado a nuestra identidad, lo que hace que sea difícil para cualquier cosa nueva penetrar nuestra creencia.
Lo que las personas de mente abierta son capaces de hacer, sin embargo, es quepueden volver a enfocarse dentro y fuera de la cosa que dicta su atención en cualquier punto dado, y como resultado, pueden dejar que la conciencia periférica capte cualquier lección que una nueva y conflictiva cosa pueda contener o no.
La lente de nuestra atención siempre va a distorsionar la información para encajar en ella como quiera, en lugar de hacer el trabajo difícil de incorporar lo nuevo después de que cause una perturbación.
Es por eso que incluso las personas inteligentes pueden escuchar una opinión contradictoria válida y aún así ignorarla como si no significara nada.
La clave para una mente abierta radica en poder atender a un tema en cuestión sin utilizar la misma atención para vincular estrechamente un sistema de creencias actual de tal manera que se olvide de la existencia de un mundo más allá de lo que ya conoce. Siempre es en la conciencia periférica que encontrará información que lo desafiará y lo mejorará a largo plazo. La única forma de capturarlo es saber cuándo alejar el tipo de atención equivocado.
Una mejor respuesta a una amenaza Uno de los propósitos evolutivos de nuestra visión periférica, y por extensión, nuestra percepción periférica, es registrar cualquier amenaza o sorpresa.
No es muy activo la mayor parte del tiempo, pero cuando se dispara, es en respuesta a algo sutil que lo empujó. Nos da una pista de que algo en nuestro entorno no es como debería ser, lo que significa que la atención se necesita en otros lugares. Todos hemos tenido estos momentos. Son hechos prácticamente cotidianos.
Estás sentado en el parque, y de repente, con el rabillo del ojo, ves una pelota de fútbol que se dirige hacia ti, lo que te hace agacharte de inmediato. O te estás quedando dormido en clase o en el trabajo, y una mirada rápida al reloj te sorprende lo suficiente como para que toda tu atención cambie.
No es solo eso, sin embargo.
¿Qué pasa cuando alguien te insulta?
¿O cuando alguien dice algo con lo que estás en desacuerdo?
Es lo mismo, las mismas emociones repentinas que surgen inesperadamente.
Es tu mente que te dice que te están amenazando. No es físico, por supuesto, pero tu sentido del yo, tu ego, está siendo atacado, lo cual, en lo que respecta a tus instintos evolutivos, es básicamente lo mismo.
La mayoría de las personas usan estas amenazas y sorpresas de forma improductiva.
En el mejor de los casos, les permiten causar ira.
En el peor de los casos, planean formas de vengarse de la persona.
Una persona de mente abierta, sin embargo, usaría algo así.
Ella tomaría nota de cada vez que se sintiera sorprendida o amenazada de esta manera, y luego lo pensaría más tarde, cuando se hubiera calmado, para diseccionar si había alguna información que pudiera ser valiosa.
Si su identidad está siendo amenazada o su sentido del yo sorprendido por un hecho o una opinión, lo más probable es que haya información conflictiva allí, en alguna parte, que contradiga con la forma en que usted ve el mundo actualmente, y la solución no es ignorarlo o suprimirlo. Es para usarlo para actualizar tu mente.
Tu percepción periférica es una luz que atrae la oscuridad de lo que aún no te ha iluminado. Pero para que lo veas de esa manera, tienes que ayudarlo cuando proporciona la señal. Tienes que buscar lo agradable en lo desagradable.
Cada sorpresa, cada amenaza y cada conmoción es un punto de información, y la única forma de extraer esa información es tomar nota y luego prestar atención.
Para Llevar Cada vez que has experimentado un cambio de paradigma en tu pensamiento, ha sido porque tu mente se ha abierto a un nuevo reino de existencia.
El nivel de apertura que muestra en su día a día informa la cantidad de aprendizaje disponible para usted en el futuro, que a su vez es lo que le impide vivir con una manera defectuosa y problemática de ver la realidad.
Dicho de manera más directa, como lo hizo el emperador romano Marco Aurelio en sus Meditaciones:
"Si alguien puede mostrarme que lo que pienso o hago no está bien, cambiaré felizmente, porque busco la verdad, por la cual nadie fue verdaderamente dañado.
Es la persona que continúa en su autoengaño e ignorancia quien es lastimada".
Si observa cuidadosamente la mayoría de los debates y argumentos, se dará cuenta de que muchas personas parecen, fundamentalmente, querer lo mismo.
El problema suele ser que simplemente se niegan a tener en cuenta el punto de vista del otro.
El mundo sería un lugar mejor si más de nosotros aprendiéramos a aprovechar el poder de la percepción periférica, y se movería más rápido si analizáramos las señales correctas.
Nuestras mentes están evolucionando continuamente, y al igual que el desarrollo de un niño, no pueden hacerlo a menos que se alimenten y filtren la información disponible.
We are wise and intellectually aware in proportion to our open-mindedness.
Think about a kid. According to the work of developmental psychologists, in the first few years of its life, it has a very loose concept of self and object.
In plain English, such a child is extremely egocentric, and it can't imagine the world from someone else's point of view. With time and experience, however, as we all know, this begins to change.
It learns to respond to its parent's cues, and it starts to acknowledge the existence of many unique personalities.
With more time and experience, it completely sheds the illusion that it is the only thing that exists in this world. It becomes aware that whatever it identifies as self actually isn't the only self that interacts with reality.
The details of how this occurs are hazy, but a big part of it is that, with time, there is just more information that has been consumed and filtered to help the person make sense of its interactions with the world. As a result, it starts to see its surroundings in a way that is more conducive to its survival.
As adults, most of us have a very defined sense of self. We are also very aware of other people and their selves.
That said, in the same way that a young child often struggles to see the world as anything other than what it directly knows, we similarly get stuck in our own ways and refuse to look at things from a different angle, even if that angle may be better for us.
In today's world, the lack of open-mindedness is maybe one of the core issues leading the way for many of the surface-level problems we face.
It seems that we are so set in existing ways that the idea of learning from new, conflicting information has become as terrifying to us as many real, physical threats.
Our identities have found their place, and they don't care to update.
Regardless of any personal opinion, that's undoubtedly a problem, no?
The Value of Peripheral Awareness In The Mind Illuminated - a science-based book on meditation - the authors present a simple model of consciousness that I think is relevant here.
They compare our conscious experience to that of vision, where each moment has a focal point, yes, but also a peripheral range that appears subtly in the background.
For consciousness, the distinction is between attention, which is what focuses us, and peripheral awareness, which keeps us alert.
Any time you experience something, you have a point of focus - something the absorbs your mental energy. If you're cooking, for example, this will be cutting vegetables.
That said, you also know - and this is your awareness - that the dog is running around behind you and that the TV is on downstairs.
If we stretch this model a little further, we can see how it explains the difference that open-minded people possess that doesn't seem to come as easily to those who are not yet where they want to be in this regard.
Whenever we talk about something dear to us, our focus of attention is not only on the topic, but it is also on whatever our opinion espouses. We see the whole topic through the pre-existing lens we have attached to our identity, which makes it hard for anything new to penetrate our belief.
What open-minded people are able to do, however, is that they can refocus in and out of the thing dictating their attention at any given point, and as a result, they are able to let the peripheral awareness capture whatever lesson a new, conflicting thing may or may not contain.
The lens of our attention is always going to distort information to fit into it as it likes rather than doing the hard job of incorporating the new after it causes a disturbance.
That's why even smart people can hear a valid contradictory opinion and still shrug it off like it doesn't mean a thing.
The key to an open mind lies in being able to attend to a topic at hand without using that same attention to closely tie in a current belief system in such a way that it forgets the existence of a world beyond what it already knows.
It's always in the peripheral awareness that you will find information that is going to challenge you and make you better off in the long-term. The only way to capture it is to know when to zoom out of the wrong kind of attention.
A Better Response to a Threat One of the evolutionary purposes of our peripheral vision - and by extension, our peripheral awareness - is to register any incoming threats or surprises.
It's not very active most of the time, but when it does fire up, it's in response to something subtle that nudged it. It gives us a clue that something in our environment isn't as it should be, meaning that attention is needed elsewhere.
We have all had these moments. They are practically everyday occurrences.
You're sitting in the park, and suddenly, in the corner of your eye, you see a football driving towards you, causing you to immediately duck. Or you happen to be dozing off in class or at work, and a quick glance at the clock surprises you enough that your entire attention then shifts.
It's not only that, though.
What about when someone insults you?
Or when someone says something that you aggressively disagree with?
It's the same thing, the same sudden emotions arising unexpectedly.
It's your mind telling you that you are being threatened. It's not physical, of course, but your sense of self, your ego, is being attacked - which, as far as your evolutionary instincts are concerned, is basically the same thing.
Most people use these threats and surprises unproductively.
At best, they let them cause anger.
At worst, they plot for ways to get back at the person.
An open-minded person, however, would use something like that.
She would take note of every time she felt surprised or threatened in this way, and she would then think it over at a later time, when she had calmed down, to dissect if there was any information there that may be valuable.
If your identity is being threatened or your sense of self is surprised by a fact or an opinion, the chances are that there is conflicting information in there, somewhere, that contradicts with how you currently see the world, and the solution isn't to ignore or suppress it. It's to use it to update your mind.
Your peripheral awareness is a light that attracts the darkness of what has yet to illuminate you. But for you to see it that way, you have to help it out when it provides the signal. You have to look for the pleasant in the unpleasant.
Every surprise, every threat, and every shock is an information point, and the only way to extract that information is to take note and then to pay attention.
The Takeaway Any time you have experienced a paradigm shift in your thinking, it has been because your mind has been opened up to a whole new realm of existence.
The level of open-mindedness you show in your day to day life informs the amount of learning available to you for the future, which in turn is what stops you from living with a faulty and problematic way of seeing reality.
Put more bluntly, as Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius did in his Meditations:
"If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed.
It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed."
If you carefully observe most debates and arguments, you will realize that many people seem to, fundamentally, want the same thing.
The problem is usually that they just refuse to take into account the other's point of view.
The world would be a better place if more of us learned to harness the power of peripheral awareness, and it'd move faster if we dissected the right signals.
Our minds are continually evolving, and like the development of a child, they can't do so unless they feed on, and filter for, the available information.
There is great possibility in what you don't know.
A Message from the Lemurian Collective & the Lemurian and Arcturian High Councils
via channel Marie Mohler Received July 26, 2018
Dear Ones,
It is the Lemurian Collective and Lemurian High Council, here with the Arcturian High Council as well.We are here to bring through a joint Message of Light for Humanity as the Earth makes her transition and leap through the 8/1/18 portal and of course the 8/8 Lion’s Gate coming up in a couple of weeks.
As you know, this is a profound time of surging energies on your world.Earth is deep in her own labor and delivery process.And there is truly no time on the earth now that is not in some way catalyzing, supporting, accelerating, or crowning that New Birth.
The reason we have joined our Collective Light together today is to invite you all to join yours;When the Power of the Sacred Star Energy of the Heart is joined in Union with other Sacred Stars and other Sacred Hearts . . . New Worlds of Light are born.And indeed, a New Earth World is being born as we speak.
There are births that are natural, painless, joyful, and easy.And there are births wrought with exponential pain, complications, and difficulty.
We invite you to make your own New Earth Body’s Ascension Process an easy and joyful birth.
When more of you hear our call and invitation, to breathe Light into any contractions, constrictions, or complications causing you pain, and you commit to breathing through the contractions that could potentially escalate and increase your experience of pain, you will begin in real time to see the Power of your Breath literally dissolving the energetic “hot spots” that would otherwise ensnare and entangle your Conscious Awareness and Focus in this world.
As you choose to Breathe Light and New Earth Light into your new form,into your Crystalline Body Temple and Light Codes Within, you will seethe contractions subside and you will feel the Joy of the New Earth’sPeace, Bliss, and Goodness replacing all of the codes that you previouslyhad in your operating system ~ that falsely created the perception and experience of routine suffering, loss, and lack.
You are wired intrinsically to be LIGHT.
The Earth’s Rebirth mirrors your Own.
You are birthing yourselves as vessels and chalices of the Original Source Light once more.
August 2018 will see and experience a profound influx of this New Earth Light.You can breathe through any initial contractions, inviting the Light of Joy and New Earth Ease and Bliss to neutralize any pain in that process.
Alternatively, you can also choose to engage your old 3D operating systems in response to these New Earth contractions too, and increase the feeling of constriction, complications, and pain.
You get to decide how you want to experience your New Birth.
You are invited now today, in this moment, to decide how you want to experience August’s Light Code Expansions and Activations.
This world is going through a Critical Cosmic Transformation.The old operating system of the 3D Earth is malfunctioning now.System glitches are rising that are unrepairable now.The 3D Earth is not built or designed for 5D Light.In fact, it was purposely created to exist in much lower densities and much less Light.
See the Light Codes of the 5D Earth streaming through a surge of energy and light that simply overwhelms and rewrites the old 3D codes.For the 5D Codes of Light are a vast system upgrade.
These channelings sound like stories, metaphors sent from virtual worlds and nonphysical beings to teach and engage those with ears to hear and eyes to see.
But they are so much more.
Each channeling prepares your cells . . . vibrationally . . . for the cleansing, clearing, and upgrading that is unfolding on your world and in your bodies today.
If you resonate with the particular insights coming through a particular channel, you literally are able to download that wisdom and energy into your Light Body Matrix, Internal Operating Systems, and Holistic Life Experiences and Templates of Living Energies.
So be mindful and heart-aware now . . . of who you listen to and what your heart-mind operating system is spending time with.Notice where you are focusing your Inner Life’s Attentions and Attractions.For now, more than ever, that is exactly what you are downloading into your increasingly sensitive operating systems.
For those desiring to shift into the New 5D Earth Frequencies with the least complications and pain from the intense contractions . . . the more you can spend time in Frequencies of Light and New Earth Resonance with Peace and Harmony, the better.
Pay attention to the Frequencies of Old Earth programming . . . that transmits fear, that injects separation and division constructs into daily storylines, that attempts to embed a fear of change and leaving the world that is known.
There are many control grids set up energetically, politically, financially, pharmaceutically, educationally, and militarily on your world.That is the old 3rd Dimensional construct and template for living that all of earth’s inhabitants are rising out of in these times.
Like trauma victims, many will or may feel compelled to continue to bond with their captors . . . their perpetrators . . . their old lives of pain and victimization . . . rather than activating a desire to let go; To let go of the pain, suffering, and illusion that was always at the core of the 3D separation experience and experiment.
Those aware of this Shift of Ages occurring on your world . . . can simply pray and know . . . that all make a safe transition and ascension into the New Light and into the 5D New Earth Frequencies and Divine Design.
Human Beings tend to hold on to what they know, for what they don’t know couldbe far worse than what they have now.In other words, the devil they know is preferred over the devil they don’t.
We are here to say today . . . what if . . . there is no devil?
What if there is a New Earth . . . where devil frequencies can’t reach?
Simply because they are incompatible with the Higher Light Codes of this New and Higher Dimensional Realm?
This is the Truth of the New Earth.
This is the Offer of the New Earth.
Those from Lemuria, Arcturus, Ancient Egypt, the Height of Atlantis ~ when it was a City of the Central Sun and its Light Codes, and other Higher Dimensional and Ages of Light . . . remember realms and lives of much Greater Light.
Many of you reading or hearing this have Conscious Memory of your lifetimes in Higher Light.And you have come to the Earth to be Conscious and Cosmic Rememberers of Light;For a Humanity that has in many ways forgotten its Origins of this True Light.
Regardless of whether you remember or not, the Light Codes are activating All of You.
They are awakening each and every one of you.
Some will continue to resist this New Light Birth unfolding within.And the contractions of imminent change and upgrades will continue to rise and pulse within, until the inevitable activation and upgrades do in fact occur.
In other words, there is a point in which no level of resistance will be able to prevent you from being what you truly, organically, and divinely are . . . which is . . . LIGHT.
August 2018 will be another catalyzer of your Collective Return to the Light.
If you are scared, or resistant, or hold a fear of change or letting go in your Field of Awareness, or in your Life Experience, it’s okay.
You are part of a Collective, where many are feeling the exact same way.
The key is to allow yourself to just feel it.To see your fear, to let it come up.To witness yourself try to cling to a life that you can sense is hollowing, . . . that you can sense is not nurturing you in the new ways that you are being invited to engage your life . . . and simply have compassion for the scared ego and mental body that for too long has simply not known what to do to survive in this realm of separation . . . but to comply with its codes of fear, competition, suffering, lack, and density, . . . in order TO SURVIVE.
That has been the modus operandi of many in this realm . . . the old “if you can’t beam em, join em” mentality.
But now, your other 3 vital energy bodies are activating and awakening from a deep slumber.Like a pilot who fell asleep at the wheel, and is startled awake, all energy bodies are now snapping to attention and acting in “fight or flight” mode to get oriented to the “free fall” of energy that already did occur, as your “plane” crashed in the earth plane over and over, with only the mental body awake to steer the ship.
Now your emotional, spiritual, and higher dimensional physical bodies are waking up, and instantly trying to reconnect, to help you fly past this dense 3D realm and back into the safer more joyful realm of 5D+ Light and Unity Consciousness.
August 2018 may feel to some like more of that 1 way ticket to a “free fall experience” by the mental body, trapped, scared, and alone, and desperately just trying to stay alive in the madness of a 3D system crashing and crumbling out of existence now.
Yet it is the free fall and cosmological pressure of that free fall that is also designed to invite all other energy bodies to wake up and begin to work together from a Higher Plane of Consciousness.
It is that Higher Plane of Consciousness that August 2018 and beyond will continue to invite each and all to re-activate, re-stabilize, and re-orient each and every one of you.You are recalibrating to your True Coordinates Within . . . those oriented to Light, Unity, Well-Being, Joy, and Abundance for the Greater Collective and the Greater Whole.
So if you have a moment, a twinge, or a full on experience of a free fall, in the Light Exposures forthcoming, and thus in the 3D Earth’s crumbling, remember your eternal parachute . . . fill your breath with Light.Consciously take a Deep Divine Breathe In.In that Breath, ground yourself in the New Light.Ask your guides to stabilize your electrical field and your 4 energy bodies . . . and to re-orient you to the Light.Know you are safe in that Breath . . . Know you are secure and loved in that Light.And then take another Breath, and repeat.
Your Breath can slow down that feeling of free falling or chaotic free falling.
Your Breath can lead your Higher Consciousness into connecting with the Allness of You.
Your Breath has the Power to integrate your 4 Energy Bodies and get them working together again.
So Breathe a Deep Divine Breathe In.Call in your Guides of Light. Feel your parachute opening and holding you in the Light of that Sacred Breath.
That Breath is your Suspension in the Ascension.
To those still stuck in only 3D time, that might seem trite or cute or impossible even.That our Breath could sustain us, in the Quantum Leap, from 3D experience to 5D Light and 5D Earth’s Birth.
And yet, is it a fallacy that it is our breath that gives us life every day?
We don’t think so.
There is just a whole other Level of Living and a whole other Power in the Breath at this Higher Plane of Awakened Consciousness that is asking to be known to you again.
So try it.This next month, breathe into your fears.Limitations.Contractions.Complications.
Breathe Light into any discomfort and ask the New Light Codes emerging in you to reset your Inner Coordinates to the Truth of your Divine Light.
Know the Breath to be a Lifeline now and always . . . to Higher Planes of Divine Sight, Consciousness, and Light.
Allow the theatre of 3D Earth collapsing to invite you to practice this easy ascensional skill . . . called Divine Breathing.For you can literally breathe yourself from one world and into another.From one consciousness to another.From a plane of anguish, fear, and pain, to a Plane of Joy, Prosperity, and Light.
Does it require practice?Yes.
You just have to train your mental body now to allow your spiritual body and emotional body to fly you into a Higher Realm of Awareness and Action, to let go of the old and embrace the New.
We would say to Your Collective Mental Bodies ~ Its Time to Let Go.
And its Time to let your Holistic Heart Center . . . to Lead.
It KNOWS The Way.
We are here, the Lemurian Collective and the Arcturian High Council and Collective . . . to support your letting go process.
Let go of the density and ascend into your Organic Light now.
That’s the Journey.That’s the Airline you are on.
Conscious Breathing . . . Divine Breathing . . . is the Air Line that will escort you to this New Higher Plane of Love and New Earth Light that your Soul Knows Deeply and that your Soul Does Remember.
So Breathe through any turbulence in August.Breathe Light into any calamities.In the world . . . or in your own life.
Collectively ~ you are breathing and birthing a New Earth of Light into form.
You can do this.You ARE this.
You are made to co-create this birth of the New Light.
We celebrate you.All of you.For the Courageous Cosmic Pioneers You Truly Are.
We are here, always, if you need us.To help you Breathe Light into the core of your beings, lives, and parachutes.So call on us whenever you need to.
You are loved, dear ones.You ARE love.All Our Love