
10 de marzo de 2016

Coca-Cola has taken control of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety.

he world's favorite drink or "milk of capitalism," accumulates demands and sanctions in several countries arising from serious acts of pollution, poor working practices and unauthorized use of water.

In the production phase, the company uses almost three liters of water per liter of finished product.  

Discarded waters are pollutants, the multinational deposited in protected places, as in Colombia , a situation which was fined in August  last by the  district Department of Environment , the  Mayoy mayor of Bogota , to be shown that habáin discharged waste into the  wetland Chaplaincy in the area of  Fontibon.

The fact is considered attempt against an area of special importance and ecological protection.  

The process by pollution  Humedal Chaplaincy  has its origin in the expiry discharge permit granted to the multinacinal for five years and not authorized by the  Department of Environment  to renew this permission.  

Subsequently, technical visits was verified the status of the sewer of Coca Cola  and realization of industrial discharges, obviously unauthorized.

A similar situation occurred in India in  2005 , where about a thousand protesters marched to demand to close the near Varanasi plant, they were certain that all communities near bottling plants of  Coca Col to suffer from a lack and pollution of soils and groundwater.

Toxicological analysis recorded the presence of high percentages of banned pesticides such as  DDT  and "good neighbors" distributed their industrial waste to farmers in  Mehdigani  arguing that served to "manure"  

The result is that today are sterile soils.

And as if that were not enough, the drink in question, along with consuming extra water does not provide any nutrient, on the contrary, to contain high concentrations of sugar, is one of the major contributors of obesity it is increasingly affecting more to our populations of the third world, generating other hand, dental problems.  

And the effect of "thirst quencher" succeeds by using phosphoric acid.

Did you know ...
  • Spain  is the European country most  Coca-Cola  consume?
  • His other products are  Fanta, Sprite, Aquarius, Nestea, Minute Maid, Tab, Sonfil, Finley, Nordic Mist or Fruitopia  (there are 324 different)?
  • A can of  33 cl . It contains about  35 gr. sugar ?
  • In  1931 Coca-Cola  changed the green suit  Santa Claus  red for an advertising campaign, matching your corporate color?
  • Other universities in  Atlanta, Toronto, California, Ireland and Berlin  have already expelled  Coca-Cola  from their  campus ?
  • Plastic bottles of  Coca-Cola  in  Spain  are not recycled material, but of virgin plastic.
  • Coincidence that the former Mexican President  Fox  is ex-representative ofCoca-Cola ? What  Adolfo Calero,  former manager of  Coca-Cola , agent of the  CIA  and public face of the  nicaragüens against e? What about the ambassador  US  in India  ? What about the coup mogul  Cisneros in  Venezuela  ? What Minister  Jorge Presno , of Uruguay ?
  • It has offices in more than  200 countries,  including tax havens like  Bahrain or the Cayman Islands to evade taxes on their benefits ...
  • In  2003  they obtained a profit of  21,044  million dollars (Half of the expenditure forecast by the UN to ensure basic education to all children of the world).
  • Boosts powerful lobbyists: he opposed the treaty of  Kyoto  through its lobbying  US Council for International Business and the Business Round Table,  changed regulations in the  EU  through the  American Chamber of Comerce  , was afounder of the  International Life Science Institute , very influential in  FAO and WHO  , etc.
  • It contains genetically modified products.
The next time you go for a drink, remember the pollution of wetlands, unauthorized use of groundwater, violence, a liter equals three actually ... perhaps better lemonade.

Coca-Cola has taken control of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety. 

oca-Cola  is forced to reduce  US  a chemical (4-methylimidazole or 4-MEI) to be shown to be carcinogenic. But it will not in  Spain

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