
17 de marzo de 2016

Humanity, an imperfect hologram

What if the earth fell into a black hole? Scientific offers 3 possible scenarios The mass of the black hole and its enormous gravitational forces are what cause damage to objects around. Black holes have long been a source of excitement and intrigue. And the interest around them surely now that they have discovered gravitational waves increase. Kevin Pimbblet, professor of physics at the University of Hull, UK, in an article for 'The Conversation' is one of the questions that cause more curious: what would happen if a black hole appeared near the Earth'spaghettification' The mass of the black hole and its enormous gravitational forces are what cause damage to nearby objects. According to the expert, one of the best known effects of black holes is called 'spaghettification' which makes an object that is too close stretch, like spaghetti. This effect is caused by a gradient of gravity passing through the object, that is, its different parts would experience different degrees of this force. Read moreHawking: A mini black hole would be enough to supply energy to the Earth, but kill her This thus, if a black hole approaching Earth, the closest part would feel a gravitational force much more powerful than the rest. As aresult, the planet would break apart. Death by radiation Pimbblet highlights another problem for anything on or near a black hole orbit is that this is very hot. Therefore, long before becoming espaguetizados, we could be burned by the radiation emitted by the hole. This radiation, which would be fatal to our planet, is generated when a black hole feeds on new material. Becoming a hologram However, otherwise, we may not even realize if a supermassive black hole swallow us below its horizon event (the point beyond which the information can not escape from a black hole), as nothing would change for us, even for a short period of time, before the disaster occurred. Based on this situation, the scientist It offers another scenario: we could continue living in holographic form after 'shock' a black hole. With this Pimbblet refers to the theory created last year by physicist Samir Mathur of Ohio State University, USA, which holds that everything that contacts a black hole is not destroyed, but becomes a imperfect copy of itself, exist in the same way as before. According to this theory, black holes are not considered 'murderers', but a kind of copy machines. This scenario apparently is the most positive for our © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization 

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