
11 de marzo de 2016

Ukraine sabotages the agreements Minsk

The coup government of Ukraine melts in internal disputes, while its allies, with the United States to press for the establishment head the fiercest neoliberalism and de-nationalize companies and resources

Petinaud Jorge Martinez / Prensa Latina
Moscow, Russia. The Latin expression "for the Greek calends" (something that will never be fulfilled) seems the Ukraine to implement the peacemakers agreements signed in Minsk on February 12, 2015.
More than 1 year of the signing of the document of 13 points in the capital of Belarus by the representative of the rulers of Kiev and the insurgent Popular Donetsk (RPD) and Luganks (RPL) Republics, authorities arrived to power after the coup of February 22, 2014 insist on various pretexts to avoid fulfilling their commitments.
Not even because the understandings in search of a political solution to the conflict were sealed with the approval of the leaders of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, who took over the country by breaking the constitutional order fulfill the agreement.
The former president and Ukrainian representative at the talks, Leonid Kuchma, was the protagonist of the latest snub, on February 17, after a meeting of the Contact Group in Minsk.
Text Goes Minsk agreements include an immediate cease-fire and complete in Donbass and the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the zone of fighting "
How can we ensure the holding of local elections in the Donbass (Southeast Ukraine), rebuilding infrastructure, improving socioeconomic status, whether the attacks and clashes occur constantly ?, asked before the press without reference to the Kiev ultranationalist serving areas besieging rebel groups.
Another pretext Kuchma was highlighted by the Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has never had full access to rebel-controlled territory, including the border with Russia.
However, the OSCE itself repeatedly denounced in recent weeks shootings of Ukrainian troops against their patrols of observers in the RPD and RPL, despite traveling in vehicles identified with the logo of the international organization.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, pretended dates repeatedly in recent lack of security at Donbass to justify failure to date of the political stage under the peacemakers agreements.
Poroshenko insists on continuing the heavy bombing that prevent inspectors OSCE field meet its mission of monitoring compliance with the ceasefire situation blaming Russia.
On this basis, the Ukrainian head like Kuchma says that can only talk about the elections in Donbass or amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine once occurred ceasefire and Kiev has regained control over the state border with Russia.

key agreements

Minsk commitments include an immediate cease-fire and complete in specific areas of Donbass, withdrawal of heavy weapons from the area of ​​clashes and control and monitoring by the OSCE.
European-union-300Also provide the discussion with the rebels -still pending- on the future status of the regions of conflict, pardon and amnesty for all participants, exchange of prisoners on the principle of "all for all" and the creation of humanitarian corridors.
Kiev must also provide guarantees to restore socioeconomic relations with insurgents territories and can take full control over the Russian-Ukrainian border.
The tenth point provides for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Ukraine, whose failure promulgated Poroshenko himself by signing the document number 716-VIII adopted on October 6, 2015 by the unicameral Parliament, which provides foreign-born capacity to sign contract legal service in the Army and other military formations.
The increased presence of foreigners in the armed forces and other martial formations it reduces the need of the call to military service during mobilization for a special period of the citizens of Ukraine, he wrote the press service of Poroshenko.
Other key points nonperforming Minsk agreements are constitutional reform in Ukraine and holding local elections in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
The latest agreement establishes agreed monitoring points Minsk agreements by the Contact Group.
While Ukrainian leaders scheduled for  indefinitely  all these points Minsk-2 and other commitments agreed with their US sponsors and the European Union as the implementation of anti - corruption laws, the West blames Russia for these failures to justify the application of economic sanctions against Moscow.
President Vladimir Putin said on February 17 that makes no sense to associate the lifting of sanctions against Russia with the agreements known as Minsk-2 because Ukraine violates the commitments signed on February 12, 2015 in Belarus.
Referring to the talks held here with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the Russian leader noted that such retaliation is a responsibility of the European Union (EU), which imposed unilaterally.
Not depend on us when the EU will remove the sanctions, said the president.
We have listened and heard today, he added, that the suspension of sanctions depends on the implementation of the Minsk agreements by the warring parties, who were accompanied in the format of Normandy by Russia, France and Germany.
However, he stressed, I think any objective observer now sees that the  ball  is on the grounds of the Ukrainian authorities.First and foremost, they must meet the conditions of the agreements Minsk.
The Kremlin chief said that the key issue is the political settlement, first create political conditions by introducing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, which is explicitly reflected in the text of the understandings of Minsk.
Clearly says that before the end of 2015, Ukraine had to make changes to its Constitution and, as we can see, this was not recalled the president.
Putin noted that there are other unresolved problems that obstruct the implementation of the commitments of Minsk. He was emphatic in warning that depends not only from Moscow, but, first of all, "Kiev's partners".
We hope they overcome the turbulent political processes, said Putin, and that the sectors in Ukraine seek the solution of these problems can find strength and support to lead this process to the end.
It makes no sense to associate the lifting of sanctions of the European Union against Russia with the implementation of the agreements of Minsk now, because, again, the  ball  is not in the land of Russia, he insisted the head of the Kremlin.
However, he concluded the leader of the Eurasian state, we feel comfortable and confident that sooner rather than normalization of ties between Russia and the European Union later occur.

Turbulent political process

Recent resignations of neoliberal ministers to pressure reluctant Ukrainian oligarchs to open the control of national resources to foreign capital and defections in the majority coalition showed an underhand crisis war in the Donbass and are obstacles to the implementation of Minsk-2 .
The most relevant case is the Minister of Economy and Trade, the Lithuanian nationalized Ukrainian Aivaras Abromavicius, who told reporters denounced the obstacles in senior positions in the ruling coalition to push forward reforms committed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and transnational monopolies.
To comment on this matter, the American Elizabeth Pond, author of several books on the Soviet Union, Germany and the European Union, said that with the resignation of Abromavicius the confrontation between reformers and oligarchs occurred "earlier than expected".
Also a journalist and  blogger  told agency Ukrainian UNIAN news that Kiev faces the difficult choice of being diluted in the wars between oligarchs and, despite everything, implement reforms promised to those who sponsored the coup of February 22, 2014.
In his opinion, the oligarchic clans in conflict both within government and outside the executive, recently began to settle by the relative lull in fighting in the Donbass (east of the country) and decided they can return to their usual belligerence in search of spheres of influence.
Pond recognized the positive character of the fragile armistice between the troops of Kiev and militants, allowing the country to focus on advancing the reforms demanded by the IMF, but warned of a negative influence linked with the tycoons, who can return to their usual confrontation for control of the economy.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Supreme Rada (unicameral Parliament of Ukraine), Volodymyr Groisman, admitted that the recent resignation of four ministers in the economic sphere by choice marks the entry of the country into a serious political crisis.
Along with Abromavicius, they resigned, although the latest Andrei Pivovarskiy (Infrastructure), Aleksey Pavlenko (Common Agricultural Policy) and Yuriy Stets (Information Policy) Three withdrew the resignation after an extraordinary meeting of cabinet ministers. According to Groisman, representatives of political parties along with the president Petro Poroshenko should make every effort to stabilize the situation, and personally promised consultations with the various parliamentary factions to resolve this problem.
He added the head of the Verkhovna Rada that under repeated problems with the agreement of the majority coalition, it is necessary to update the agreement to renew the alliance and the government. He urged not think of "names" but to appoint persons able to solve the problems that the country expects, and in this regard called on politicians to be mature.
He said the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (ONAU) must quickly assess the complaint Abromavicius on the pressure of the first deputy head of the Bloc Petro Poroshenko, Igor Kononenko faction. If not evidence related charges Kononenko, at least should require responsibility, said Groisman.
The US government and transnational corporations can provide Ukraine the best technologies and investments if approved reforms "
Meanwhile, Poroshenko said on Facebook that spoke to Abromavicius to continue as head of the Ministry of Economy and Trade. He noted that his party supporting reforms Minister of Economy is also guaranteed from now on.
Regarding Kononenko, one of the strong men in the party that bears his name, he said Poroshenko addressed the ONAU to facilitate research.
In submitting his resignation at a press conference, Abromavicius said that neither he nor his team want to be "cover for blatant corruption, puppets controlled by those" who want to establish control over state funds. One of those names is Igor Kononenko, said the complainant. A warning from Washington sent to Kiev via teleconference the IMF Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, who expressed "concern" about the situation in Ukraine regarding the complaint of Abromavicius and outstanding loans of the international organization, promoter of neoliberal privatization .
"If the allegations made by announcing his resignation are reliable, then it is obviously a sign that measures to combat corruption, why has strongly advocate the government, still do not work, and you need to make further progress in this area, "he concluded the head of the IMF.
The president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, confirmed on 17 February last the seriousness of the political crisis with the resignation of the government request in full and the Attorney General Victor Shokin. the time for the partial renewal of the Cabinet of Ministers was lost, you need a complete restart, sentenced in a message quoted by the news agency Ukrinform.
He added the millionaire became head of state that the Executive did much to save the country, stabilize the economic situation and initiate reforms, but the company determined that there are more mistakes than achievements and refused to trust ministers.
In medical terms, Poroshenko stressed that restoring confidence is now insufficient "therapy" and "surgery", by which he reiterated that complete "reboot" of government is needed is needed. He left the decision of Prime Minister Arsenii Ysteniuk take the option, suggesting that now "the Prime Minister can still choose the best way to implement this demand."
However, in an attempt to save the majority yet but divide parliamentary coalition, he insisted that the total reformatting the Executive should be based on the current alliance Block Petro Poroshenko (calling itself now Solidarity), the Popular Front, of Yatseniuk, Self Help and Patria, Yulia Tymoshenko.
In this regard, he called the Popular Front separately with the argument that the coalition is working "not for positions, but for the sake of principles. At least people will just say so, is not it? "He said.
Regarding the possible dissolution of the Supreme Rada, the president clarified that it is not a duty, but only a right of the statesman, and stressed that only use it as a last resort. He said that Ukraine has no time reserves for less than one biennium dive for the fourth time in an election campaign, even in conditions of war carried out against the population of Kiev Donbass (South East). Poroshenko that the issue of "the restoration of confidence has to be solved within the walls of Parliament," he said.
Another recognition of the failure of the policy of those who came to power after the coup of February 22, 2014 was the call expressed the same day by the governing Attorney General Viktor Shokin, to "write the letter of resignation."According to Poroshenko, "the Attorney General, unfortunately, failed to win the trust of society. And that is why the resignation of Attorney General is on the agenda ".
In the US, the newspaper  Washington Post  joined in an editorial criticism against the prevailing corruption in Ukraine in what he called "oligarchic capitalism" that took root in that country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The newspaper noted that the resignation of Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Aivaras Abromavicius, is a new warning to Ukrainians that the country should be freed from "chronic corruption and decay oligarchical" leaders.

The ruling coalition  makes water

The head of the party Batkivshchyna (Fatherland), Yulia Tymoshenko, confirmed in this context that his faction leaves the majority parliamentary coalition in Ukraine following the failed vote on a confidence motion against the government headed by Yatsenyuk.
will-people-300Former prime minister, Tymoshenko announced that decision in the halls of parliament, according to Rossiya channel showed the 24. He argued that the Rada showed extraordinary events that took place a secret, and that the Batkivshchyna fraction decided that the only possible step is the withdrawal coalition leader emphasized the bench.
The director of the Ukrainian Institute of Global Strategies Vadim Karasev, said the failure in the confidence vote against the executive ratified the factual absence of the coalition in parliament, which was known for quite some time.
The vote showed that the coalition de facto does not exist, as the government thanks to the votes of the Bloc Opponent of the Renaissance and Volya groups and some independent deputies, he said remained.
He reasoned the expert quoted by Interfax-Ukraina that these political forces are groups of MPs and legislators linked with big Ukrainian businessmen as Rinat Akhmetov and Igor Kolomoyskiy. He stressed Karasev the government in its further work is required to reach agreements with different groups in parliament, and if foreign policy will be geared towards its partners in the legal coalition, from the economic point of view is supported by a commitment wider within the legislature, including opposition bloc.
Analyst adds that the alliance remains de jure as if their official breakup, would have to form a new majority and the problem would arise who would, or would have to hold early parliamentary elections. "And as the key political players, namely the Poroshenko Bloc (BPP) and the Popular Front (of Yatseniuk), do not want today said early elections, then the coalition will survive legally, but de facto does not exist", reaffirmed Karasev.
The parliament said the government and the prime minister that they are losers and assessment of their work is unsatisfactory, remarked the director of the Institute, however, clarified that the Executive will remain at least until September, when the next session it might pose a vote of no confidence again.
The motion needed the support of 226 deputies and only reached 194, as the BPP contributed 39 fewer than expected, Samopomich scored 25 of 26 possible; Renaissance group is not taxed either 23, the Radical Party 15, 21, Volya, 6, 20 and 19. Patria 15 independent lawmakers were absent from the vote its 23 representatives and 35 so-called Block Opponent.
As a result of this crisis within the legislative, Samopomich party also withdrew from the majority coalition, according to a statement from his press service.
"The leaders of Samopomich Party have decided to recognize impossible the party's presence Samopomich in union with the political forces became participants of the oligarchical revolt in parliament, and stop participating in the parliamentary coalition," says the note.
Adds the writing that this political grouping decided to start creating a platform to unite the expert and social environments at national and regional level, "in order to coordinate joint positions on the Constitution of Ukraine, economic development and increase human welfare reforms in key sectors and the development of the action plan to achieve these goals. "
Samopomich threatened, finally, to initiate amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Elections", with a view to the next legislative elections based on open electoral lists.

West reacts

Given the evident political crisis in the order established after the coup of February 22, 2014, the Western mentors of the new rulers reacted immediately with statements and called to continue privatizations and social cuts.
In a comment to Ukrinform, the spokesman for the European Commission, Maja Kocijancic, he urged the Ukrainian authorities to show more action to resist the influence of the oligarchs on the political structure and take more effective action against monopolies. Also he called accelerate privatization of state enterprises with the supposed aim to "ensure more effective management" to improve local self-government, and advance the reform of public administration, including fiscal and tax services.
Geoffrey Pyatt, the US ambassador in Kiev, meanwhile, said the US military-industrial complex and other companies can provide Ukraine the best technologies and investments "provided the corresponding reforms." They are willing to take business risks, but not unpredictable risks, he warned, if Washington demands reforms occur. Ukraine has a great industrial potential that can be performed on condition of reforms, fighting corruption and achieving European standards, he concluded the US representative in Kiev.
Meanwhile, the head of the diplomatic mission of the European Union to Kiev, Jan Tombinski, said the integrationist bloc "expects the consolidation of parliament and the government on reforms" to continue providing assistance to Ukraine.
All this context of political and economic instability are additional barriers to the implementation of the Minsk agreements, which are waiting for the  Greek calendars.
Petinaud Jorge Martinez / Prensa Latina

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