
10 de marzo de 2016

war between the Rothschilds

war between the Rothschilds


Last year, Baron David de Rothschild was charged by the French government after being denounced for fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of British retirees . many years have been necessary to bring this case against Rothschild and Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of retirees, many of whom lived in Spain, in a scheme of false loan between 2005 and 2008. in June 2015, the liaison judge Javier Gomez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild should face trial for his crimes, and the French police who recorded for evidence in its various mansions spread throughout France was ordered.

 If While this news, which occurred last year, and is itself important one to represent an accusation against a member of the clan Rothschild, the truth is that this Friday March 4, 2016, has made ​​an announcement of particular importance in this regard. the French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch banking empire of the Rothschild ...

According to Bloomberg, the Swiss unit of the private bank Edmond de Rothschild, said it is the subject of a French investigation into an earlier business relationship managed by a former employee. a logo of Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild is seen on the bank building before a news conference for the group's 2010 results, in Geneva "Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the ongoing criminal investigation" said bank based in Geneva, in an e - mailed statement on Friday.

"The bank denies all allegations that have been made ​​against the company" Edmond de Rothschild, a private bank asset management established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 million euros (US $ 164 million) and is currently led by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. the Swiss unit has its roots in the acquisition of Banque Privée in Geneva in 1965. the company has not further comment so far, according tothe statement. 

the Rothschild empire has been the main instrument that allowed move the wealth of the world elite from traditional tax havens such as the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands, to the US last month, the Free Thought Project reported on the "manufacture" a tax haven established within the same of the United States by the Rothschilds. 

We talk about it in Article DISCLOSE THAT ROTHSCHILD aND oTHER bANKS HELP tO HIDE CAPITAL oF tHE WORLD iN US increasingly Swiss and foreign banks are shifting fortunes of its customers to the US, which has not signed international banking standards. US It has become the best option to move the bank accounts of the wealthy to avoid paying taxes and hide it from the governments of other countries. After years lunging other nations by helping wealthy Americans hide their money, now EE. UU.

It is emerging as a prime tax haven for wealthy foreigners. Nearly 100 countries, including the US is not signed agreements on the exchange of information on financial accounts of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). the European bank Rothschild, with a strong influence on the US Federal Reserve and other major banks based in Switzerland, Bermuda or the Cayman islands have opened and transfer the fortunes of their foreign customers to their new branches in the states of Nevada (Reno) and South Dakota, where they are not subject to the new rules of disclosure and promote confidentiality and low taxation. the American country is "the biggest tax haven in the world" lacks " resources to enforce foreign tax laws and does not have really wanted to do , "said the CEO of Rothschild, Andrew Penney.

US attracts foreign customers to deposit their money in the country, guaranteeing return full confidentiality, which US makes is one of the few countries where financial institutions promote fundraising ensuring that information on deposits will not be disclosed to foreign authorities. The question, in short, not only has to do with tax evasion that foreign nationals held in their countries of origin but also with capital inflows coming from illicit activities and is an attempt to money laundering.

Recall that the Rothschild banking dynasty has been accused of manipulating multiple governments around the world and virtually control from the shadows world history over the past 200 years. There is ample historical evidence to show that the family has used insider information to swindle huge amounts of money from public and private funds. during the battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars,

Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of use of "inside information" that led to the Rothschild family to take over an entire nation. in 1815, when there was the decisive battle of Waterloo, there were rapid methods of communication as which we have today and messengers were needed to transmit information in wartime.Rothschild is advantage of this by having spies in the front line of the battle and send information to the powerful family faster than they did the messengers used by the military.

When the British won the decisive battle, Nathan Rothschild, was, of course, the first to know, and immediately went to the bag and began to sell their shares, as he spread the rumor that the French had won the battle and the war. This created a panic on the floor of the stock market and investors from all over England began to frantically sell their shares. With the price of all shares plummeting, Rothschild was able to buy all the English market for a fraction of the cost. When it came true message indicating that the British had been victorious, the market value soared, and that allowed Nathan Rothschild became his family in one of the richest families in the world.

Whatever the case, the Rothschild family become an icon of the elites who rule the world from the shadows and into a leitmotif of regular use. through many alternative media has spread the idea that all the world's ills come primarily from 2 families: the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and most of the public has embraced the idea with enthusiasm, basically because it is easy to take and easy to digest, since it allows to identify and put a name to the "bad". 13-illuminati-bloodlinesObviously, both families or clans have been involved in most ills affecting the world in recent decades and deserve to be severely punished for it. no one will discuss it at this point.

But we invite readers to some questions asked, not the in order to discuss or question any of the existing theories but inviting awaken a critical spirit and cast doubt on the convictions that many of us have. for example, does it not seem suspiciously easy how alternative means of Internet have been identified so clearly who are to blame for all our ills and we know exactly their names? it is so easy to identify as the "bad guys" that one comes to suspect that this argument "easy as pie" has been promoted premeditated, to appease the craving with the masses of descubir those who run the world behind the scenes.

When everyone started to wonder who really rules the world, on the Internet have begun to proliferate, unhindered, all kinds of theories identifying the elites who control everything and identified them with names and images so clear that seem written by a screenwriter: khazaras mafias, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and a thousand and one parallel and complementary alternatives in the form of secret societies malignant.

When we say this, that no one interprets that are denying the truth of these theories, as most of them are well informed and even documented. what we want to emphasize is that if it is true that most of these clans and groups actually exist and act effectively, is suspicious ease with which they are exposed and are associated with a clear and defined image in the nets. they all have a name that sounds good, it is easy to remember and have something like . to a corporate image that characterizes them , as would a professional writer or a creative of an advertising agency to create a campaign it's as if someone had said, "questions are asked, we will give easy answers to hold onto them and stop trying to go beyond.

" And it is there is a whole market of theories about it , it seems sell arguments as if they were novels. in this market, depending on the beliefs or fantasies of each, you can buy the" product more it fits your needs "to interpret the nature of these elites to your liking ...

Ask yourself this question: if you had a huge superior to any state which would allow them to rule the world from the shadows for decades or even centuries to , would no longer identify so easily? Would you favor to you that the truth be revealed, or favor them more than reigned utter confusion about his identity and that everyone focus their attention elsewhere? telecita and the question key: really meant something to know who are the ones who rule the world? what serves you know who these elites, with names, if they remain slaves to their mobile phones, their mortgages, their beliefs religious and ideologies that they promote? 're not saying that all information found on the Internet on the identity and activities of these elites are false and all other manipulations. we are not discrediting not one of these theories must be the readers who choose to do so or not.Only we invite you to ask questions, even about things they take for sure, because doing so is always a healthy exercise.

And with regard to the central story of this article, it is true, will investigate Bank activities Rothschild ... and apparently, this is just the beginning. we believe that will fall many banks and will roll many heads of high finance that until now we had been led to believe they were unachievable and invulnerable. and many people believe that things are changing ... But it's all part of schedule: we are about to experience skin change system worldwide and the demise of the old political and economic paradigm based on infinite growth; and soon we will live, (we'll see whether smoothly or traumatically), the birth of the new paradigm that has been predesigned to be applied across the planet. When this happens, we sell by all means and through multiple voices across the political spectrum, the argument that the world will be a fairer, more equal and Internet shall thousand place and theories boosted by dark characters who will tell us about a "victory of good over evil , " speaking of fanciful secret societies so perfectly designed with evocative names that appear to play a Hollywood screenwriter or a written bestseller ... Do we leave

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