
2 de octubre de 2016

“FBI Collapsing in on itself” – Israel Bribed Hillary!

“FBI Collapsing in on itself” – Israel Bribed Hillary!

The Traitor
Though none of this surprises me – I mean you’ve got to be a blithering, blabbering idiot not to realise just how dangerous this woman is & the FBI has to be loaded with people who think straight – nevertheless I’m thankful these snippets of information are getting out because as I keep saying, the media will never reveal anything that can harm Hillary’s campaign. The system could not be more bent.
First thanks to Jacqueline Roberts for sending me this clip. Apparently the FBI is on state of collapse. 2000 agents could quit if Hillary wins. Considering the FBI has 6800 agents & another 7000 staff, this will be a devastating blow that could take ages to rectify. So what is the reason for this potential mutiny? The word is out. While claiming to be fighting terrorism –


– double the aid to ISIS & Netanyahu will ensure wealthy donors will swell the Clinton foundations coffers by $200 million! This clip claims the FBI have a recording of Netanyahu promising Hillary this. If only THAT could be leaked!
Again, no surprise. I said all along. From the moment this band of mercenaries were christened ISIS by the media, ‘they’re terrorists alright but their leaders are in Tel Aviv! This is the article I wrote back in Feb 2015 –

ISIS Are Terrorists But Their Commanders Are in the Knesset and Mossad

Apparently Netanyahu is scared his deal will fall through. He met with Trump who said NO DEAL! Well if this is true & I have no reason to disbelieve it, then good on you Trump. Seemingly Trump does not want to be dictated to by Tel Aviv – well Hallelujah to that!

Moreover most of the FBI want Trump to win & prosecute all the traitors. Well, need I even say this is exactly what America needs. The FBI & the rule of law have continually been usurped by the Clintons & insiders say many in the FBI are fed up with having the rug pulled from under them.

Just the other day in my video TRUMP vs HILLARY I stated ‘when the media say anything it is Israel talking!’ I bloody well meant this! Small wonder the media is doing everything it can to protect Hillary. It is up to us to spread the word – if she gets in the White House, things WILL dramatically worsen!
Here are the two TRUE PUNDIT links the video above spoke about – 

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Used Agents As Pawns To Insulate Hillary, Aides & Clinton Foundation From Prosecutions

Breaking And Exclusive – FBI – Pentagon Leak – FBI Is In The State Of Collapse

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