
13 de septiembre de 2017

13 symptoms in humans associated with solar storms

A solar flare is a magnetic storm in the Sun that appears to be a very bright spot and a gaseous eruption on the surface. Solar flares release huge amounts of high-energy particles and gases that are extremely hot and are expelled thousands of miles from the surface of the sun. But how would they directly affect people?

Even though there are no specific studies on the incidence of solar flares in humans, a study published by New Scientest magazine asserts that there would be a direct connection between solar storms and the human biological effect since the conduit would facilitate the charged particles from the Sun to the human disturbance, is the same that directs the Earth's climate through the Earth's magnetic field and also through the magnetic fields around humans.

Resultat d'imatges de Tierra cogida con las manos

According to the news portal of the Catalan therapist of reconnective healing and the reconnection of Ferran Delriu, solar flares could cause us to have the following symptoms:


but why? According to the specialized site, solar flares and photon waves are changing the fabric of our physical reality, as they have a powerful effect on our cellular physical level, causing us to awaken and clear our cellular memory. We often experience this as if the body was heating up in the form of "hot flashes".

Our emotions are low frequency energies stored in our cells from past experiences and traumas that we have encountered and never processed - so they are stored as cellular memory. Photonic energy is a much higher frequency energy that raises the lower emotional frequency, so that it can be calibrated at a higher frequency, therefore we find ourselves releasing these emotions as sadness and pain without knowing the why.

This will have a duration of about 20 minutes in which we remain wondering where these feelings came from just like that, out of nowhere. The elements of our template are interconnected in the cellular consciousness and when the template is amplified through photon energies, various elements of the template are filtered into consciousness and we begin to remember our true purpose.

The interesting fact is that this energy being of a higher frequency, creates the power of instantaneous manifestation of our thoughts, which means that whatever we think, we create it instantly. This has never happened before in our lifetime, and that is why many people are writing books on the subject of the Power of Attraction.

Photonic energy is connected to our thoughts, so it is important that we know what we want, otherwise we are going to manifest more of what we do not want.

Solar flares can break old patterns that are no longer needed for new ones to emerge. This can make us feel agitated and exhausted at the same time. It can also wreak havoc with telecommunications.

Then, it would be the product of this conjugation of antecedents that a series of situations would be manifesting of daily form in the human beings, such as: to feel that time and space are beginning to falter erratically; easily lose the notion of time; losing words when speaking; feel that the day passes by; sleeping badly and waking up many times at night; feel an enormous energy inside and then give way to an energy downturn; nausea, dizziness, body aches and feeling of pain.

In order to adjust these solar energies in our interior, we suggest meditating, praying and working on yourself every day of your life. To experience detachment from material things, to withdraw the ego from within and to increase the practice of unconditional love to all life everywhere.

Ask your presence I Am, to guide you in this new spiritual path that you have undertaken. May compassion and unconditional love guide your altruistic intentions, so that you can unconditionally serve your fellow men. Help Mother Gaia to stabilize her Earth's crust, you can be an antenna channel that can transmit the stagnant energy in the nodes and power lines, back to the Central Sun of the Galaxy.

Gaia will thank you for your help. Thus she will have a painless birth. In return she will protect you under any circumstances. It is a promise that Gaia will fulfill.

Article written and published by Yudith Romero Medina

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