
14 de septiembre de 2017

Confirmed by several sources: Absolute collapse or total economic liberation. Amazing.

DEPLOYMENT" - GCR / RV SITREP Last night was confirmed by multiple sources that the RV, Republic and USN or the elimination of the USD globally are intrinsically linked. "We will not have the old American money built and new money from existing republic at the same time (simultaneously). It must be one or the other by the Ancients. Think about the ramifications of that. Absolute collapse or complete economic liberation. Astonishing. They look now willing to publicly accept any collateral damage that the sudden end of the USD would bring.How is that for a game of power that unfolds to force the advance of the USN, Republic and RV!

Which means, the old early private redemption strategies that had been launched now are gone, and leaving the clock running out in USD (full) come September 30, 2017 is the new game plan - regardless of what which politicians claim or the passing laws. 

The one who has the gold makes the golden rules - and they have already decided enough. 

This also means that true gold collateral owners backing our new financial system are only supporting their system at midnight EDT on October 1, 2017.

Both systems can no longer exist together as they have since December 25, 2012 when the Federal Reserve Bank and the US corporation defaulted on all their sovereign debt / obligations .. worldwide. 

This is why a new golden gold coin was printed, released in April 2013, and done in a way that embarrassed the US Corporation so it was subtly suggesting that the USD was nothing more than a "monetary monopoly" . You will see that massive political and banking decisions are developed before the final months to jump over the band's car of the new system. Further,

this means the fateful end of the Trump Administration mercifully in September, given that two government mechanisms can not exist (simultaneously) simultaneously as well. 

One or the other. Truth or illusion. Not both. God or not God. Same or service. 

Those "Ave Maria" operations with the weather actions with artificially modified hurricanes did not work. 

Pray was the last breath of a dying beast bleeding in form after a thousand sword wounds. The introduction of the Republic will be done in harmony with the new US fiscal year 2018, which begins on October 1, 2017. Therefore, so we are competing to get the website ready for our fellow quad and quint trillionaires .

Strange world in which we live safe, but finally truth and fiction can no longer exist on the same plain. In the long run this is financial freedom. Emotional release however will remain an individual choice. So be it. 

God is with us. 

N. of the R. 

GCR - Global Currency Reset - Global Monetary 

Resettlement RV - Revaluation / Revaluation of Devalued Currencies 

SITREP - SITuation REPort - 

USD Status Report - US dollar currency code (by ISO standard 4217) 

USN - New Gold Currency backed by the United States 


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