
15 de septiembre de 2017

Meanwhile the Spanish government and the EU forgive more than 1 billion in fines to large companies ...

How well Rajoy has done the  proces  to hide recentralisation, cutting freedoms, corruption and other mamandurrias ... 

The point is that with lid Catalonia Spain -the Spanish- people have lost 1,100 million euros in fines

Traduction: : [Friendship Capitalism] Telefónica, Intel and Repsol: MORE THAN 1.100 MILLION EUROS IN FINES ANNULLED IN TWO WEEKS

In two weeks Repsol, Telefonica, Vodafone, Orange, Intel had the same 'lucky': the suppression of millions in fines. The National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) imposed on the energy multinational Repsol a fine of 22.6 million euros in July 2015. The body chaired by José María Marín Quemada considered that the company had committed infringements price formation and application of discounts on their relationships with their service stations bearers. In his day, Repsol described the punishment as "unfair, disproportionate and unfounded".

A few months earlier, CNMC had already imposed a fine of 20 million euros to the company when considering price tested the pact with other groups competing in a record that also affected Cepsa, Disa and GAIP. But the final resolution moved away from the allegations. In a judgment handed down on 28 July, the High Court upheld the appeal tax Repsol to be a " procedural defect" so that the multinational was saved from it.

Tuesday September 5 the same dynamic with the fine imposed on telecommunications companies Telefonica, Vodafone and Orange followed. In this case the fine imposed in 2012 by the National Court, amounted to 120 million euros. This time the reason was the abuse of position that CNMC felt it was taking place, charging excessive prices in wholesale markets related to short messages (SMS). 
Specifically, the CNMC estimates that Telefonica Moviles had to pay a total of 46.5 million euros; Vodafone, 43.5 million euros, and Orange, 30 million euros.

The following case occurred last Wednesday, when the Court of Justice of the European Union annulled a fine of 1,060 million euros imposed in 2009 by the Commission to Intel, also for abuse of dominant market position. The fine, which reached the highest figure ever in respect of sanctions, annulling the understanding that the General Court "had failed to examine in detail the offered discounts and all circumstances of the case", according to the American multinational.

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