
8 de septiembre de 2017

Our Tax Code is a Giant Self-Inflicted Economic Wound

Trump sells tax reform: ‘Our tax code is a giant self-inflicted economic wound’
- Alex Pappas in Fox News

Alex Pappas at Fox News writes “President Trump took his push to reform the country’s tax laws on the road to North Dakota on Wednesday, describing America’s tax code as ‘a giant self-inflicted economic wound,’ as he called for drastic tax cuts for individuals and businesses.” The President described the complexities of the tax code and stated his goal to simplify it, noting the tax preparation industry is “one business I want to drive down.” The President, noting tax reform was good for all Americans, told the crowd that anybody who would vote against tax cuts and reforms have to be voted “out of office.” 

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The Daily Signal reports that President Trump “took his crusade for tax reform” to North Dakota’s Andeavor Refinery on Wednesday, pushing for reforms that would simplify the tax code, increase business investment here at home, and eliminate special interest loopholes.


In rightsizing the government, The Washington Free Beacon reports that “the Environmental Protection Agency will soon employ the lowest number of workers since the Ronald Reagan administration,” since “hundreds of employees have accepted buyouts and taken early retirement since President Donald Trump's inauguration.”


Regarding immigration, at The Weekly Standard economist Irwin M. Stelzer writes that the boundaries of executive authority were pushed to unconstitutional limits by the DACA program, and that the fate of DACA and its recipients now “rests where it belongs, with Congress.”

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