
12 de septiembre de 2017


Sunday, September 29, 2013

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IS DECLARED A transnational criminal organization.

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IS DECLARED A transnational criminal organization. 


I disagree with your assumption, that the popes and kings, can not be judged like any other man, or being unable to equivocarse.Si there is any presumption; it is the other way against those in power.
There is no worse heresy than that the habit sanctifies the wearer. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Historical responsibility should therefore be exercised through the pursuit of legal responsibility. 
Lord Acton 1887.

On February 25, 2013, the Roman Catholic Church and its senior officers were legally convicted of making crimes against humanity, of masterminding a criminal international conspiracy to help and abetting child trafficking.
This verdict of the International Court of Common Law, found in the Church and its governing body, the Vatican Corporation SA constitutes a criminal organization under international law. (1).

11 July 2013. Pope Francis I, Jorge Bergoglio, confirmed the criminal status of his Church, to establish new internal policies, advising and compelían crime among his followers, clergy and employees. These policies and public statements of Bergoglio own, reaffirmed the existence of Canon Law, which protects children violators. Solicitationis crime. by which he calls on all Catholics to suppress the evidence of child trafficking violations and punishments threatening those who reveal that evidence.

For those comments and policies; Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but also commit treason in their own countries for violating laws protecting children; and also eroding the police structure.
In short, Pope, is not only facilitating international child abuse and trafficking, but also leading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the Law of Nations.

Under international law, those actions qualify as an act of war, and those responsible are justifiably declared enemies of the peace-loving humanity.
Let the world know, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, head Rome, is an enemy of humanity.
Consistent with this an arrest warrant was issued by the International Court of Common Law in Brussels; for the immediate arrest and prosecution of Jorge Bergoglio for those crimes.

Also let the fact, to recognize them as a proven criminal organization engaged in human trafficking, money laundering and child torture. The  Catholic Church  Romana  is an international criminal organization,  making war on humanity, their children, and their laws. Therefore the Roman Catholic Church, is subject to all penalties provided by the United Nations Convention against international organized crime. ( year 2000). 

These sanctions include forfeiture of all funds, properties and values ​​of the Church, the arrest of its officers, and the return of all stolen land and property in possession of the Church.
Indeed, they recognized criminal bodies such as the Vatican and the Church, have lost their right to exist, and are considered by civilized humanity, subject to dissolution, not only for its wealth, but also for their policies, laws and authority . And they are forever canceled. Anyone who participates in these dissolved organizations, or who pays for its operations, is committing a crime by collaborating with malefactors convicted.

The official maximum of the Church of Rome, beginning with Pope Francisco, are in fact fugitives from justice, under bona fide arrest warrants issued on August 1 and previously on 5 March 2013 (4) .
Therefore, these Church officials no longer possess more, no legal or moral right to claim on the obedience of either and both. They and their organization must be actively repudiated and dissolved under the law.

At the broadest level, the conviction and dissolution of this criminal institution, is not only legal and necessary, if it is not long overdue date.
Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that for centuries the Church of Rome, has acted as a predatory foreign power, exerting unrestricted warfare against humanity.
The Church of Rome and its puppet governments have illegally attacked, occupied and destroyed other nations; raped and pillaged lands of his vast wealth and vitality; caused cruel wars of aggression and genocide against other nations, and killed millions of people. They have undermined their rights and freedoms, robbed, terrorized and killed countless children and kept the world in a state of terror, dependence and poverty. And those crimes continue today with the help of governments around the world ..

Some of these collusive powers, including the Crown of England, and the government and churches of Canada; They have also been charged and convicted, by our court for those crimes and genocides, and now face under the same legal order the dissolution and annulment.
Thus, any government or agency in the world that continue to recognize and subsidize criminal Church of Rome, and its officers, is objectively involved in his crimes, and are also subject to sanctions.

In particular the Government of Italy, that through its obligations to the Vatican under the so Laterano called Treaty is an active participant in the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church, and through this treaty, is involved in the same criminal conspiracy and war crimes of this Church.
The Italian Government, and any state fund or recognize the Vatican; It can therefore be considered a terrorist regime and criminal threat Site, and subject to the full weight of the law, sanctions and force, usually used against nations that cause wars.

And this is the crux of the matter, why this is necessary, mentioning Lord Acton, for history. Judging criminal regimes, when the established laws refuse to do so.
Today the story, is embodied in the ability of men and women everywhere to demand the law and use it to dissolve, the powers that for centuries have oppressed and massacred their children.

Our International Court of Common Law is the first step in this claim, and the condemnation of Pope Benedict and the Vatican last February, was an opening and the first salvo heard around the world.
Today this proclamation of August 4 is the next step of canceling the power of the oldest and most violent in human history corporation more. The Church of Rome and its leaders.

As such, this proclamation are both; a statement of purpose and a legal instrument through which men and women everywhere can stick to the law and justice, and execute the verdict of history and his Court against the Vatican and his criminal regime.


1) Jorge Bergoglio, the so-called Pope of Rome, is a sought under international law to which he should be refused all assistance and protection, criminal all men and women are compelled to attend the officers and agents of this court to stop Bergoglio and deliver it to the Court of Common Law for prosecution and sentencing.

2) Since then, the Roman Catholic Church is declared an international criminal organization that has lost its right to wealth, property, authority and its right to exist as a corporate body, and immediately dissolved as an organization and its policies and laws are canceled.
All people are compelled not to associate and fund this criminal organization, under penalty of fine or imprisonment.

3) All citizens of each nation are allowed to assist in the active dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican SA, and the peaceful confiscation of goods, property and wealth of this corporation, and execute citizens arrests of clerics, especially known or suspected child molesters.

This signed and dated by the sender declaration. It constitutes the legal authorization of these actions and attached to the arrest warrant issued by our court on August 1, 2013.

These facts and the authority of this Tribunal, are hereby proclaimed, and ratified by the owner of this proclamation.

------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- ------- holder 's signature and date ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------- ------- ---

                                                          This proclamation is issued in nine languages ​​and publicly proclaimed in twenty languages ​​across twenty countries around the world.

G. Dufort Clerk of the Court
August 4, 2013
ICLCJ 08/04/13


1) Under international law a criminal organization, are three or more people inside or outside of a nation, who have as their main purpose or activity, provision of one or more serious crimes, which committed or induced result in receipt of a benefit material directly or indirectly by the group or any person in the group. Facilitate a crime does not require knowledge that the crime is being committed, or so the crime actually  being committed.(Black 's Law Dictionary) Dictionary of obscure legal terms. And it can also be seen in  for evidence of crimes committed by the Vatican, for which he was found guilty by the Court of Common Law.

For a copy of Crime Solicitationis see  Appe index in September.

3) Reference to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and itsProtocols (15 November 2000), particularly Articles 5,6 and 12. documents / treaties / UNTOC / Publications / TOC% 20Convention / TOCebook-e.pdf 

4) See   and appendix to the arrest warrant of August 1, 2013 

See evidence of genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocents in  and on the websites of the  International Tribunal for crimes committed by the Church and States. and www.  . 

An international website in several languages, the ITCCS can be found at :http: // kevinannettinternational.

The entire procedure for genocide in Canada, can be found at: v = UvhfXAd08TE  preview Court of Common Procedures Act (Genocide in Canada Part One)
1 h 46 m v = OPKFk_L7y9g preview Common Court Procedures Act (Genocide in Canada part two) 1h 47m v = ormOIlOi4Vc  preview Court Verdict and sentence 8 m and 30 sg v = IylfBxm3sMg  preview  Authorizations and Kevin Annett ITCCS endorsements of indigenous witnesses 10m v = CReISnQDbBE Previewing Irene Favel eyewitness incineration of a newborn by a priest in the Catholic school India Muscowegan in Saskatchewan, 1944 v = RBUd3UXt6fI  Other key testimony to our tribunal in the case of genocide in Canada,

Kevin Annett is a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize 2013, for messages can be left  250-591-4573  (Canada) or  386-323-57 
I gave kevin Annett his Indian name Aguila strong voice in 2004 when I adopted him for our nation Anishinabe  .He proudly bears this name because it is doing the job for which he was sent, tell your people speak their equivocaciones.El verdad.El strong and speaks for our stolen and killed niños.Yo ask everyone who will listen and welcome him.
Chief Louis Daniels Whispering Wind 
clan elder Crane, Anishinabe Nation. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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