
10 de septiembre de 2017

The Urantia Book - The Reflectivity of the Universe

Document 9

The Joint Actor can coordinate all levels of universal news in such a way that it makes possible the simultaneous recognition of the mental, the material and the spiritual. This is the phenomenon of universal reflectivity, that unique and inexplicable power to see, hear, feel and know all things as they occur everywhere in a super-universe, and focus, through reflectivity, all this information and knowledge at any desired point.

The action of reflectivity is perfectly displayed in each of the worlds central headquarters of the seven superuniverses. It also operates through all sectors of superuniverses and within the boundaries of local universes. The reflectivity is finally focused on Paradise.

The phenomenon of reflectivity, as observed in the astonishing facts of the reflective personalities stationed in the worlds governing superuniverses, represents the most complex inter-association of all phases of existence that are found in the whole creation.

The lines of the spirit can be traced back to the Son, physical energy, Paradise, and the mind to the Third Source; But in the extraordinary phenomenon of the reflectivity of the universe there is an exceptional and unique unification of the three, associated to allow the sovereign of the universe to know about remote situations instantaneously, simultaneously with their event.

We understand a lot about the technique of reflectivity, but there are many phases that really disconcert us. We know that the Joint Actor is the universal center of the mind circuit, which is the ancestor of the cosmic mind, and that the cosmic mind works under the control of the absolute mental gravity of the Third Source and Center.

We also know that the circuits of the cosmic mind influence the intellectual levels of any known existence; They contain the universal reports of space, as they focus on the Seven Ruler Spirits and converge in the Third Source and Center.

The relationship between the finite cosmic mind and the divine absolute mind seems to be evolving in the experiential mind of the Supreme. It has been shown to us that, at the dawn of time, the Infinite Spirit granted this experiential mind to the Supreme and conjecture that certain features of the phenomenon of reflectivity can be explained only by postulating the activity of the Supreme Mind.

If the Supreme does not deal with reflectivity, we can not explain the intricate transactions and the infallible operations of this consciousness of the cosmos.

Reflectance seems to be omnia within the limits of the experiential finite and may represent the emergence of the presence-consciousness of the Supreme Being. If this assumption is true, then the use of reflectivity in any of its phases is equivalent to partial contact with the conscience of the Supreme.

[Revealed in Urantia by a Divine Councilor of Uversa commissioned by the Elders of the Days to describe the nature and work of the Infinite Spirit.]

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