, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Who can make cans of tuna to 0.99?



Who can make cans of tuna to 0.99?

How can an industry producing three cans of light tuna in olive oil, selling to 0.99 euros, and be profitable? 
The answer to this paradox -denunciada this week in the eighth edition of the World Congress Vigo- tuna, is simple: 
"Nobody in the world is able to. It is impossible " , says resounding Juan Alonso, director of operations  Jealsa-Rianxeira. 
Neither  Thailand  with its low wage costs, and Spain with its efficiency is able to work this miracle, and less fish and traded at $ 2,500 (2,000 euros) per tonne.
So why you can be found on the supermarket shelf? 
Because the big distribution uses this flagship preserved as product demand (as was done with milk), to attract consumers to that particular string because leftover know supermarkets that coming, however planned to have your shopping list, always come out with this  pack of three cans of light tuna in olive oil to 0.99 euros and who knows how many more products that had not anticipated. 
The price is one of the challenges that the defendant remains in the market faces. But not alone.


Accounts not give. 
At 0.99 euros for the lot , we must deduct the  VATfrom 10%, which stays at 90. 
It must be divided between three because there are three cans:  0.30 each. If the container is discounted, and is reduced to 0.25. 
Not to forget olive oil  and subtract 0.9. 
Would for tuna  0.16: 
"There can not be fishermen, the fleet, the labor industry, machinery ... 'said Juan Alonso. 
And the chief operating officer of a company that has invested in three years' more than in the entire history of the company "to save costs through maximum utilization of raw material and lowering processing costs says.

product complaint

Detrimental to the image of the product. 
Trivialization that makes the distribution of the product is, according to the canners, detrimental to the image of the product and damaging to the whole sector. 
So in the conclusions of the World Conference of tuna, the need to "dignify the image of canned tuna and market positioning, avoiding trivialization in linear and enabling occupy the place that really corresponds it was stressed consumer basket ".

In the shopping cart

More common than prosciutto. 
Of course, tuna is king of the preserve. Seven out of ten consumers say buy tuna at least once in 15 days, a higher frequency at which the serrano ham or crab sticks are inserted into the cart. 
And they do it "because they like it , it is healthy, easy to consume, cooking and storing and because it is well priced , " according to the survey data that reeled in the top of tuna Xavier Cros, head of AECOC Shopper View, same as predicted for the product a successful future to be among the favorite  millennials  and because the market is at a time when most receptive to acquire new and innovative products that have not purchased before a breeding ground for all innovations that are being made to meet the growing demand for ecological, biological, craft or references  premium .


Veganism, "sustainfood" and other social sensitivities. 
On the trade front, the growing sympathy toward veganism and the public with special sensitivities are potential threats for manufacturers of canned tuna. 
Genma Trigueros, coordinator Powering the  OCU , drew attention to the fact that there are consumers who reject this or that product for ethical or political issues, hence within fishery products are interested in the flag ship that captured in which zone is caught or which country was prosecuted. Moreover, 35% of consumers are beginning to talk about sustainability. 
In fact, since 2014 they increased 7% those seeking  sustainfood , according to the latest study by AZTI on food trends (Eatendencias). 
also slip between threats Product fraud that have transpired, false myths such as the high presence of mercury It would have to eat ten weekly cans to overcome reticence recomendada- quantity or for fear of anisakis.


Towards 'zero impact'. 
This greater social awareness of the need to exploit resources sustainably has led to the proliferation of labels, certifications, accreditations and badges that sometimes, "does not favor understanding," as stated in the forum CEO Calvo for Europe Alberto Encinas. That, if not outright misleading. 
Nevertheless, the sector relies on tuna Aenor Responsible Fisheries, which certifies environmental sustainability standard, but also social and economic tuna that looks to create value. 
We must also move towards reducing production costs by using clean energy. 
In short, go to a 100% sustainable production.

Factory of the future

Technological advances. 
The industry has good allies in the quest for greater efficiency through cost savings. 
Inspired by the automotive technology, operators when sorting the fish, identify species and store the product have resulted in significant cost savings. 
The emergence of robots, reprogrammable, and other affordable technology leads to investigate its use in all lines, even in the processing, which has not yet been given the machine can replace the cleaners. But it will be, according to Emilio González ventured from Tacore.


In search of the 'level playing field'. 
Of course the demands of sustainability, responsibility and quality can not be demand only part of the operators. 
The search for a level playing field, the hackneyed "level playing field" is a goal that do not give canners who created the Observatory to monitor all Traceability compliant. 
It is the reaction to a situation that, for the director of the institute, José Carlos Castro, has a clear responsibility: 
the  European Commission , whose "gradually and steadily" promote market liberalization tuna with preferential access has meant that third countries have gained market share in Europe. 
The Community industry claimed at the summit uniform regulations to curb the fight against illegal fishing, a minimum percentage of import verification and control of artisanal fisheries, under which not infrequently illegal catches are masked application.

Business models

Tremendous uncertainty.  Everyone agrees that in the market there is tremendous uncertainty tunics. 
Moreover, Antonio Sánchez, commercial director of Thai cannery SPA International Food Group, dared to say that "no one is happy tuna in the world" by the "extremely complex situation" in which are handled. 
But there are those who have dared to take the crystal ball and make premonitions. The collected Juan Corrales, of Garavilla, and presented at the conference. 
According to these visionaries, in the future there will be four business models: the focus on standardized commodities, specialists in the development of private labels, which are dedicated to serving niche specific, large or small market and those devoted to direct sale without intermediaries. 
The latter, that will make your channel web, have already emerged early experiences in France . The  e-commerce  canned is in its infancy, but the alliance Whole Food with  Amazon -  and others that prepares this month the Galician sector with European giants sale  online - lets outline a new scenario in which the preserves will be only a click.

Keys to creating value

Inspiration, innovation and reputation. 
The three words that Luciano Pirovano, international marketing manager of Bolton Alimentari, gave as key to creating value found echo among the conclusions of the conference, where they were collected. 
Pirovano is necessary to use all possible tools for the product to become  top of mind , the one that comes to mind when a product is named and that just seeing inspire and evoke the consumer to cook.

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