
16 de septiembre de 2017

Why the RV had to wait until now

Entry sent anonymously at 12:13 PM EDT on September 16, 2017  Two major parasitic agendas outside the world were working with the secret government and targeting portions of humanity. One is or was connected with negative Pleiadians.They have been supporters of the secret government for a long time. When modifications to the source code manifested a couple of months of age, the Pleiadian Agenda was terminated and the Pleiadian parasites had to return to their home planets. The second parasite agenda was being operated by a civilization called the Grays.They are relatively newcomers but quickly gained power and influence within communism, particularly North Korea, and within certain minorities in the United States.The parasitic Gray Agenda also ended with changes to the Source Code and the secret government is now alone.

These parasitic agendas carried great power and were able to delay the change of humanity in a shared timeline based on the Light. The parasite agendas used black magic as control of the mind, curses and spells. Not until I started working with Brittany did these agendas come to light and were only defeated in the last month or two. The secret timeline of the secret government survived the August eclipse using the power of these parasitic agendas, but that power is now over. Humanity can now initiate the expected timeline change in a time line based on the Light, based on serving the greater good, based on truth and total revelation, based on the fullness of cosmic law.Planning is under way to create a televised event that will begin the new light-based shared human timeline.

(Note: The Pleiades group has more than 1,000 stars with only 14. Most of the planets of the Pleidian are of the Light and actively support our positive military for the new earth.)============================

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