
11 de septiembre de 2017

You can not serve to two lords; is God or money

Pope criticizes corruption in the Catholic Church and calls for renewal

You can not serve to two lords; is God or money, says religious in an encounter 

The pontiff presided over a Mass at the airport OlayaFoto Rev. Enrique 
Bernardo Barranco V. 
Special for La Jornada 
newspaper La Jornada 
Sunday 10 September 2017, p. 25 


Pope questioned the institutional rigidity, comfortable attachment to the doctrinal severity and, especially, corruption in the Church. Why should it be renewed, he said in his third homily on Colombian soil. "As Jesus buffeted the doctors of the law to come out of their rigidity, now the Church is buffeted by the Spirit to leave your comfort and attachments. The renewal we must not be afraid. The Church is always under renovation -Ecclesia semper reformanda-. The renovation involves sacrifice and courage, not to be considered better or neat, but to better respond to the call of the Lord. The Church is not ours nor doctors in law is from God, that is, is all. "

The fourth day focused on the mission of the Church, and in a meeting with priests, seminarians and religious. The pontiff moved to Medellin, Colombia's second largest city. In the large urban area there are about 4 million people. Francisco celebrated Mass at the Enrique Olaya Herrera airport in Medellin. He arrived with a delay of 40 minutes due to thick fog which prevented him from arriving by helicopter. Faced with more than a million attendees and a rainy atmosphere, he delivered a homily questioner both ecclesial actors as to the mission of the Church. The crowd waited patient from late in the morning. He endured cold, rain and wait. Pope, at the beginning of the celebration, apologized for the delay, to the applause of the people who struggled through mud and fatigue.

Conformism of senior

Francisco was blunt in his homily against the bureaucratic conformism of the hierarchy, both Colombia and Latin America, saying: "Today, us, we are asked to grow in courage, in an evangelical courage that comes from knowing that they are many who are hungry, hungry for God, hunger for dignity, because they have been stripped. And, as Christians, must be filled help of God, not prevent or forbid the meeting. Christians can not be continually lift up the banner of 'No Trespassing' or consider that this land is mine, adueñándome something that is not quite mine. " The message has as its background the loss of both Colombia and catholicity of all countries in the region. The state does not keep statistics on religions in the country. According to the survey Barometer of the Americas, Vanderbilt University in Colombia, only 60 percent are Catholic, while according to a large survey of El Tiempo, the Colombian newspaper, Roman Catholics reach 70 percent. There is great change to the Pente and neo churches, which also remain very active in party politics. Therefore, Francisco Fix: We do not cling to a certain style, a certain practices that bring us closer to the way of being of some Pharisees then. Let us freedom of Jesus. Because you have to go to the essential, renew and get involved. Impossible to ignore the mention made of Medellin, the mythical documents in 1968 prompted the bishops to the Church to opt for the poor and who were the determining factor for the emergence of liberation theology seed. This was referred: "Colombia is called to engage more boldly in the formation of missionary disciples. Disciples who can see, judge and act, as proposed by Latin American document that was born in these lands (cf. Medellin, 1968). Missionary disciples ".

But not everything in the visit is solemnity. The paisas humor and are told to Antioquia in Medellin, is special and witty. For days Castalia Pascual conductive Panama has become a trend in social networks, because live full transmission for the TVN channel was confused. He reported: "Right here, on National Avenue, where it is expected to pass the pope Francisco in the 'Batmobile'. Forgiveness, in the popemobile ". Memes have been relentless not only the journalist, but with the now batipapa Francisco. Medellin sarcasm there are around a spectacular municipality, near the airport, in English welcomes Argentine pope. In a big announcement reads: "Pope Francis Medellin council declare as illustrious son of the city".

In the afternoon, at the Hogar San Jose in Medellin, home to abandoned, homeless and orphans of war, children had an emotional meeting Francisco, where he pounced infants. Bergoglio took time to share with hundreds of children in unfavorable conditions. Hence, very sweetly, they said, listening to all the difficulties that have passed I came to the memory of the heart the unjust suffering of so many children around the world who have been and continue to be innocent victims of the wickedness of some .

Then he met with seminarians, priests, consecrated religious and entertainment center in La Macarena, in the heart of the city and next to the Medellin River. To religious actors, Francisco warned of ecclesial corruption. He said: "Vocations die when they want to nurture honors when they are driven by the quest for personal peace and social promotion, when motivation is 'up category', sticking to material interests, which even the clumsiness of profit motive. I said on other occasions and I repeat: Do not forget that the devil enters the pocket forever. We have to be vigilant, because corruption in men and women who are in the Church so begins, little by little, -we then Jesus says mismo- is rooted in the heart and just evicting God of life itself. " And with energy, Francisco said: You can not serve God and mammon!

The conclusion I take from this fourth day in Colombia's Francisco: Ay, Norberto Rivera, who are the Church of Francisco away. 

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