
10 de septiembre de 2017

ZIM Exchange Disinformation

GCR/RV: ZIM Exchange Disinformation

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Elias, September 10th 2017

I am a regular follower of the IDC website, being a Lightworker and I and my family are currency holders, mainly of ZIM.

However, I would like to make some observations concerning the recent (past two days) information – disinformation I should say – about the ‘new regulations’ concerning redemption of our ZIM currency bonds.

It has been reported in Judy Byington’s Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 9, 2017 and elsewhere that when we come to exchange our ZIM bond notes there will be a 20%/80% ‘split’ whereby the redeemer receives 20% and the 80% goes to a ‘Zimbabwe charity’. Furthermore, that ‘You pick the charities for your 80%, but they have to be chartered, registered, and domiciled in Zimbabwe.’

I am not an ‘Intel Guru’ nor do I have any ‘inside knowledge’ concerning the whole GCR/RV process, although I have been personally assured in regular channelled discussions with Archangel Michael that the GCR/RV is genuine, that the rate for the ZIM ‘will be phenomenal’ – in his own words – and recently in my last chat with him on July 28th that we are ‘very very very close’ to receiving our blessings.

However, it is my humble opinion that this latest ‘restriction’ announced a couple of days ago on our ZIM exchange procedure is not only total cabal disinformation – a ‘last ditch’ attempt to upset and confuse ZIM holders – but quite the most ridiculous and bizarre such attempt that I have come across in the four years I have been involved in the GCR/RV currency exchange.

Please bear with me and let me explain.

We know that the ZIM is a gold backed bond – not a simple currency – and that it is supported by the as yet untapped but vast reserves of precious metals, precious stones and mineral deposits that Zimbabwe contains.

We know that the current stated ‘screen rate’ for the ZIM has been shown as $3 – possibly still rising, and that there will be no ‘zero lop’ of six zeros or otherwise.

We know that a much greater figure is available on request for those who ask for the ‘Sovereign rate’ and who have projects to back this request and figures to support it. Indeed, it has been said that up to $125,000 per ZIM may be available for such requests.

As an example let us take one single 100T ZIM bond note exchanging at the screen rate of $3. That one note will therefore bring $300 trillion to the individual exchanging it.

We are told that there are 209 countries involved in the GCR/RV, Zimbabwe being one of these. Zimbabwe is a relatively small country which has been reduced to poverty over the past three decades or so by the mismanagement of the non-benevolent dictatorship that has held power, despite the fact that it is potentially the wealthiest country on the planet in view of its untapped resources.

Let us now look at statistics for the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for the world – Global GDP – and that for some individual countries.

The Global GDP for 2016 was just over $75 trillion and for 2017 is estimated at fractionally under $78 trillion.

The country with the highest GDP is the USA with a figure for 2017 of just under $19.5 trillion, followed by China at about $11.8 trillion. For 2017 Zimbabwe is 117th down the list with a GDP of $15.28 billion (less than one thousandth of that of the USA).

A single $100T ZIM bond note exchanged at the screen rate of $3 gives a figure of $300 trillion USD – nearly four times the Global GDP, over fifteen times the GDP of the USA – and well over 19 ½ thousand times the GDP of Zimbabwe.

Exchange that note at the maximum Sovereign rate of $125,000 and you multiply the above figures by 41,667

One single 100T ZIM bond note exchanged at the screen rate could provide Zimbabwe with more funding than it would ever need to restore the country’s economy and bring prosperity to all its inhabitants.

So I ask you – what possible sense does it make to suggest that all ZIM exchanges must go to ‘charities’ registered in Zimbabwe?

Frankly the record of ‘charities’ around the world is questionable, and although some may be genuine there are records of the most gross and appalling misuse of funds donated. The ‘hurricane relief fund’ established for Haiti after the major earthquake (cabal generated) devastated the island is perhaps one of the worst examples with most of the donated funds stolen by the cabal. And there have been recent reports that the Red Cross organisation only trickles about 5% of donations to those in need, squandering 95% on ‘administration’.

Given the mismanagement of the Zimbabwe dictatorship over decades it is highly questionable whether any ‘charity’ registered in that country could be relied upon to handle any donations, let alone those of the magnitude of ZIM exchanges.

Personally I see the unmistakable hand of the cabal here in attempting to mislead ZIM holders with this blatant disinformation and to trick them into ‘donating’ funds to questionable or non-existent ‘charities’.

And why – after all the information about the ZIM that has been provided over the past couple of years – do we now suddenly get this new set of ‘rules’? And at the very last moment before the exchanges are likely to commence with the release finally of the GCR/RV?

Well, folks, that is my opinion, and given the figures for the ZIM and for the GDP both globally and for individual countries, it makes no sense at all to me.

All of us who hold ZIM – and I and my family hold quite a lot – have our own ideas about our projects and humanitarian causes. Personally I have projects locally (in the London area), nationally (in the UK where I reside) and globally. As for the 80/20 split, I will personally be directing over 99% to our projects and humanitarian causes as a mere fraction of 1% will provide for the needs of my family and I for as long as currency remains in use upon this planet – which is likely to be perhaps another ten years or so.

And I may say that I will be extremely selective about any donations to individual charities – I will need to be very sure that they are genuine and efficiently run. Indeed, it might be preferable to ‘buy them out’ and thus ensure that they are so run in future.

Finally, we are told that the amount to be released for the planet by the St Germaine foundation and the Elders is in the region of the figure ‘one’ followed by sixty-eight zeros. This is for Gaia, the human Collective and for all life on the planet, and nobody has the right to dictate to us currency holders how we choose distribute our financial blessings – we are effectively Stewards of the Divine Mother’s currency and are guided by Her.


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