
1 de febrero de 2018




We entered eclipse cycle.
It opens with the lunar eclipse of January 31.
For observers in North America, Alaska or Hawaii, the eclipse will be visible before dawn. For those in the Middle East, Asia, eastern Russia, Australia and New Zealand, the 'Supermoon blue blood' can be seen before dawn on January 31, lasting about 90 minutes.
 In Western Europe and most of Africa and South America the show will be biased as are areas not affected by the eclipse.
A cycle that began with the last solar eclipse of 21 August, which opened the way for the fall of patriarchy and its abuses is closed.
 What we have incorporated into consciousness from that eclipse, which also occurred on Axis Leo Aquarius will begin to take shape from now.
Axis Leo Aquarius is strongly connected with the New Me, New Earth, and the tension between the collective and the individual.
Full Moon is in Aquarius, the South Node joint, opposite the Sun and Venus, sets the North Node in the sign of Leo.
He Aquarian wants to be unique, but it is not clear from the collective. This excess of the familiar, the known, is being reflected in the way the mass popular movements are profiteers, still, by elites who manipulate power.
The opposition of the full moon, talks about a tension between what drives you to be yourself, and acuariano that tells you not desprendas of group demand, whether in the form of ideologies, cultural patterns or induced beliefs artificially . Opposition in Astrology, refers to judgment. In this case, it leads us to consider how the group, the collective, and fear the judgment of others, keep us flourish in our authentic shine.
A lunar eclipse leads to an examination of the emotional, and the staff was not made aware. A lunar eclipse is not the best time to make decisions.
 This eclipse opens the alchemical work of independent Being emotionally while we are part of a group or groups that make up our universe, our space.
A period of great lucidity that allows us to balance our social life project with our hearts and our experience as a unique being with unique talents to enjoy and express opens.
 There are new energies that enable us to defend our principles, and adjust our dreams.
 The full moon is apt to close, look what we've done that separated us the way, and make a commitment not to repeat it , entering a new stage.
Axis - Leo Aquarius, we are in time of activation of the heart chakra, so you can awaken anxieties.
 It is important to stake Energy Intelligence, and begin to recognize that much of the anxiety we feel, is multidimensional, that is, comes from the body of collective pain activated on the planet, and beyond, other planes seeking resolution through our physical bodies.
Moon moon will be transmitting codes from the heart of Alpha Leonis, the star Regulus. Lion codes are high frequency energies that stimulate the sense of excitement, love, creativity and adventure in us.
So, this Eclipse whispers suggest you:
Develop daily ability to forgive and to express appreciation and gratitude. The focus is on love and healing of the heart.
Examine your ability to enjoy what life offers.
Connect with love and joy, and apply creative passion. Claim your right to play.
Encourage and trust, they take small risks will bring great benefits.
 With each risk you decide to take will increase your creativity and courage to take the next, which you yourself plantearás.
Regio take your character, Real, and feel the respect that it instills in you and in your environment.
This portal Eclipses, amplifies the potential to learn your way. It has its inseparable companion, Solar Eclipse, 15 next February, also in Aquarius Leo Axis.
Produces a sudden what until yesterday thought were important change.
Emotions appear suddenly, hard, and if you go through without trial, present, as energy moving in your body, if you stop to feel them, go and stay free, fair again.
In the letter the strength of the Tarot, which represents a Leo, a woman gently open the jaws of a lion. One factor that women have overcome, to enjoy the confidence of the King, is fear.
 Leos codes dissolve fear and create what hit beats within us as a dream and project.
The key this season is to choose consciously create, enjoy it, and go on with this key over the coming years.
Conscious creation, gives rise to shine.
And this season Eclipses, could be called the Lamp of Creativity.
We turn it on? ...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...