, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : LETTER OF GOD 06 February 2018 - STATEMENT OF GALACTIC CAD Beloved Hearts ONE:



LETTER OF GOD 06 February 2018 - STATEMENT OF GALACTIC CAD Beloved Hearts ONE:

Divine Ascension Process is 
for return of Mother Gaia to its old location, as the core of 
Galactic System, for I, the Divine Mother, I am Earth, I chose to travel 
with a planetary body into the depths of UNO, to carry along with 
creative intent, galactic cosmic principles of Sacred Source.

• Thanks to their 
missions and services, and free will choices to wake up, 
they let the Divine Plan forward, end the dream, is restored 
Love, Harmony and Peace primal creation game.

• The 
Forces of Light that are working with Gaia or me, allowed the 
creation of a bubble of protection, so that Earth could ride along 
with you Beloved children, the interdimensional space, back to the 
old galactic position.

• The I'm offering, it is a brief explanation to understand 
the relevance of the Earth as the center of interdimensional connection with 
other galaxies in the Multiverse, and its importance as beings who 
chose to be born in Gaia, to live there and learn from the illusion. 
hearts, understand that it is immeasurable what they have contributed with their incarnations 
in the lower vibrations and their experiences in the lower realms of our 
huge body as ONE.

• Their contributions 
have stabilized the Consciousness of Love and Unity in this space area, have 
succeeded in Eternal Peace galactic return to this area, through the 
attraction and anchoring the infinite nuances of the various mantles 
dimensional UNO.

• In 
the disparity of their collective vibrational formations, they have managed to 
achieve a harmonized significance with 12 levels, and even reached the 
144 large dimension of our consciousness, where frequencies are bringing 
healing to all human distortions.

• We mention this, to 
and accept their sacred 
condition as an Infinite Spirit, recognize their missions and services 
reconnection of the Earth and humanity, with the various universal elements 
of the Source of All That Is.

• As Mother Father God, I am them 
speaking their progressive to the new reality of a new world income, 
to stop shelter in ignorance of fear and separation from his 
Essence of Love, in the depths of their hearts, which is connect 
with us and the universe. Now that the divine process has accelerated, 
Stay anchored to the core of the Earth 
and the Heart of the Galaxy, to recover the memory of all its 
missions, individual stories and galactic cosmic principles of their 
creations and the infinitude of Love
 , the creative energy of our 
Sacred Fountain as ONE.

Intentionally direct your will, towards the atomic basics of your Essence of 
deep within your Sacred Center to allow yourself to make a difference in your new mission and create 
with Love, together with Gaia, the Brotherhood of Light and we in the 
new multidimensional space, the new world.

• Collaborates 
consciously with your soul in the scope of interior internal balance, 
moves without resistance the old, 
stabilizes your heart and allows the spirit I AM down within your 
physical center and travel consciously by and beyond your sacred 
being primeval .

• Dinamízate 
with the cosmic frequencies of your heart, your life incorporates the 
uniqueness of your primal and so you pass through old situations without collisions 
and assisted spiritually by your own higher self .

• bless 
your dedication and intention to instruct in an intensive fractal infiltration 
with the Christic codes for acceleration of your cells and DNA, recover 
your memory and use your creative power in buildings to help the group 
with waking from sleep and fall of the veil .

• Eons ago who chose to leave 
home to experience with us the human reality of the land, now 
have returned home and are creating a new galactic human race for its 
readmissions as a star nation in the new dimensional space

• Congratulations 
and thank you very much for offering this brave mission and service.

• The 
keep warm and protected with our eternal embrace of love 

• We are 
Father - Mother God speak in the name of love, we welcome home 
the consciousness of the unity of all that is.

This publication is free to replicate the time they deem 
necessary to modify it if it were totally or partially the case.

Being inherent to light information, he has no copyright, and 
neither is the primary source of it is cited.

Light codes contained in this publication are enriched each 
time they are released from the heart and with a pure intention

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