
17 de febrero de 2018


LOVED TO BE OF LIGHT I am your brother Maytreya from the sun of Alcyon

All of us and you are brothers in the light and we all perform different planetary services.

Each species or living being on their planet accompanies them to walk in their awakening.

In the next hours and days, his star memories will be opened and with them his emotional memories.

They will recognize more easily their tribe, their group of souls. And they will find beings of greater affinity even if they are far from their current home.

Stellar memory is not to remember its origin That is beautiful, But to understand its function in this plane.

Each of you has energies from other planes and planets to share In this experience of physical life that is gaia.

There are other types of younger soul beings that were not there when Gaia was founded, all of them will also feel an awakening to love that will help them create a new perspective of life, with more sensitivity and more strength.

Beloved to be of light, the current function of your physical being is to restore yourself.

 Balance your human DNA, with the star DNA of your being, find new food habits, that help you grow as bodies in unity (it marks me that we eat what balances us not what beliefs impose, and lots of fruit).

Your star being is already entering into you many of you have already completed the individual Ascension by learning to love yourself and put your life before humility to the demands of fear or control of others.

Others are already finishing this teaching, and now it is time to recognize only the present day, only today, only now is real. What we do there influences us and accompanies tomorrow.

 This is how Creates reality. Focusing one hundred percent on the now, if there is peace and joy in the now, All roads are opened alone.

It is time to understand the importance of living close to the heart, not with your back to him.

That is his mastery, the mastery of the heart, he is the engine of all reality. He opens the real doors of inner loneliness to multidimensionality.

The, is the channel of flow of all frequencies and For this the mind has to be silent. Far from duality.

Far from yes, Far from the fear of being myself, far from fears.

Mind, heart and earth must be one, in everything.

This is your authentic power incapacity of manifestation.

As long as there is only one thought in the past or future, or in the revealed reality, the physical creations of life will not be in balance, they will continue in total dispersion.

You are one with the universe do not forget, your pulsation is our pulsation, hear, we are all brothers, because we are all reborn together. And now you reached the vibration, to merge with all of us. And the rhythm is marked by his heart, music, love.

Thank you beloved beings of light for assuming the challenge and responsibility so great and beautiful of This incarnation in Gaia, in this particular time we love you from the great sun of alcyon.


Thank you all for freely sharing this channeling, happy day Elsa Farrus Rusiñol

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