
6 de febrero de 2018

The war against the deep state has begun, as evidence in the memorandum of FISA supports what we've all been saying for months as Americans

Obama appointed Judge Rudy Delgado raided by the FBI on federal charges of bribery  05/02/2018  Breitbart Reports

This week, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an "activity of law enforcement" in the 93rd District Court of State and FBI spokeswoman Michelle Lee revealed to Breitbart, Texas. While he could not reveal details of the operation or its purpose, Lee confirmed that the FBI made an arrest. The identity of the person arrested and the charges could not be released until Monday, Lee said. The Hidalgo County Sheriff, Eddie Guerra, confirmed the raids to local media shortly after they began. The sheriff posted a message on social networks about the presence of FBI agents in Hidalgo County Court in the State District Court 93. According to reports, federal agents and state and local authorities were present at the judge's house in Edinburg. Judge Rudy Delgado is the president of the Judge 93rd State District Court  .  
In this position, listen to all kinds of state court cases, including civil and criminal matters. As Democratic incumbent, Delgado appeared unopposed in the general election of 2016 and is currently registered on the website of the Secretary of State of Texas as a Democrat candidate for Justice of the 13th Court of Appeals, Place 4. I guess this is an easy way to get rid of judges appointed by Obama to put feelings about America First across the United States, and I bet the judge Rudy Delgado, appointed by Obama, is not the only federal judge who could be prosecuted for crimes. 

Multiple federal officials connected with the Democratic Party, Obama or anti Trump movement in the United States continue to be arrested, and this is another case of someone related to the Obama administration or theDemocratic Party who is arrested but not mentioned in the main news 
Administration of ma and the Democratic Party are, as Obama officials, judges Democrats, Democratic mayors and Democratic leaders continue to be arrested throughout the country Why the Democratic Party and Obama agents are continually arrested across the country, but Trump continues to be hit with an FBI investigation based on a conspiracy theory? So Mueller's research is really about Trump? 

Nunes goes hunting, now demanding transcripts FISA court hearing Obama02/05/2018 One thing that Democrats never think that when you attack, bite becomes stronger. Now, after multiple attacks left many officials, MSM and Obama ... Devin Nunes Deep State is now demanding court records and transcripts of FISA Obama tonight on illegal spy ring on President Obama Trump and countless US during the 2016 election cycle. 

If the President of the Intel Devin Nunes Camera not get transcripts Obama FISA court or enter drafted ... I think that would be the time to begin the arrests and people start being sent to Guantanamo that is connected to this network Obama illegal spy. This could happen very well, since judges FISA court appointed by Obama in DC are in the FISA court ... this could be fun. House Intel Committee votes to release Dem memo refutation of FISA, this is hilarious 05/02/2018

 Fox News Reports:  The Intelligence Committee of the House on Monday approved the publication of the Democratic Republican rebuttal to the highly publicized memorandum alleging abuse of government surveillance during the campaign of 2016.  The vote was unanimous. "Republicans have struggled to sue the FBI, prosecuting the Justice Department, accusing and challenge the hard work of these dedicated public servants in the FBI and the Justice Department , " the California Representative Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the panel, told reporters after the committee vote Monday. "We think this is very bad for the public and we expect them to stop." On Friday, they released the Republicans in the Intelligence Committee

the memorandum  of President Devin Nunes, R-California, who claimed that the FBI and the Justice Department could not have asked forsurveillance warrants to spy on former campaign adviser Trump, Carter Page, without the infamous funded by Democrats antitrust case. One thing that, unlike Democrats trying to block and vote against the publication of the memorandum FISA last week, Republicans Intelligence Committee of the House allow House Democrats Intel launch its rebuttal against the FISA memo Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives. Unlike Democrats, Republicans for most Democrats willeven allow release their shit without locks, unlike what they did Democrats Intelligence House of Representatives last week Adam Schiff. With all tests spy ring illegally Obama led by FISA, the FBI and the Justice Department, this refutation of FISA memorandum of recent weeks should be absolutely hilarious ... 

As it is likely to be Russia, Russia, Russia once again. What Democrats do not realize is illegal spying ring of Obama, although the FISA judges appointed to the FISA court has five other memos as Nunes the other day. This is a rebuttal, so this is just an opinion of the Democrats on FISA memo based on facts.

 The Hill Reports:  Defense Secretary  James Mattis
has fired the senior official who oversees the trials of the five men detained at Guantanamo who are accused of plotting terrorist attacks of September 11,  he reported  the Miami Herald  Two people familiar with the development told the Herald that Mattis fired Harvey Rishikof, who has been calling for the authority ,responsible resourcing of defense equipment and approving cases for trial - for the military commissions since last April . Mattis is now technically convening authority until a new name designee, so the decision does not stop the ongoing hearings at the court martial. The Pentagon declined to comment on the dismissal and was given no reason for it.

Yes, we have more confirmation that something is happening in Guantanamo, because today Mattis has dismissed Harvey Rishikof, which is the principal officer dealing with Guantanamo detainees Sept. 11 over the years. With this Mattis firing senior Gitmo, only arouse more curiosity about what is happening in Gitmo and why this activity is increasing in Gitmo. Since Mattis dismissed the senior official dealing with Guantanamo detainees on 11 September, is it possible that Gitmo is used for more than just Islamic terrorists?

You also have to implement the recent executive order Trump in Gitmo to keep itopen because it was not terrorists, it was enemy combatants ... And when Trump gave this message to the State of the Union, looked at the Democratic leadership of the House. Gitmo activity is increasing, and now Mattis is laying off Gitmo officers to replace them ... And for enemy fighters, not terrorists. 

Trump's legal team approves a second special counsel to investigate DOJ / FBI 05/02/2018 of

No consideration on staff movements in the DOJ. The order of FISA should be released? And what about a second special attorney? * Lawyers presidents have addressed this and have responded positively to a second special counsel. FISA: This document together with any other that the Intelligence Committee of the House decided to vote outside their committee through the process and all proceedings in the House, we would entertain as anything else. It looks like we will get a second special counsel against the FBI, DOJ, and its role in the illegal spying by FISA against President Trump in a record Fusion GPS not verified, since the high tax Trump reported approval of a second special counsel at a meeting with officials Trump war against the deep state has begun, as evidence in the memorandum of FISA supports what we've all been saying for months as Americans


... And that is the fact that the Obama administration, although Obama elected judges FISA and Obama lovers within the Department of Justice and the FBI used the false record of Hillary Clinton / DNC Fusion GPS to spy illegally Trump President . Not only that, but the DOJ officials were actually bribed by Fusion GPS in recent years during the election cycle under President Trump. The deep state is now being investigated.

 The decision to release Julian Assange arrives tomorrow  02.05.2018 It seems that one of the modern heroes of our time, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, could be released tomorrow in less than 24 hours, since the judicial system of the United Kingdom decide whether removed or not his arrest warrant against Julian Assange. Now the question is whether Julian Assange is released where it will go, because the United States is one of the thoughts that Julian Assange could go whenever released from unwarranted situation.

Julian Assange has exposed more than anyone in the world clique Deep State, and even helped to avoid a Hillary Clinton presidency for Deep State with the help of Patriots as Seth Rich through emails and Podesta DNC ... That Leaks Deep State Clinton exposed in multiple ways. Now, if Julian Assange is released, everyone should hope and pray for their safety, as it would become an instant target for the elite Deep State remove it .

Jus Department officials icia under Obama paid off by GPS merger  05.02.2018 daily calls  reports: "Money sweetens the pot for OHRS, and they certainly make it easier for the merger to obtain the record to be used in court if the payment to the wife of Bruce Ohr was"said the former judge and Texas Republican rep Louie Gohmert the Daily Caller News Foundation, 

"Fusion had to have known that because of the relationship between Bruce Orr and his wife were joining Fusion, the DOJ and the DNC under one roof to work for the same goal, which was to prevent Donald Trump became president" . he said. "The financial agreement between Ms. Ohr and Fusion GPS gives the appearance of a government rent , " said Tom Anderson, an expert in ethics watchdog group conservative National Legal and Policy Center. " It seems to be a sophisticated scheme to access the highest levels of our government ... ensure the use of government resources in an attempt to influence an election."Imagine his surprise after the release of the memo FISA, which today

We are discovering that DOJ officials were paid by Fusion GPS while the false record Trump / Russia was making waves. 

There must be more involved in the American justice system paid by Fusion GPS in addition to the Ohr, and now you must wonder if the Clinton camp was also paying federal law enforcement officials in the Justice Department and the FBI. The criminal sedition against President Trump for defaming the president before and after the elections now may involve federal bribery charges ... As Bruce Ohr his wife DOJ and CIA were paid by Fusion GPS . 

The FBI and DOJ believe the memorandum of FISA did not hurt the American people, but what you're really doing is exposing elite Deep State to protect Hillary Clinton through seditious criminal conspiracy against Trump now involves bribery .

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