
4 de febrero de 2018

We are in a cell waiting, trapped in a cosmic storm | Saturday, February 3, 2018

You pressed a giant pause button on our perception of space time continuum. We are caught in the eye of the storm. We were waiting.

People with increased awareness, is waiting and looking, breathing deep.

They have made great strides towards the dissemination of our intergalactic community. Exposing the vicious clique is developing.

What happens next? Are they falling dominos in one revelation after another, triggering a massive awakening?

No more ignorance. No more arrogance. must not make a blind eye. No more religious dogmas.

The awakening is happening

The revelation is happening

The exhibition is happening

Who understands these jumps headlong into the cosmic roller coaster expanded to universal consciousness? Just off stage is the Matrix.

Welcome to the 5d.

Are these loops moments of time?

Are there opportunities to change direction?

The solstice marks the end of 2017.

What have we learned?

Who are we now?

What has changed?

There is no longer normal.

The weather, climate, seasons, conversation, conformity everything is flowing. There is no place to hide. We chose to reveal ourselves and learn sovereignty through self care and self-respect. Or deny us the opportunity to look in the mirror and see the truth.

Each in their own way. However, we need a turning point for humanity.

Then we believe, hope, pray, meditate. And we thank the universe when we granted a respite.

When karma gets up and undoes evil, Karma becomes a call right now waiting, pulse and breath. The truth will come to light. What we give is what we get.

The demonstration requires a bold belief, a warrior stance and know when to rest. When recharging and how to realign. To shake off the bad vibes, to seek help when we need it. Be strong and vulnerable is to surrender to the universal frequency of love. It is to trust the universe.

Always silent karmic pulse of life.

Who put it there? Why? ¿We resonate with their rows of joy, love, abundance and peace? Is this God? Does the goddess Sophia, the crystal frequency? Does the creator or creators? The architects?

It does not matter much who, but how and why.

How to be a lighter frequency. How to raise our frequencies in the Matrix to relieve the darkness and let in the light. Being a warrior of Gaia, light, love.

We strive for our highest way, our heart was activated on the yellow brick road to happiness Zen. To share this. Resonates with the vibration of light, generating high frequency waves in a great cosmic ocean of evolution.

We are creators, we can manifest. Learning this is to break control Matrix. We wait. We observe. We hear. Multidimensional wave lengths adjusted. We observe the dismantled, desperate and depraved Matrix.

Capturad who can, warriors. Stay tuned. Times are tight. Everything is a game. Keep love in every heartbeat.

Fight for serenity, tranquility. The universe will support us. She will see the effort, openness, authenticity and encourage without fear.

This strange stillness could be the calm before the storm, a breath or eye of the storm. Be aware of celestial events, Solstice, super moons and new. Consider your frequency and consciously elévala when it is torn down.

The truth is knocking on our door. Veils are rising. The skies are clearing, we see a quantum world, a multidimensional reality to our door. He is showing gifts of peace, wisdom and love.

These are profound times. Disclosure is upon us. And with it the awakening. Breathe deep, friends, connect yourselves and let the chi flow. We are in the eye of a cosmic storm.

The light and dark frequencies fighting around us. We have reached a turning point in the timeline. Exhaling fear, inhaling love. Tribe soul, nature, meditation, holistic healing, yoga ... the list goes on.

Do it. Personal care is the care of Gaia. It is the mission.

The future we see for ourselves is what matters.

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