
4 de febrero de 2018

Welcome to 2-2-18 Portal | Friday, February 2, 201

 Welcome to the website 2-2-18. 

 (Cosmic Cycle On)  
 Has the cycle ... 
 10 days we were surfing a dark and heavy energy ago, our multidimensional channel was limited to the fourth dimension, during the pre-2nd full moon of the year process. 
 (with the particularity that was in the same month) 
 and blood eclipse. 
 Many were feeling anxious, angry and irritable, unable to connect with the most subtle frequencies of ourselves.
 But all are cycles and having faced and fluid for a few intense days a perverse mental dimension and deep diving for our assumptions memories and fears, we have finally changed the cycle. 
 Today in this portal can feel the subtle energy embraces us and walks, unconditional love of fifth dimension is easily perceived to be unlocked and released the multidimensional channel, the frequency of gaia increases and aligned with the frequency of our camp conscience. 
 (I call it camp consciousness, the dimension where our consciousness is vibrating, when being with her) 
Central 🔸️Sol.
 Complement and integrate the trinity of frequencies and calibrate increases the geometry of our channel, creating the chance that we can access perception of dimensions of no bodily awareness, 8D + 
 Remember that the perception of these illogical dimensions and subtle depends on the level of deprogramming having presumably when the dimensional perception. 
Welcome to the 2nd gate of the year .... 
 2.2.2018 = 2.2 (2 + 1 + 8 = 11) 
 2 year 2 month 11. 
 2018 = 11 = (1 + 1) = 2. 
 2.2.2 = 2 is the Cosmic ... if 
 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 = the number of land 🤣 (Change cycle) 
 Enjoy high frequency ... 
 We love you !

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...