We prophesy the future with the words we say in the now. Our words are always a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is better to say nothing than to say something negative. Negative words cancel the plan of God, you curse your future. Not sow negative seeds: prophesying only good intention and good. Canceled the best plans of the Universe in their own words and negative thoughts.Death and life are in the power of his words. You will experience what they say. His words will liven exactly what they are saying.
They are cursing your life with all your thoughts and words. They can use their words to curse or to bless your life. Speak words of faith; declare God's favor in your light and in your heart.Change the atmosphere wherever they go with their words call upon the good, invoking light, love and call to ask for divine help.
Do not talk about problems, talk about solutions. We are not reporters of our life, but forecasters of our future. Call the invisible as if it were visible. Invoke what they want, do it with heaping words of faith. Change the world by changing their words. Death and life are in the power of his tongue. Are they giving birth or being abolished?
Circumstances line up with every word they speak.
You are the creators of their own circumstances. What they have created with their words can change. When we act negatively to sudden changes and chaos in our lives, we are delaying the purpose of creation. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, then the pain will disappear.Only we determine the speed of passing turbulence. There are innumerable future exist simultaneously. Our own behavior determines which universe we enter. Prophecy is seeing the future in our present actions.
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
thequantumawakening @ gmail.com
Translation: Susana Peralta
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
thequantumawakening @ gmail.com
Translation: Susana Peralta
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