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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Conscience and Consciousness. Mostrar todas las entradas



 People who appear in our life and with whom we agree and share similar interests, easy to accept;  it teaches us very little indeed.

 But those others, capable of driving us crazy and enraging us at the least provocation are our true teachers.

 The person who can really disturb your state of peace is the one who reminds you that you are not truly in the state of peace or enlightenment that springs from trust.

 In that moment, this person becomes your best teacher, and it is to him that you should thank, and God, for having sent him into your life.

 When the day comes when you can transcend the anger, rage, and upset that person seems to cause, and say, "Thank you for being my teacher," you will have recognized a soul mate.

 Anyone who appears in your life and can drive you crazy and make you feel frantic is a teacher disguised as being manipulative, inconsiderate, frustrating, and not understanding.

 Enlightening peace means that you are not only at peace with those who share your interests and agree with you, or with strangers who come and go, but also with those teachers who remind you that you still have a lot to do to be in.  peace with yourself.

 Give thanks for all those great spiritual teachers who have appeared in your life in the form of children, current or past spouses, irritating neighbors, co-workers, obnoxious strangers, and the like, for they help you to remain in a state of peace and enlightenment.  .  They allow you to know day by day how much work you really have to do;  and in what respects you have not yet managed to control yourself. "

 Wayne dyer

Sandra Schneider


Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence”

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that Jeffrey Epstein abruptly died right before he was going to prison for the rest of his life and would likely need to testify against or expose some of the worlds biggest names in connection with his pedophilic crimes?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that the pathologist who was hired to do George Floyd’s autopsy was the same pathologist who “observed” and had connections to the autopsy for Jeffrey Epstein?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that members of the Chinese Communist party were part of the group outside the Whitehouse rioting and causing destruction and most of the rioters and looters in Minneapolis were from out of state?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that an event guaranteed to spark anger about racial injustice happened at the very moment the unemployment rate in the country was at an all time high because of Coronavirus? Allowing millions who were now without jobs to have the ability to spend their time looting and rioting?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that random piles of bricks magically appeared in various cities right before riots broke out, while there were no construction sites or possible need for a pile of bricks within miles?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that scientists discovered the Coronavirus was actually man-made and that it had been doctored to bind to humans? Or that it hardly mutated since it began to infect us which suggests it was already fully adapted to humans?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that the virus they created which caused a huge pandemic just so happened to be an airborne virus that would make it perfectly acceptable for paid rioters and looters to wear masks and conceal their identity, yet blend in perfectly with the crowd since everyone else is wearing masks too?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that the media used a picture from an Italian hospital on the news during the COVID pandemic pretending it was a current scene at a hospital in New York........and then apologized publicly and called it a “mistake” and then two months later used a picture off the World War Z movie trailer on the news pretending it was America on fire? Was that also a “mistake”?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that while the media and news shoved their twisted narrative in our face and focused solely on the riots and looting going on, that we missed the DIRE news that a judge ruled that Hilary Clinton WILL in fact be forced to testify regarding her missing emails? Or that the Senate gave authorization to subpoena over 30 Obama officials in the Obamagate case?

Do you really think it’s just a “coincidence” that all of these terrible things are happening back to back to back to back on an election year?

Because if you do.......think again. This was planned. And we paid the price just like they wanted us to. Innocent and beautiful lives have been taken because of their sick agenda - beautiful black souls, beautiful white souls, beautiful law enforcement souls. HUMAN souls.


Wake up!!!!!!!!!



Suicidal ideation or

Suicide is defined as the act of deliberately take his ownlife. 

Suicidal behavior is any action that could lead a person to die, like jumping from a bridge or building, hanging, drug overdose, take a shot with a gun, and as many more. 

People who make the decision to commit suicide usually found within one or more of these risk factors: 

 Border Line (borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohlismo, drug use, depression, schizophrenia , serious financial problems, severe difficulties in interpersonal relationships, high stress, (I make a parenthesis because if you look at the written maybe you share a personal theory, that would help a little.

Resilience and emotional intelligence should be subject of study in basic subjects from elementary education as developing these can I consider, reduce suicides learning to handle everyday situations, mental illness if they are a separate issue but who commit suicide almost always carry a "cocktail" of at least two of the causes cited.) 

people who attempt suicide are often trying to get away from a life situation that seems unmanageable. 

Many of those who commit suicide attempt are seeking relief from: 

Feeling ashamed, guilty or as a burden to others. 

Feeling like a victim. 

Feelings of rejection, loss or loneliness.

Suicidal behavior can occur for a situation or event that the person views as overwhelming, such as 

aging (the elderly have the highest rate of suicide). 
The death of a loved one. 

Drug or alcohol. 

Emotional trauma. 

Serious physical illness. 

Unemployment or financial problems. 

Risk factors of suicide in adolescents include: 

access to firearms. 

Family member who committed suicide. 

History of deliberate self - harm. 

Background of abuse or neglect. 

Live in communities where there have been recent outbreaks of suicide in young people. 

Sentimental break.

Most suicide attempts do not end in death, although this is the purpose of the act. 

A lot of efforts are planned or carried out by allowing at least a small chance of rescue, these attempts often represent a wakeup call screaming seeking help with a situation that no longer can continue and that has overtaken the person . 

Some people attempt suicide in a way that is less likely to lead to fatality, such as poisoning or overdose. 

Men are more likely to choose violent methods, such as shooting. 

 As a result, attempts suicide they are more likely to end in death.

Relatives and friends of people who attempt or commit suicide often blame themselves or become very angry and can see the attempted suicide as a cowardly, foolish and selfish act. 

Unfortunately people who try to commit suicide often mistakenly believe they are doing a favor to their family and friends (and even themselves) to leave this world. 


These indicators are common, but not always. 

A person may show certain symptoms or behaviors before a suicide attempt, including: 

Having difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly. 

Giving away belongings. 

Leave or talk about the need to "get my affairs in order."

Sudden change in behavior, especially calmness after a period of anxiety. 

Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. 

Having self - destructive behaviors such as excessive drinking, using illegal drugs or make cuts in the body. 

Withdrawing from friends or not wanting to leave. 

Have sudden trouble at school or work. 

Talking about death or suicide or even stating the desire to harm. 

Talk about feeling hopeless or guilty. 

Changing eating or sleeping habits. 

Prepare ways to take his own life (like buying a gun or many pills)

It is possible that people who are at risk of suicidal behavior does not seek treatment for many reasons: 

They believe nothing will help. 

They do not want to tell anyone they have problems. 

They think that seeking help is a sign of weakness. 

They do not know where to go for help. 

A person may need emergency treatment after a suicide attempt. 

 They may be needed first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or more intensive treatments. 

People who try to commit suicide may require hospitalization to treat and reduce the risk of future attempts. 

Therapy is one of the most important parts of the treatment.

It should evaluate and treat any mental health disorder that may have led to suicide attempt. 

This includes: 

bipolar disorder 
borderline personality disorder 
dependence on alcohol or drugs 
Major depression 

always serious attempts and threats of suicide. 

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, there are numbers that you can call in your city anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 

research them and share them 

Call the local emergency number immediately if youknow someone who tried to commit suicide.

Do not leave the person alone, even after asking forhelp when this is still alive, if I can take his own life not manipulate awaits the arrival of the authorities. 

Expectations (prognosis) 

Nearly a third of people who attempt suicide try it again within a period of one year. 

About 10% of people who threaten or attempt suicide eventually take their own lives. 

Call your health care provider 

Call a doctor immediately if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts. 

The person needs immediate psychiatric help. 

 He did not downplay the person as if he were just trying to get attention. 


Avoiding alcohol and (other than prescription drugs) drugs can reduce the risk of suicide. 

In households with children or teenagers: 

Store all prescription at a high side and low key drugs. 

Do not keep alcohol in the house or keep it low key. 

Do not store firearms in the house. 

If you have them , keep them under lock and separate bullets. 

Many people who attempt suicide talk about it before making the attempt. 

 Sometimes just talking to someone who cares and not make judgments (do not advise listening) is sufficient to reduce the risk of suicide.

However, if you're a friend, family member or just know someone who thinks he can attempt suicide, never try to handle the problem on their own. I looked for help. 

Centers have suicide prevention services "hotline". 

Never ignore a threat or attempted suicide. 

Coty blessings ...


Are You Real or Surreal? | Heavenletters

JAN 7 2019

God said:

Beloved, sometimes you may feel you are in a chamber of some kind where you cannot quite hear or see or be heard. There is not even an echo. You may not actually exist for all you know. What does it mean not to exist? Instead of added value, sometimes you feel nonexistent. Are you real?

It has to be you exist, yet perhaps you don’t feel well-established at this time or established whatsoever. If you went past a mirror, would you see yourself in the mirror, or would anyone see you? Could you perhaps be in some kind of soundless chamber? How long do you have to wait before the sound comes back on, and what then?

What has happened or not happened, and what does it mean anyhow, and what can you do about it? You call out:

“Knock, knock. Anybody here?”

Apparently not.

Is this what Rip Van Winkle experienced? He fell asleep and then woke up 20 years later. Did he fall into outer space? Where was Rip Van Winkle all this time? Asleep? You can’t say you enjoyed his story.

You wonder if it could ever be possible to sleep through life. On the contrary, can this be what everyone is doing, even as everyone is doing the best he can to stay awake?

Could the story of Rip Van Winkle actually be everyone’s story? Goodness knows, there is enough that you realize you forget and perhaps forget again and again. You sure hope you don’t forget what is important to remember. If you forget, how will you ever know? Is what you forget, is it forgotten forever?

It seems to you that possibly you have heard Me say: “Nothing is ever forgotten.” Hmm, what does this mean? Whatever are you supposed to make of that? Now you see it, now you don’t. What is the meaning of meaning?

It does certainly happen that you doze off. There are times when life and/or people in life seem decidingly unkind. It would have been wonderful to sleep through it or turn it off or be deaf, dumb, and blind for an assigned time or to be reassigned altogether. There are some walks in life you don’t want to go on; must you?

You don’t always want to be on the beaten path. You might not mind having to start over. Would you turn out differently if this could be something you might have a choice about, more like choosing certain chapters in a book?

Of course, life does seem to be, for the present, one whirl at a time. No second chances in the short run. Why not some quickie choices? Could it be possible to choose between entr’actes?

There was a old movie in which the leading actor started over every day yet did not really change his role, just relived the exact same role, and, drat it all, not get beyond it.

You don’t want to go through it all again at the same time as you don’t really want a second chance. It doesn’t seem possible that you can get a fresh start. How do you possibly know what all the possibilities are or whether you could surmount them or even get through by the skin of your teeth? You really don’t know how much more you can possibly go through in order to find out that you are not yet free. Is there possibly a way where you can just sit out the dance? Or is life simply a fait accompli?

You had your chance in the Sun, and you don’t want anymore, not that, as it happens, you are being given another chance anyway – or are you?

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light


Heavenletter: Look Forward to Joy

God said:
Beloved, what is all this about – the significance of dates in the world? Does this amount to bookkeeping?
One good thing about dates is when you genuinely look forward to an upcoming date – your birthday, Christmas, New Year’s Eve or the 4th of July and the ramparts you watch!
Better yet, may every given day on Earth be a looked-forward-to event. What more can be as meaningful as looking forward to tomorrow or later today? This adds a little bit of spice to life.
If everyone were inspired to look forward to tomorrow with joy compounded on Earth like frosting on a cake and a good reason to jump out of bed with exhilaration – what a difference a day can make. Let’s start a trend.
Look forward to joy like a new mantra and uplift the Universe and raise the vim and vigor of life. Yes, leap out of bed and hail, hail, let there not be one more day of remorse in the world. What a lovely thing. This would be something to hop-skip-and-jump about!
How divine it would be to never hear the word “depressed” spoken of ever again by anyone. Ah, yes, you can be a stunning example of what Good Will can be. Never again would anyone feel like a cog in a wheel.
One day, somebody just like you will wake up with wonder to his or her delight:
“Whatever happened to feeling depressed? Remember that once upon a time? Whatever happened to rue and sorrow? Whatever happened to standing in line for a prescription? No more!”
Wow, you might not be able to stop bouncing for joy! You might do cartwheels. You would celebrate. There might not yet be anything missing any longer. For Heaven’s sake, joy to the world! Who would miss despair and trembling? Laughter would resound. Happy days would be here again, and you can have all the joy you want for the asking.
When joy is right out there ahead of you, no longer would there be anything ahead of you that you would call only fair to middling.
No one would ever have to say to himself or anyone again: “Stand tall!”
No one would stoop. All posture would be whiz-bang! There would be no lamenting.
If everyone enjoyed every minute of life, what illness would ever darken the sky?
Boredom wouldn’t be a passing thought.
When you say: “Joy to the world!” this is exactly what you would have.
It would be common for people to fly to the moon and land on the stars! Joy would be a permanent state. There would not be anything misbegotten.
No one would ever have to get out of trouble. In days to come, no inkling of trouble would be found. Trouble would be a foreign object. You would not scratch your head again with wonder about the concept of trouble. You would not comprehend any longer the concept of being crestfallen.
There would be nothing that would be too good to be true. You would know that everything you desire to contemplate will arrive in a thrice. You could know joy to be yours for the asking instantly.
If you dropped a bottle of milk, it would not spill. Even if it did spill, you wouldn’t cry over it.
Love would abound. Money would multiply itself. No one would be without. There would be sharing. There would be no bogeyman. All would be given to beat the band and to revolve the world and escalate joy, and why not?
© misteri 1963 


Through the aura, which is an energy field that emanate, we discover our true inner state. We can know both those most material issues as those more spiritual matters, because the aura is divided into seven layers or directly related to the seven chakras layers. Each of these strata may have one of the eleven colors of the aura. That color to repeat again, is our basic color. l basic color speaks to us of our most positive qualities and our most negative qualities and we should bear this in mind therefore in our relations with others, when looking for a job, etc ...

Our aura may be radiating other colors outside the core. These secondary colors give us a clue about our momentary internal state, or some stage of our life. So we know for example how we are reacting to some event, what worries us most, etc ...


To see our aura simplest thing is to follow two steps.

First step: feel our aura

It is intended that the person learns to feel your energy field. We feel that aura gives us more security when trying to see it. There are various methods to try to feel it, but certainly the best known and easy to do is clasping palms.
To do this we place our palms next to each other and with a distance of 30 cm. So in that position we pay special attention to what we feel in our hands and how we feel. We'll be about three minutes.
After the three minutes will approach the palms of your hands about 20 centimeters and repeat the process pay attention to what we feel and how we feel. We will be three minutes. 
After that time will approach our hands about 10 centimeters and repeat the same process as before. 
Finally we end up at a distance of between 3 and 5 centimeters in which perform the same analysis as earlier phases. Most often , it is in this last stage where we notice a slight pressure, something like when we put the hand in the water, but much softer, almost imperceptible even if we do not pay attention. 
Especially analyzes the changes that you noticing as you approach the palms. The most traditional is usually notice a change in temperature, but can be noticed much more. 
Performs this phase until you have fully controlled and analyzed sensation. Take every day that you are needed, because it will not be in vain.

Second step: see our aura

The first is made with two types of cards, one black and the other white. These cardboards help us make the vision screen to give us the energy field. 
The body part that we use to see our aura will hand. It is left or right, allowing you easier. We use hand because it always focuses a lot of energy and we make things easier.

It is very important that you consider you'll see the aura not your central vision, but with your peripheral vision, which is to say that while your eyes will be deposited in a part of the hand your attention is directed to the edges of the same. This is a bit difficult at first because we are accustomed to focus our attention where we put our eyes. You might hurt the eyes from the effort, you dizzy a little or you start lagrimar. Even at first you might stay temporarily blinded by a light. But you must not worry because this is the most normal thing in the world because you have peripheral vision atrophied, and you are back to back.
It does not force things too much, start with a few minutes a day and as you comfortable feeling can extend the time. Remember that your eyes are a precious commodity and that we must take care so once again we recommend that you do not overdo it while you're learning.

Well, the exercise proceeds as follows. Put one of the cards under the hand you want to see. At a distance of about 10 to 30 cm. The hand must be open and fingers spaced one tiny bit so you can also see your energy separately. Now place your eyes on the center of the hand, but use it rather as a vanishing point, ie, even if your gaze is directed toward the knuckle beam center as if you wanted to see beyond, that is, as if you wanted to see what hand behind the cardboard. Sometimes it can be very useful blur a little look.

Gradually have to go intuiting as a transparent haze around your hand is your etheric double and the passing seconds and you 'll have to discover that fog with your own eyes. Rest after a few minutes and try the same exercise with the other card. It is normal for the first few times you see colors in the mist, it is natural that see transparent and thinness. But if you keep practicing you will see more and more clearly that haze is much thicker and takes some other color. Remember that you do not have to do anything preset, or in a particular way. In fact sometimes you may see one of your fingers seem longer than the others, or in a certain area of hand the fog is thicker than the rest.

Take what you see naturally, does not transcend too because remember it is a capability that already had a child, but you forgot. We also remind you that everyone can get it, so do not despair if you really want to get you keep practicing.

Source: Marco Herguz Zoy

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice


About Jared


My mission is to uplift the human civilization by increasing their vibrational frequencies so they RISE and assisting them in connecting with their higher selves or God Sparks.
We will leave behind: anger, sorrow, hate, selfishness, envy, ego, greed, arrogance, pain, conflict, war, disrespect, dishonor, prejudice, dis-ease, poverty, starvation. GREAT ETERNAL LOVE will saturate all that there is. We WILL live in JOY, ABUNDANCE, KINDNESS, and PEACE.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...