
4 de mayo de 2018


Resultat d'imatges aquarium ZodiacCharacteristics of Aquarius, the mysterious zodiac sign par excellence 
Date: 21 January - 20 February


Element: Air 

Color: Light blue, blue general, indigo. 

Planet: Uranus 

Metal: Uranium, Aluminum. 

Personality: Sanguine, extrovert. 

Lucky Number: 3 
Sign Aquarius natives are  friendly, sociable and somewhat detached at an emotional level  and emotional. They are observant people, retailers, perfectionists. They are guaranteed to always seek the best without leaving anything half. When I called attention to a person, do everything possible so fixed in them, so get caught and handed to love without measure. They are people who defend their ideas swashbuckling; Aquarians are also a little  superstitious  when carrying out a goal.
The  honesty is one of the most salvageable characteristics  in this sign, bringing this to make it a friendly and faithful sign; people who are governed by aquarium become very cooperative and always willing to help others. It is an air sign oriented to do things in the best way possible, often seek the right tools to ensure they can execute their tasks successfully, which make it very orthodox and  many defeats happen to be "intellectuals" . However this sign is also characterized by always seek the association of knowledge and ideas, we can say that are very group.
Another important feature of this sign is that they  have a certain degree of freedom and are not bound by anything , it is why in their love relationships tend not control much your partner, but  often passionate and seek to provide constant pampering and gestures of affection  to your partner. Often they provide  confidence to those around him  and can be considered very confident in everything they do and know.
At the working level, Aquarians, usually identified by variables and activities always full of challenges,  not usually adapt well to routine or monotonous work . They are committed people work well with or without pressure always seeking excellence above all else. Moreover also  they tend to be good listeners  and especially sincere in giving opinions no matter how strong it may be.
Being a  relentless advocate of his ideas  often  can be too stubborn and not listening to their environment , which leads to isolation and seek new horizons, which do not find it difficult because of its adaptability and ingenuity. However , they also  tend to be moody and are affected by the conditions and problems of their environment , which leads them to be very humanistic.
Charges or more jobs that lead to identify the characteristics of the sign of Aquarius are educators, scientists, writers, musicians and the general public attention.
Those ruled by this sign  can be quiet people but often introverted , so they know adhere to situations and be sociable, still they find it hard to make friends. They can also be categorized as  constant seekers after truth and knowledge , being receptive and willing to learn what people do not know. Brokenpromiseland intolerant  and are characterized by upright and spotless.

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