
16 de mayo de 2018

Educational teaching, the great fraud

You could put another title for this article, but the important thing is not as you label, but its content. 

The elite has controlled us is nothing new. 

Humanity lives behind a fallacy and do not realize. 

Through selected schools, they indoctrinate and separate us so that we do not see that we are all connected with each other telepathically. 

Teachers, professors and instructors are accurate to indoctrinate students on the road called Perdition orders. 

Perdition is competitiveness among neighbors, friends, colleagues, classmates, or between us through sports or social level.

Perdition is separation by sex, instill through films, advertisements and junk programs sexual actions seen by minors so that once it has permeated society find it normal everyday life. If all else fails always use them is indoctrinated rape. 

Perdition is used loud music to keep your inner meditation, elemental for your spiritual elevation.

Perdition is heeding the doctor because he knows that it happens in our body. If you become ill advised not to get vaccinated, what you injected a "virus reducing life", ie, every time you vaccine is for influenza , for example, you inject venom.

Control of money or economics is another point of indoctrination. Payments via credit card upon , prestampr mortgage or personal control your day. Companies guilty of collaboration with banks and governments control your economy by giving a pittance of coins SL which they call salary to getyou very controlled because if you had a lot of money, banking, health private schools, and businesses could not control or much less indoctrinate you eternally. 

Analyzing what has been explained so far can deduce that without education, without laboratories without the economy can not have you under their control.

Now it depends on you, wake up from your slumber and find out who you are, why you are in this world and that why you came. Are you awake yourself you questions, but follow the pack

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, the translator and mystery1963 as a source of it

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