
11 de mayo de 2018

Farina to the Gürtel: Rajoy was always there

This result Farina image to the Gürtel: Rajoy was always there

This artigo Tamen is available at:  Galego
The spectacular success of the series  Fariña  is allowing us to relive some crucial years in the recent history of Galicia and then Alianza Popular Popular Party. Its impact on public opinion remains to be seen.
Half of the Galicians a Wednesday sat before the TV saw as a whole president of the Xunta Gerardo Fernandez Albor, who incidentally has just turned 100 years between tributes Rajoy and Feijoo, met in the 80s in Portugal bonnets smuggling escaped justice and pactaba with them returning to Galicia in return for impunity.
The next week they heard how drug money was diverted to "take Rajoy of the Provincial de Pontevedra" apparently because he did not like what was happening with the capos. Yes, in the series itself make it clear that Fraga was with them and that he had told the prime minister today to marry, learn Galician and go to Madrid.
So that Rajoy knew that his party was financed with money from Terito, Oubiña, Miñanco and company; he did not agree, but I knew as would years later with the Gürtel he looked away and continued his political career.
Farina also recalls the scandalous connection with the narcos popular mayors as Nené or lawyers as Paul Barral Vioque and of course party funding, first with the snuff punt and then everything came to the estuaries.
"The Xunta is purchased" is said factly in the series. And all without anesthesia. Nacho Carter's book, uncharacteristically kidnapped following a complaint from another popular former mayor, Bea Gondar also collects unexplained friendship between today Galician president, Nunez Feijoo and another historic capos, Marcial Dorado.
Asked the other day by the political and social consequences of the series, Feijóo over the thorny issue of saying that one thing is fiction and reality another shook. An argument that is not going anywhere because in this case it seems that the reality was even worse than fiction.
Amid the collapse of the PP by corruption, the state crisis in Catalonia and scandals like Cifuentes, is now viewers are watching or reminiscing as the party that today still governs in Madrid and Santiago was born, he grew and developed first on the back of smuggling and drug trafficking and then through the illegal financing of the Gürtel.
It seems unlikely that all this has no consequences but who also thinks there are too anesthetized.
This artigo Tamen is available at:  Galego

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