
25 de mayo de 2018



Lemuria was located in the Pacific Ocean and was a volcanic mountain range island covered in lush vegetation remarkably similar to that of modern day Polynesia.  The people that inhabited the island varied in height, had dark hair, caramel coloured skin, thin frames, small torsos with long limbs, high cheekbones and full lips.  Lemurians lived closely with nature and maintained a reciprocal relationship with their environment.  They acted as guardians to the animals and preserved their habitats, they fertilized plants after harvesting from them and they deliberately lived in small communities to prevent stress to the environment.  The Lemurians held a nature-based belief system but did not worship deities.  The worship of deities did not occur until after the fall of Lemuria, after several 5th dimensional beings helped ensure the survival of the human race.  Dolphins were held in special regard by Lemurians because of their gifts as healers and intuitive advisors.  After the fall of Lemuria, many of its inhabitants fled to modern day Asia, Oceania, Polynesia and North and South America and would give rise to the current indigenous populations of these areas.
The Lemurian Language
The Lemurian language is an ancient language that originated on the ancient island of Lemuria and is the root language that gave rise to the Asian, Polynesian and North and South American languages.  The Lemurian language uses a lot of vowel sounds like i, ee, ah, oh, oo, ay and uh.  They are relatively limited in consonant sounds but include m, n, p, b, g, k, h, l, t and r.  Examples of Lemurian words are: “Ah-rahn-ah-shah” “Mahn-way-ahkg”.  They have some sounds that are a mixture of sounds, for example g and k are kind of mixed as are ch and zh.  Female names often end in “ana”, “ina”, “ira” or “ara”.  Male names often end in “an”, “ar” and “in”.
The Lemurian Clan System
The Lemurians were a matriarchal society with a clan system.  Clans corresponded with certain animals and were inherited from the mother.  Each clan was associated with a certain animal.  The people belonging to the clan took special care of the animal, made offerings to them, took care of their habitats and in turn for their kindness, the animal gifted them with their strengths.  For example, the people of the dolphin clan were gifted with a sharp intellect, they mediated disputes/debates, they had a genuine concern for the best interest of their community, they often represented Lemuria when working with the Atlanteans and in their later years, they liked to teach.  Other clans included fish, seabird, crab, spider, cow, otter, jaguar, eagle and whale.  Lemurians that were able to ascend into the fifth dimension while on Earth, often became guardians of their clan animal and continue to protect them today.
Lemurian Society
Lemurian society was focused the collective and not on individuality.  There was no money system in Lemuria, instead everyone provided a service free of charge available to everyone else.  The clan in charge of healing, attended to health of everyone. The clan in charge of building, built everyone a home.  The clan in charge of gathering food, shared their food with everyone.  There was also a clan that was responsible for the collection and processing of fibers from cotton, hemp and silkworms into textiles.
Lemurians were a hunter and gatherer society with small scale agriculture, they gathered fruits, vegetables, wild grains, wild berries, nuts and seeds but also grew herbs, maize, bananas legumes, berries and squash in gardens.  Some of them raised bees for honey and beeswax and most of them cultivated butterflies in their gardens.  Eating of animals was severely restricted as each clan had their own rules as to which animals they could eat and how they could be prepared.  Often, fish clans would not eat fish, cow clans would not eat cows.  Rarely would they eat animals for sustenance but more for healing.
Lemurians gave birth in sacred birthing pools that filled with fresh spring and rain water that mixed with pink salts present on the island.  Babies were born fully submerged in the warm saltwater pool. The baby was then lifted to the breast while still being mostly submerged in the warm water.  Within the baby’s first year of life, they are taken out into the ocean, introduced to their clan’s animal, receive their spirit name and are officially accepted into their clan.  Shortly after the clan and naming ceremony, the baby receives their blessing from the cetaceans.  The baby is submerged in the ocean and the cetaceans sing a blessing to the baby.  This song imprints vibrations and frequencies that will influence the baby for the rest of its life.
Machu-Picchu-Tours-Peru-9Lemurians lived very closely with nature, often incorporating living elements into their homes and communities.   Early Lemurians lived in homes built with stone walls and a wooden roof.  The communities were located on the steep mountainsides of a large island in the Pacific Ocean.  The communities looked a lot like what Macchu Picchu might look like if it were inhabited.  The island was covered in lush vegetation similar to that of modern Polynesia.  The vegetation coexisted easily within the communities with crawling vines covering the outside stone walls of the buildings.  Water was fed into each hut from water collected on the roofs from rainwater and morning air moisture.  The water trickled into a water fountain-type of apparatus made from volcanic rock and down to a collection pool located at knee-height.  These water fountain-like apparatus’ were elaborately decorated with living plants, minerals and crystals.  It was treated as almost a shrine as it was carefully tended to but there were no worshipping of deities.  The water fountain worked to charge the water with a desired frequency for the purposes of manifestation.  This water fountain was the “heart” of the home, much like the hearth or fire pit would be the heart of an Atlantean home.  Each home had a garden and/or an attached greenhouse.  Wind chimes made of tin, glass, wood, sea shells or hollow reeds would hang in the yard or near a window.  Lemurians lived closely with the now extinct species of primate similar to that of a monkey or lemur and species of cat that looked similar to the modern ocelot.  These animals were allowed to roam throughout the community.
Lemurian Art
Lemurians were very creative with each person mastering a craft, whether it be music, painting, carving or manifestation.  Lemurians spent time each day working on their craft.  Lemurians often created pieces of art that could be experienced by several of the senses simultaneously.  For example, a gifted Lemurian could listen to piece of music and see a visual representation of that music while they listen to it.   When Lemurians created a painting, they were not only concerned with how the painting looked but how the colours sounded together.  The really interesting thing about Lemurian art was that the audio experience differed greatly depending on the individual.
Lemurian Symbol
The Lemurian symbol is similar to a swastika and symbolizes the creation of Lemuria, the Medicine-Wheel-webbalance of the divine masculine and divine feminine and the manifestation process.  The arms of the symbol represent the four elements from which the Earth was created.  The top arm represents the divine feminine and the bottom arm represents the divine masculine.
Native Americans use a variant of the Lemurian symbol called the Medicine Wheel in much the same way that Lemurians used their own symbol.  The medicine wheel represents the four elements, the four directions, the four sacred medicines and the four phases of natural cycles.

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