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father and son conversation about VOC-19 or coronavirus

Today we will talk about the coronavirus because I see that you have many doubts about it
Sorry it's called VOC-19

No, it is coronavirus, because it is not a virus itself
So what is it, if not a virus?

It is a virus, if but it does not attack people, it attacks computer systems that are manipulative
No, excuse me, people are wearing a mask, we keep the safety distance and they have shown us the image of what the virus is like.

That image that you tell me, who has shown it to you? A biologist? A doctor? A politician,  or a child?

Do you believe everything they tell you on television?
Man ... not everything, just what matters to me

And what do you care about ?
This of the bug that of the VOC-19

Is that…

It is not that or anything, there is no bug that you tell me, it is not a bug as I have told you before, nor is it a virus that attacks man
But, what about the masks
Masks, another thing you have to get out of your head
And the fines for not wearing them?

Let's see, if all the population of a country decides at the same time not to put on the masks, what do you think will happen?
They'll fine us all

No, what is shown is that the sovereign people have decided to go above the legislation, above the laws, because they have seen that these laws are unjust. `
But the laws are to be followed

Right, as long as they are fair
So why so many laws?

To keep the people in control while the powerful are at ease passing laws that benefit their interests
So the laws don't work for the people

No they don't work
I'm going to put on the mask so they don't put a fine on me

Do what you want, but I repeat that it is not necessary to put it on, it has no use
If they do, it prevents me from being infected with the virus

Suppose it prevents you from the virus, what makes the mask apart from preventing the spread? It kills you little by little.
You are an exaggeration, I will not die, but live

You are wrong, the coronavirus does not kill you, but your own body
Come on, don't lie, my body doesn't kill me

Yes, if it kills you, look and see ...  the mask covers your mouth and nose, right?

Well, what are you doing?
Carbon dioxide

Also known as carbon hydroxide. Well, what you expel is poison for your body, that's why you expel it
What happens if you have the mask that covers your nose and mouth?
That returns me to my body,

I mean to your body

How do you think your body will react?
Look for oxygen

Where is the oxygen?
In the lungs

Well the blood travels to the lungs and pools them
Now answer, is the virus responsible for the blood rising to the lungs and killing so many people?
No, seen from this point of view, no
But and the distance, the distance makes us not catch

Think a little, if the mask works, why do we have to keep our distance?
To not infect us

Yes and no, yes because in this way you do not get it, and not because if the mask already prevents you from keeping your distance it is not necessary
The distance is necessary,

Suppose it is necessary to avoid catching it, then why use the mask?
I did not think about it like that

They do not keep the distance so that we do not have a conversation like you and I maintain now and we do not disclose the truth of what is really happening
 And what is happening?

There is a war between good and evil
It is worth it, now you will tell me that angels and archangels have come to earth to fight evil

That's right, they have come here, and I have met and talked with many of them and they have explained the reason for this false  pandemic
I want to meet him, will you explain it to me?

It is a bit long but I will summarize it for you
Let's start with a simple thing
When the earth was created beings from many systems and galaxies came to see the birth of a unique planet in this universe
For a moment, you say this universe, is there more universe than this?

Yes, there are seven, but let's not stray
An experiment was done on this planet,
What was that experiment, please tell me ..

 Don't worry, I've already noticed your interest,
The planet is called Gaia, others call it Timarat and we call it earth.
Gaia the spirit of the planet, Timarat is its masculine part and earth is the name we have given it
Ok i'm understanding something

When the earth was finished, this planet was destined to be the spiritual center of the galaxy and of the entire universe.
Wow!! Fascinating!

The beings who are here today, we are the strongest spiritually speaking and we live with other inferior beings but very physically strong, are the ones you usually see in the cartoons, gray in color
Those that look like a fly?

These manipulated our DNA, causing us to have no other contact with our relatives in the stars.
For a moment, are you telling me that there is life in the stars?

Yes, and on all the planets, but inside
Don't kid me, the planets have no life

If they have no life, why then do we live in one?
I do not know?

Because everything is hollow
Plant and animal fauna coexist in harmony with beings equal to us down there
 Don't they eat each other?

No, they are governed only by 36 laws and are the only ones that are governed in the entire universe.
 What are these universal laws?

The first is this
As above, so below  and the following are
The Petition Law
The law of attraction
The Law of Resistance
The Law of Reflection
The Law of Projection
The Law of Attachment
The Law of Attention
The Law of Flow
The Law of Wealth
The Law of Clarity
The Law of Intention
The Law of Prosperity
The Law of Manifestation
The Law of Success


The Law of Balance and Polarity
The Law of Karma
The Law of Reincarnation
The Law of Responsibility
The Law of Discernment
The Law of Affirmation
The Law of Prayer
The Law of Meditation
The Law of Challenge


The Law of Frequency or Vibration
The Law of Miracles
The Law of Healing
The Law of Purification
The Law of Perspective
The Law of Gratitude
The Law of Blessings
The Decree Law
The Law of Faith
The Law of Grace
The Law of One
Where can I find these laws?


These are the only laws that apply to all universes

For a moment, the laws that   call my attention the most are those of the higher frequency, are they necessary?

Yes they are
Why  are they necessary?

 For your spiritual growth
Spiritual growth? Are you kidding me.

No, just as our body grows, our spirit also grows, but in a different way
I do not understand…

As you grow from dice and experience, you also grow in body, right?

Well your spirit grows in the same way but as you go through bad and good experiences
I understand something, but not much

To give you an example, now you pay attention to my explanations, right?

Well you learn a lesson, but your spirit learns the same as you, because the experiences you are going through your spirit also happens at the same time
Since you both share the same experiences and cannot separat

I understand, you mean that the one who passes the experience is the spirit, not me

Exactly that's it
Wow. Surprising, then I am a spirit

We all are, we are all part of a single spirit that we call GOD


 So why can't we create things like God does?

Remember what I told you before about DNA?

That is the reason
So what relationship does VOC-19 have with God?

He has allowed it in part
How ... I don't understand, how is it that you allowed it in part?

It has allowed it to eliminate all evil people and corruption that still exist on the planet

You tell me on the planet, are there more people living off the earth?

That's right, those beings are not like us, they look different
Like the ones we see on television?  with antennas ...

No, they don't have antennas, do you have antennas?
No, I do not have

So why do you think they have antennas, it's inconceivable
I get it

Returning to the coronavirus ... God allowed it to eliminate all the corruption that settled  on the planet so that the earth would return to what it was destined for: to be the center of the universe to meditate  and to be the refuge of rest for many beings of light
For a moment, beings of light, come man, light bulb people

No, this is not how you think, a being of light radiates goodness everywhere, gives wise advice, it is difficult for him to fall into anger, but he does not rule out from time to time and the animals respect him.
Now you will tell me that even wild and carnivorous animals respect it

Yes, that's right, because they know it won't hurt you
I want to be a light being, how can I be

Follow the 36 laws that I have told you and you will be a worthy light being and respected by all
Ok i'm going to follow them

You   have to keep in mind that not everyone can follow these laws, only the strongest in spirit manage to be,
What happens if I don't make it

Nothing, nothing happens, you have powers given from the beginning, and you must go through each life you have a  law, if you overcome it you will have to overcome the next, and so on until you complete the 36 universal laws. Every time you pass a law you will level up and have new powers, those powers are facilitated by the law you just passed
So what happens to the money?

 You will no longer need it because you can do what you want creating it only with the mind
So the coronavirus as you call it is for all of us to ascend at the same time

Right, it's just like you said
 And those who have died, what about them?
They have already ascended

 And will we see them again?

But they are dead

No, they are not, remember that we only have the body to be able to see each other
I am understanding, or VOC-19 is what we would call the final judgment
In the end you understood, it is the final judgment
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by people's ignorance, which once dispelled, people now awake can also alert the public to this knowledge at hand. 

Published by   RANKENLT OSARAN Interstellar Commander of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets through Joan Ashtar   *** © misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author as the source of this publication and including this URL  and the copyright notice *** 


Final Wakeup Call: From Dark to Light

The Great Awakening of Mankind
The Deep State’s Empire is collapsing. Light is coming our way. The Central Bankers economy is in the process of collapsing and already visibly in a downward spiral, with devaluing fiat currencies. A crash is imminent, as Banks are losing trillions every night. Even excessive Repos cannot keep them upright. The collapse will be short and intensive before the QFS is becoming operational. – Now Brexit is a done deal, the EU is finally on its way out. Each country is going to return to their own original currency. A new era founded on people economies is commencing, destroying the central bank economy completely.

Each day humanity is progressing with awaking, because of the upgrading into higher frequencies that is bringing the 5th Dimension on Earth, changing the negative forces into positive. Ending the 3D-illusion of the cabal, that has operated on Earth for millennia of years. The Deep State is now in fear and scrambling all over the place for survival. The truth is out winding down the Hidden Powers of the Illuminati, the Jesuits and all other secret societies.

Soon people will discover who and what really has been going on, and who they really are, when they are discovering their true origin. – On one side, there are the Dark Forces that have had almost unlimited free reign on the surface of the planet for tens of thousands of years, whereas on the other hand there are the Light Forces – the Patriots that are making great efforts to remove the dark negative forces as soon as they can.
The patriots have been fighting for an amazing future, that is real and happening. To name a few things that are coming; Free Energy, Interstellar Travel, Tele Time Travel, an asset-backed monetary system, natural cures to healing, ending the money-racket of chronic diseases on the planet such as cancer, methodologies to clean up the atmosphere from poisonous and disastrous Chemtrails effects of geo-engineering and the exposure of the dangers of GMO foods, with a return to 100% organic foods, bringing nutrition without poisons, termination of 5G, as well stopping toxic vaccinations programmes, in other words a real Golden Age is upon us. Many phenomena that were hidden will be revealed, and much of history that has been lost will be found and revealed.
There are nine important areas in which the dark hidden forces were heavily infiltrated. These are the Military, Government, Religion, Education, Management, Finance, Media, Healthcare and Sciences. In essence, they are everywhere in public life. They hold key positions in all of these main areas, aided by a fully-controlled and complicit Media machine and with their ownership of the Financial System and all big financial institutions, they virtually, have covered all bases.
Contrary to the general opinion; the British Royalty is not the most powerful line. Today’s known names do not hold the real ancient power. There are others above these lineages in the Hierarchy, these names are secret. Conversely, these are carefully elaborated and documented in my latest book The Great Awakening.

The true agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki & Draco cabal
What is the true agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki & Draco cabal? What are they really trying to achieve here on the earth – and why do you need to know this?
The real goals of the ruling by the Deep State are darker and more evil than most people can imagine, because it goes both “off world” and then is literally transformed, in a surprising manner into the Archon Agenda 2030 to rule our world on behalf of the off world Anunnaki and Draco Control Matrix.
Approximately 450,000 years ago, a group of humanoid aliens arrived by spacecraft on planet Earth. They came from a planet about three times the size of the Earth, which was called Nibiru by the Sumerians. Nibiru was described in ancient Sumerian literature as the twelfth planet of our solar system. The Sumerians were far ahead of modern man in the field of astronomy, declares the Detroit News in an article. The Sumerians also counted the Moon and the Sun as planetary bodies, thus reaching the total of twelve, the same number that the assembly of Anunnaki sovereigns consists of.
Zechariah Sitchin writes, “The epic of creation” is a very plausible explanation for the current composition of our solar system. Why shouldn’t we accept this as a gift in and of itself, as nothing more and nothing less than the exposition of cosmological facts as the Sumerians knew it, as it was told to them by the extraterrestrial beings of the Nephilim.

The Sumerian texts describe how Nibiru, a solitary planet, came into our solar system more than four billion years ago, and narrowly escaped a collusion with a large planet named Tiamat, which became fractured by the pressure of gravity. Later on, Nibiru, which was referred to as Maldek at that time, its Babylonian name, had another close-shave encounter with Tiamat. The two celestial bodies were thrown off-balance by gravity and collided. Tiamat was subsequently bombarded by its own accompanying moons and half of Tiamat exploded into billions of small pieces, which now form our asteroid belt, while the other half eventually morphed into planet Earth after being forced into a new orbit closer to the sun.
About four hundred and fifty thousand years ago, during the second ice age on earth, the highly-developed inhabitants of Nibiru, named Anunnaki in Sumerian texts, meaning “those who came to earth from the heavens”, travelled to the Earth at the time when the two planets were close to each other in orbit.
The Anunnaki had been mining gold for more than 100,000 years on Earth when the working class Anunnaki, who performed this exhausting work in the mines, revolted. – In his book, the 12th Planet, Sitchin wrote; Anu, the father of Enki and Enlil, saw that the mining work of the miners was very heavy. He wondered if the gold could not be mined in any other way, to which Enki proposed the development of a primitive worker for this task, workers which were later named Adamu who could take over this heavy work. Enki knew that in Africa, in the past named Abzu, many primitive, human-like beings existed, whom he called Homo Erectus. Enki’s plan was to create workers from this species, a plan which was approved by the assembly of Anunnaki leaders.

Aliens have played a role in human evolution
The creation of man, in likeness to the image of the Anunnaki must not be confused with the creation of a totally new human being, but only be seen as a genetically manipulated version of the then existing species. These existing beings of Africa were in essence given a genetic upgrade, sufficient to effectively and efficiently perform the desired tasks, while putting in place genetic barriers to prevent them from evolving into self-conscious beings, explains Sitchin.
And so, Adamu was created, or as stated in the Bible, Adam. He was the first test tube baby, writes Sitchin in 1978. In his eyes, this modern birth meant support for his Sumerian translations, especially because of the fact that modern science only just started to form a concept about manipulation of our genetic structure.
It is clear that the revision of the history of Ancient times will have a far-reaching influence and lasting effects, because with this new understanding, it would seem that the conventional statements about the origin of man and the Earth are nonsense. It is clear that extra-terrestrials have played a complex role regarding the evolution of man.
According to Sitchin; “The early biblical man” did not worship his god, he worked for him. “The Sumerian texts clearly show that the Anunnaki treated the slaves they had created poorly by simply exploiting them as cattle. Slavery in human society was then and is still today the norm.
It is not so surprising that the Anunnaki were arrogant, narrow-minded, cruel, incestuous and hateful. Any negative adjective that can be imagined, applies to them. There is evidence that they made their slaves work very hard and had little compassion for the plight of the people.

The Anunnaki transmuted into the Deep State
Eventually, they decided to allow humanity to have its first civilisation, i.e. the Sumerian civilisation. But that civilisation came only after the human genetic code had been even further manipulated in an attempt to drastically eradicate human life.
Thanks to their Anunnaki genes, descendants of the early Adamu reached lifespans of thousands of earth years. This lifespan became shorter and shorter as the cross over progressed and the effects of life on Earth took their toll. However, due to their extremely long lives, the pure Anunnaki rulers almost seemed immortal.

The Anunnaki transmuted on Earth into a group of rulers that today is called the Deep State. That employ mind controlled puppets that are working very effectively in support of the New World Order, while these puppets haven’t the slightest idea that they are digging their own grave as they don’t have a clue for whom they are really doing their job! They are criminally bribed by fake money, and have not been informed about the ultimate goal from higher up in the hierarchy. They even don’t know who these individuals really are. Every puppet involved is compartmented even at the highest echelons, they don’t have wisdom where the new world order really is leading to, because every facet is hidden in their Occult Darkness of Black Magic.
The whole organisational structure functions on the foundation of the worldwide corrupt financial system that functions on bribe, blackmail, murder, drug running, weaponry sales, toxic chemically based pharmaceuticals that don’t heal, human sex trafficking, paedophilia, and is ultimately supported with Satanic Blood Scarifying Rituals of young children.
The magical matrix of the illusory world
How were a group of Satan worshipping Luciferians being able to infiltrate the highest levels of Government, The Vatican, the Military and even Secret Societies, like the Templars, the Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta? Their lies must have been so profound, to being almost indistinguishable from the truth.
Since millennia of years by design humanity is living within an artificially created Magnetic Hologram moulded in a 3D-environment that is serving the Deep State Agenda 2030, previous called Agenda 21. As 21 stays for this century being the completion of there Agenda including a 90% populations reduction and full enslavement of servants that are allowed to stay alive.
The hologram has been designed and is run by Black Occult Magicians by off world Reptilians, human like hybrids the masters are of deception and mind control. During the era of Enki who redesigned the organic and divine human body form before the age of the Great Flood and the Arc of Noach, as the human body has been genetically being downgraded, by disconnecting the majority of DNA-strands in order to disconnect humanity from the Great Cosmic Intelligence.
Originally humanity has been created by the great CREATOR as immortal eternal souls. The disconnect became necessary for the implementation of mind control programming. Humanity had to behave in a low vibrational manner in order to achieve a controlled and illusionary reality, which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Even so the reptilian hybrids couldn’t live on Earth under its original higher vibration.
What we call our reality is in fact a collectively created and changeable day to day magical matrix i.e. magnetically illusory environment, and if not constantly monitored the vibration will rise to a higher frequency, which is for them is unsustainable.

Importance of being Awake
Mass mind control is realised through control of the Mass Media, that only emit negative news streams through television, radio, magazines, newspapers to hi-jack the human brain, as it is important to maintain control over people’s reality perception. Since collective behaviour is performed through peoples’ thoughts. The careful use and manipulation of secret esoteric and ancient knowledge has everything to do with the Earth’s magnetic grids that skirt the surface of the planet, transmitting energies of human beings into a visual holographic representation of reality.
People’s consciousness is being captured to forcefully create a pre-designed reality. This controlled Matrix prison has worked satisfactorily for them during thousands of years. Until the Great Creator had decided enough is enough and instructed the off Earth Alliance to become active by stopping the dark minds, that were acting against cosmic law, after they had decided to take over planet Earth for themselves. As next stage the Earth Alliance have instructed the Trump administration to prudently transitioning the world out of the Rothschild banking system into the new QFS financial system.

There are tens of millions of people living on Earth who are totally in service of the dark minds, while they don’t even know it. For money fame, status, and reward they are willing to carry out Agenda 2030. These individuals are found in Governments, Media, Big businesses, Education, Religion, Military, Science, Hollywood, virtually all over the place. In public life they flash the pyramid symbol like, Merkel and Macron frequently do, by showing the all seeing eye, making secret handshakes to show they are in service of the Dark force, without knowing what the Darks really want from them!
The Deep State cabal has been heavily involved is the creation of an entirely new and even more disconnected human body for all souls that are caught within the Matrix. Individuals that are dumbed down far below today’s level, but are even better controllable by computer, taking away their freewill without choice other than what the cabal want.

Once freewill of the majority is taken away, they become afraid and are asking for more protection from government, with more restrictions in order to feel safer. This is the newly created human body already living around us in the millions, and that are the beings the Deep State like. People that don’t want freedom, but safety, that fits the matrix prison, designed to be living in low and toxic vibrations. For the readers that are thinking this is to far fetched, look around you and observe the Chemtrails, the dangers from radiation emissions through Micro Wave Ovens, smart meters, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G and soon 6G.
The real plan of the highest echelon cabal is to get rid of the old disconnected human body form, by killing 90% of exiting populace by poisoning through food and medicines, to exterminate the old body configuration that no longer is working for them. Once this is completed it will be impossible for anyone with a true freewill to stand up against this takeover. In the meantime, this restriction is becoming more and more visible by the day.
Those that are not awake, are living their daily lives within the matrix system, are quietly consenting to it, unless they are speaking out against it. Everyone is included automatically whether they like it or not. Unless you take action now to opt out of this Matrix.

Think about; This Matrix can still be destroyed now, so do it immediately as this is the time to achieve complete destruction as we can count on the help from the off world Earth Alliance. Let us make this our mutual duty for the New Year 2020, to establishing real peace on earth in the well-being of mankind.
This really is our last chance letting the truth prevail and being successful with the overpowering of the Deep State. Our children will be grateful if we leave them a free honest world without oppression and income tax burdens, with plenty of healthy food, clean air, living longer, and great opportunities to live for.
Feel free to share this self-explanatory article with everyone you know. The more awake, the better it is for all of us.

Source: Final Wakeup Call

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...