
23 de mayo de 2018



Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May -.

Soul as a community, we are taking part in a phenomenon that has never before been attempted in this way anywhere else in the cosmos. You will note how different my approach now that I can talk to you about their heritage and their biological connections (their genetic relationships) with their Star Brothers and Sisters.

Two thousand years ago, he could not speak so directly about these truths. Of course it spoke to those you call my disciples together with my family and friends about our star family, but all references to these things were removed from my teachings and the teachings of my brothers and sisters who served with me.

Removing all information about our galactic family was an attempt to make mankind believe that we are isolated and alone in the universe, as we replace the truth with global programming of thoughts, beliefs and emotions that has enslaved much of the planet to this day - but now, a new day is dawning!

There will be no secrets about the actual contacts have been made with other distant planets and star systemsdistant in the days of transparency and disclosure. By the time you return to walk with you again in the beloved Planet Earth, you'll be learning all about your true history and existence, technology, support and love of your benevolent Galactic family.

ET contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where the "Alien" technologies (better known as "Galactic" or "cosmic") that were offered to humanity were adopted by the "Hats Dark" ,   instead of being used for the good of all humanity, which had been intended.

There have also been contacts in the past (they are no longer allowed at this time) with others, and those who call Grays and Reptilians called. It was his desire for a complete takeover of the planet, for your Hats Dark field who were influenced by them - those who have called the "wannabes", "Alliance Archons" or "Cabal" - had the same inclination. Each faction thought they could outwit the other to gain advantage in order to control the population and resources of planet Earth.

Now you can be sure that their dark machinations finally turned against them , so as to ensure that no dark faction never reach what they imagined. Always they underestimated the power of the Light and the determination and resilience of humans who lived and worked in the Light.

We have now surpassed the power structures of the "Hats Dark", which have always been inclined to cope when things get tough. This single trend demonstrates the greater power of the Light, because we have an innate desire, even need, to help those who need us.

The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing your watch Earth Day, the road is clearer and Lightworkers are stronger. The strength of the Light meeting can not be denied, suppressed, blocked or sabotaged.

Try to contain the light would be as impossible as trying to stem the tide. You can call it a wave of love and goodwill. He is lifting the spirits tired of all, bringing comfort where there was soothing pain and trauma, both physical and psychological, as people wake up and recognize the new sensation of being truly free to love.

With this growing wave of Light, they are again in love with yourself, your partners and neighbors, their babies and their friends. You see and feel the aura of light around those who had never before noticed, when you start to see yours.

Yes, you have been tested, and planned to fully explore and solve all problems polarization on Earth between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. In the background, and he suffering was much worse than thought it would be optimistic in their planning stages .

That's why it's so important that your Higher Selves are always there to protect and relieve pain, to not surrender. Light your family, including your Higher Self and soul mate, constantly sends you loving support and encouragement, so you do not give up.

In the end, almost all of you cling to life with great tenacity, despite their complaints during tough times. Nobody knows better than me. He was aware of what would come in my life as Jesus, and although there were moments of unbearable pain. Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal of my fellow human beings as intensely as I felt physical pain.

Let it be known here that Judas did not betray me. He was my dearest and most trusted friend. He was the only one he could trust the difficult responsibility to disclose my whereabouts when the time came. There was no one else with the strength of faith and loyalty to me, who knew he could accomplish what had to be done without hesitation or a moment of remorse.

Although most of those who turned against me at the end were not near me, still leaves a deep sense of sadness at seeing other human support an attack on one of their own. Any child who has been taunted by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by her family for some ideological offense has felt this profound sense of horror and despair.

Why do we turn against us? Through the pain, trauma and suffering, we became vulnerable enough to allow us to take programming that misleads us and keeps us cycling and recycling in destructive belief systems and behaviors that are not natural to our true state.

When the truth is revealed, the war becomes untenable and obsolete

This is our job now, dear. We must unite to heal duality and artificial divisions that have pitted human against another. We will ensure that this time, the transition to the New Golden Age, no one will turn against their peers to prosecute, judge or condemn. The days of war: war on religion; wars of ideology based on hatred of others; wars of greed: they will no longer be permitted. The war itself is never justifiable. The war becomes obsolete and untenable at the time that people recognize that they are stronger working together than in opposition.

You've been so immersed in the thought of missing competition and fear is no longer obvious to you that most, perhaps all wars on the planet were deliberately instigated to benefit those in power, and especially those who are Power behind. It was not difficult for those in power foment discord among populations who were already oppressed, angry and hungry.

It's an old trick establish an arson for which heroically rush off, gaining fame, fortune and allies in the process. All of these truths will be revealed at last. You will learn the true history of your planet, and when you do, their hearts filled with love for your fellow sufferers.

Also you find relief when confirming that what he suspected was true. Definitely, it was what appeared. When you fully understand who really benefited from their prejudices, their distrust of others and their religious conflicts, it will be much easier to leave the convictions that were implanted in their brains unsuspecting children without their permission.

Suspicion or hatred of those who superficially appear to be somewhat different from oneself is not an inherent human quality. Observe how dogs of all breeds a family of elephants, bears and geese were mixed and even help when their territories are not restricted naturally come with the tail moving, how birds of all species meet and how easily. so that it is believed will.

It was a difficult moment of insight for leaders to understand that all they had to do to control his "herd" was to limit its resources and inform them that the culprits were immigrants, Jews, women, blacks, Armenians. or Shiites who were to blame.

Yes, they have been the subject of mass mind control experiments and social control. For a time, it was somewhat successful, but there have always been some who saw through the schemes and demanded freedom, justice and equality. I was one of those people, and you too.

You're not alone. Their numbers are growing day by day, as the mainstream media lose control because of the extensive possibilities of communicating political and social truth through Internet. While the open Internet forum itself invites fear and fraud, it is less controlled and is a better source of truth than any of the media mass you have now, which have become propaganda machines for corporations They pay their bills. Can not it be a different way.Whenever money into the mix, there is opportunity for misuse of power.


Now, we address a current question in many of their minds. What is Ascension, and when, if ever happen?

Most of you are familiar with the story of my resurrection. This was the example we want to give them what is Ascension. If there are those who doubt that there is life after death, I can assure you that is not a future life; is eternal life.

Each person completes his present incarnation going to light to resume life as a soul in a 'Body of Light' which is what you might consider as your "normal" state, since this time on Earth is only a short phase your long life as a soul.

This time you not only will travel to the 5th Dimension, but can do without the death of the body in which you dwell, unlike your previous lives. This time, you have the option of being completely cured and restored to have a healthy body and bring this body with you. You can make changes to the appearance, size, shape and possibly even the gender of the body that will retain when you reach the 5th. Dimension.

This may sound like magic for you, but of course magic, according to your standards, occurs in the Higher Dimensions that creation occurs with the combination of thought and feeling, not through material handling substances with your hands, as They are known here. This is the world you can expect. Is the Promised Land which has been prophesied in their ancient texts, but it is much better than anything we can put into words for you here.

5th world. Dimension of your near future truly is where the "lion lies down with the lamb" because all creatures, human and otherwise, will be kept on a diet of vegetable and fruit matter, and no need or want to consume your Brothers and sisters. Climate changes will make possible a completely covered Metro lush, lush gardens and people and animals are free to express to express the performance (fulfillment) of their souls without worrying about things like money, hunger, war or danger physical.

Telepathic communication will be immediately and fully understood. Transport over long distances will be achieved through individual or community spacecraft. This is not a dream of science fiction. It is the current reality in many other planets in the Cosmos: this and much more. Your brothers and sisters are Estelares circling your planet now, to give you their technologies, knowledge and assistance in fulfilling the dream of Ascension. Whole cosmos awaits your awakening.

You are so loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes turn to look at your wonderful progress by raising your vibration from a huge density under the influence of dark forces organized to a real and lasting freedom.

In this and the following subsequent chapters, I will encourage focus their energies stop establish a strong connection between the centers of your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (the will) so they can make the leap to the world that awaits them. This is the organization of being that allows you to live in pure love with your deep connection to Source, me and your higher self, which is the part of your soul that remains in higher dimensions one with God.

You are the Creator Race, made in the likeness of your Creator. This does not mean that you are completely identical to the Creator. It means that your progress to Enlightenment (literally incarnating Light), you approach ever closer to the perfection of One. All we are moving towards that glorious Final, becoming "one with our Creator."

Awaken loved. Leave your instruments from the bondage of their jobs: their mobile phones and computers. Look around you the beauty that you've missed. Look in the eyes of the children, the sun blazing sunsets and bright auroras. Your Mother Earth is cleansing herself; You are being protected from nuclear dangers and the overwhelming toxic pollution. The era of the planet's destruction and enslavement of all humanity is over.

No more wars, no massive genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as long as you continue to rise with your beloved planet. She has already left the realm of death to rebirth and renewal. She is accelerating its transition to continue helping you, to keep you and give you help.

Start with the knowledge that all living beings are conscious beings. Each animal, vegetable and mineral is formed by Creator Consciousness. You, as part of the Creation of All Things, have a living relationship with all beings Conscious around and around the Cosmos, whether they recognize it or not.

Mother Earth is full of love for their children, like us. Prime Creator and Mother / Father God is with you in love and light to propel forward into the rectum more challenging and triumphant passage ever known. No soul left behind; No Child of God will be ignored or postponed. Each and everyone has value, and all are honored equally.Arise, Children of Earth. It is really the time to know their Creator, and you will be happy to know the loving, compassionate, patient, understanding and good humor are.

You can listen to Mother / Father God and your Ascended Masters talking to you, with other listeners and including programs on radio and historical recordings found on

The Company of Heaven uses these means to give messages, Asicomo give the official historical account of events on Earth as they progress and develop towards Ascension.

The files are available to all for free.

You will surprise and delight you engage in conversation.

We want to invite you, talk to you and hear your voice, accompanied by his loving brothers and sisters in spirit, the family of their hearts.

Me join you in these calls as well.

I am your Sananda, who has called Jesus who loves you so.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...