
23 de mayo de 2018


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May -.

God does not punish - CRUEL punishment is unacceptable and ineffective

I am, Sananda.

For a long time it was believed that God punishes those who do not believe in it, or that those who do not accept the concept of one God will be condemned to a terrible future life after death. burn in hell or be expelled from the glory of heaven: Along with that belief system often the belief that those who do not accept me, Jesus, as Savior will suffer a similar fate is included.

I want to declare   emphatically and unconditionally that none of these beliefs is true. Let me answer each of these families and prevailing notions.

God does not punish, and neither. We see the punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.

There is no place like hell. You create your own life and the conditions of your Hereafter for your own actions and efforts during your life on Earth and elsewhere.

There is a Supreme Creator, which we call the Father of Creation. It does not require to be worshiped.

He is the Creator of all Creator, you could say the God of the Gods.   He is one, and it is not male or female

The Supreme Creator is the principle and source of everything. He created me, and He created you call your personal God; the creators of the Galaxy, the Milky Way are Mother / Father God.

They are also one, and both are male and female. And they prefer not require anyone to worship.

A Mother / Father God has been known by many names: Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Zorra and Saraya to name a few

Note that most of these names are male. This will change to reflect the true equality between them. The father says: "Without the Mother, no Father."

I do not consider me their Savior, and I do not want worships. I'm the one who comes to guide and supervise the Ascension of humanity on planet Earth.

I do not consider their Savior, and do not want to be worshiped. I'm the one who's here with my soulmate, Kathryn. She is known in the higher dimensions. Kathryn and I are accused by Mother and Father God to guide and supervise the Ascension of humanity on Planet Earth.

We work closely with the Society of the Ascended Heaven and the Galactic Federation of Light, led by our brother, Commander Ashtar. It is our strong desire to serve, and provide love, comfort, healing and support to all, regardless of religious practices that have lined up in the past. I see them all as my brothers and sisters.


The Creator, Mother / Father God and I, along with The Company of Heaven and all mankind, we designed this "Earth Project" to allow the greatest possible opportunity for growth as Souls - those souls who volunteered to experience the learning environment challenging is life on planet Earth.

God is love. I am love. Compassion, forgiveness, hope, harmony and joy are love.When you feel and you get these feelings, you are one with us and we are one with you.

There is another common mistake that I would like to address here. It is that what we expect of you as Human Beings is "obedience to our word." Their definition of obedience carries the idea of ​​subordination to another. This is not what we want or desire.

Humans on the earth plane of the 3rd dimension have free will.

Humans are intelligent and capable of independent thought and action during his incarnation in the plane of the Earth in its 3rd state. Dimension. This dimensional condition has offered a special challenge. Without the knowledge of what is past or future, or what exists outside of your existence Earthy, you will be required to find your own way to the highest level of performance you are capable. In the process, you will also discover the innate connection in your hearts with your Creator, me and the other Masters and Angels that are your family of Light.

We celebrate their growth and independent exploration. We do not want to eliminate or restrict their findings or their learning opportunities. With this as a backdrop for growth, we understand that all browsers will experience mistakes, setbacks, mishaps, accidents and even deliberate deviations from what would serve the "greater good".

We see that use their mistakes to learn and to evolve to a higher consciousness.This learning process on Earth has been a great process of many lives, and we waited, watched and listened patiently as has worked his way through experiences of trial and error until you find your own inner guidance, your connection with God.

We do not interfere in their lives, even when things go wrong, or when they are delivered to what we might call criminal behavior or destructive actions. We are bound by our contract with you to allow you to work through their lessons throughout his life until he finds answers to experience the consequences of those actions. We understand that this can occur either within a single lifetime, or during its review of future life, when he sees his own actions through the feelings and eyes of those who are affected.

There is no punishment for transgressions throughout life. Even murder can be understood as self-defense and, therefore, be forgiven. Those who have lost a connection with their hearts and with the Divine Will, which have become "Hats Dark" by choice and preference are welcome again if they want to be in the Light.Otherwise, they may eventually apply to be uncreated, their scattered molecules in the All That Is, but that would only be by choice, not ours. In addition, in all cases, we extend maximum support, encouragement, healing and encouragement to help each soul to return home to light after any distressing or long experience in the Lower Dimensions or dark.

Because we understand and see that their lives here in human bodies are but a moment in the experience of his life as a soul, this existence is no more important or more valuable than any time in your soul development. We value human life as part of the Great Soul Ascension Plan, not as an end in itself, because there is no end.

We see you as Souls in Ascension, temporarily housed in bodies that have accepted to take in this life. Gender, environmental conditions and challenges experienced here were planned by you, your Higher Self, during your stay with us in the higher dimensions.

Despite our deep compassion for your difficulties, if we had to intervene to prevent pain or challenges you experience here, we would be breaking the first universal law that defends the Creator. The first Universal Law is the non-intervention of someone who has power or influence over others. Sometimes it is contemplated in science fiction stories as the first Directive.

We know from our point of view and experiences that once you finish this life, pain and suffering will disappear, serving only as memory and momentum for greater depth of understanding, empathy and compassion for others.

From this higher, shared by all souls between incarnations dimensional perspective, the greater the challenge - which may even include pain, hunger, suffering and violent death - the   more powerful the learning experience.

We understand this perspective the High Dimension opposes what you feel and think in your lifetime here, and we sympathize with the conflict that you experience when you see others suffer. We encourage their efforts to alleviate the suffering on the planet, but also we have warned that "life contracts" individual facts in the plane of the Spiritual Plan should not be interfered with.

Currently, because Gaia, the soul of Mother Earth must ascend to the 5th Dimension, and because it is expected to rise soon with her as a group, all soul contracts requiring great challenges and difficulties are suspended, provided that the Higher Self agrees with this.

Any agreement would remain in force previously planned with the unique conditions of next Ascension in mind. This does not mean the end of your learning process here. It is the responsibility of every soul to assess and understand the implications of this new freedom.

We admire and respect the progress that a soul can do in the direction of feeling, seeing, thinking and knowing God's love for life in a 3rd Reality. Dimension.

Instead of obedience, which would be imposed from the outside, we understand that finding our way towards balance, clarity and love following our internal compass is a triumph of growth. The ability directed inwards to achieve a high level of consciousness while still in the plane of the lower vibrational Earth is Universally as a triumph of soul development.

Because of the multitude of difficulties that a soul can experience in a lifetime on Earth, this Project Earth race Exploradora / Creadora is seen throughout the Cosmos as a highly respected effort, something like the Olympics of soul growth and a desired opportunity. 

The privilege of spending a lifetime on Earth has long been seen as a highly regarded test of strength, endurance, resilience and faith of one. Mother / Father God only asks that respects your chance to experience life here as the gift that it is, and use it accordingly.

We ask that you consider these words carefully. You Meditate well, because in this message we give you the answer to your question: What is the meaning of life?When fully understand the meaning behind this test project on earth, it was of their own making, and for which he has volunteered, you also know that there is no reason to complain, and oppression of their Being by US.

There is no reason for guilt self-inflicted so you regret what you have done so far, because at any time, you can go back to the light, join us in love, and at that time will be saved, your agreement itself.

 Salvation from our perspective, it means relief deception, darkness, anguish and pain. The result of such salvation is Ascension to a higher level of consciousness.This is the goal of all souls in the Cosmos.

Join us in love, peace, compassion and harmony, and know the joy of one.

I am your Sananda, in loving service to our Creator and all humanity.

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