
23 de mayo de 2018


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May -2nd Edition -. Piped on 28/06/15

It's time to regain his limitless intelligence

I am Sananda, which you have known as Yeshua ben Joseph.

The skies become more blue, and the people of planet Earth is turning their faces to the sun. People everywhere are feeling the light that bathes all, blessed with God's love as they advance in their day. You can feel the joyous vibration of your dear Mother Earth, celebrating her new birth, His ascension to the 5th dimension.

They are being invited to join the uplifting energy that is sent to them from the Creator, our Mother / Father God to lift their hearts and help them experience the power of being connected with your heart, mind, body and Divine Will.

Your true heart, or as I prefer to think of it * "Core -Heart / Mind" (* Translator 's note: there is no literal translation) , is the place in your heart where you can think, feel and know things that your brain itself alone can not understand. You are complex beings.

All humanity has the ability to establish neural connections within your body in a variety of ways incalculable. Most of you have been trained / qualified to adopt the configuration that allows them to think only with his brain, preventing greater intelligence of your heart, your body and your soul. It was believed under the influence of his "scientific" approach, the "rational" thinking is superior to the ideas and thoughts that are influenced by sentiment.

This provision of knowledge is very regrettable and unfortunate, since it makes much less intelligent and creative than them what was expected if they had preserved and developed all the 'intelligence of the body' that you were born with.

This has finally been "discovered" by its scientists, but has not changed the way they educate their children or twisted cultural values ​​extolling the mental dexterity as strength of character while often diminishes emotional intelligence as a frivolous expression denoting lack of discipline.

Here I give tips to help restore their innate connections with the power of your heart / mind. As many of you have discovered, meditation is a powerful tool to restore themselves to creativity as well as expanded tranquility.


Consider for a moment how meditation can change your relationship with yourself.

You are familiar with prayer and feelings of tranquility that occurs when you send your prayers and expressions of gratitude to God or other Masters. We hear their prayers and work with what we ask, in cooperation with your Higher Self.

We can not go against his Life Master Plan for this life, your Higher Self monitors, however, are always here offering support. We always offer love, compassion and acceptance. As traditionally practiced, prayer is a conversation of unidirectional (one direction) from you into n osotros.

Now we want to open that channel to allow bidirectional communication. (Two directions: from you to us and from us to you)

The great power of meditation combines a calm and centered attitude similar to prayer, but with open to receive communications from us in response channels.

Prayer is often used to beg us or ask for an appeal to us , for mercy, or to 'ease-stop' pain in your life or the lives of others. Usually, we are not able to answer such prayers because these events are not caused by God; usually part of individual life plan that elaboraste in cooperation with God, your Higher Self, your Guides and your many helpers. Every time you call, we respond immediately to provide relief according to their needs, with the plan of life and higher self.

Now, meditation is a more open form of communication. It allows you to transform your systems to receive a higher wave length, so you can hear our answers to your prayers.

We prefer this conversational approach. It may seem strange to those of you who feel intimidated / impressed by the presence of their teachers, but we want to assure you that none of us wants to be worshiped, or maintained at an elevated distance. We are here to serve, to teach, to encourage, to inspire and to bring the love of our hearts.

I want to communicate with you, heart to heart, as you would say.

Think of this as similar to attending a seminar or personal tutoring session with your favorite college professor activity. Teachers are no different from you in kind; They are more advanced in the way of learning under long years of study and discipline. This simply means they have cultivated a broader capacity Love, and want help with their own progress. This is how we see our work.

Start to think of yourself AS YOUR HIGHER SELF

We welcome close communication with those who are ready to advance their 'work-work'of the soul.

This soul work always involves some form of progression that I mentioned earlier: learning to take control of your own feelings and thoughts; healing / healing traumas and painful memories of many lives; releasing and clearing old patterns that have learned to think like "what I am" / "who I am" to leave space for the true self, the true self, bright and free it can be and, underneath it all, I is.

These issues, these rungs on the ladder of learning and Ascendant are universal, however, the way that lives in the journey of the evolution of your soul is totally unique. You are the artist and engineer who creates your adventures, your lessons and your lives.

I urge you to start thinking of yourself as the person who is your higher self. In this image, you embody the sum of all lives, all knowledge and all growth. Your current personality, along with the set of ideas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs, it's just the accumulation of answers to what you have experienced in this life in particular a small part of the soul you really are.

Begins a big leap in your evolution at this very moment away your awareness of your being for a long-range perspective of this body, this short life and the timeline you have experienced so far. Consider this life as a part of the huge body that is your Cosmic Being, and observe the Cosmic Being part of all the great reality, which includes all Creation!

When you meditate with this vision of yourself in the cosmic whole, you begin to see that you are neither a small nor insignificant particle and finite limited to 80 or 90 years of human existence. You are a necessary cog in the great wheel of life, a crucial part of the Ascension of the Earth, and a beloved child of Creation.

Every feeling / thought, every action, every life plays an irreplaceable role in relation to all others; you have touched countless other souls and have been touched by them. No negligible or dispensable. No event senseless and unnecessary. No accidents do not play an important role in the development of shared destiny of humanity.

From this perspective, you can easily see the truth: you are precious and vital.

When you look from this perspective, you begin to understand how we see you.

All are precious; each being is unique. We feel an immeasurable love for you. You are the hope for the future of our ambitious project.

All of you have worked with me on this project over many lifetimes here on Earth. Each of your lives has been your way forward along the path of your soul to a higher level of illumination. In this way, you've done your part in creating a rising tide that lifts everyone on the planet. Besides, you've done your part in the interaction with others: your twin, friends and acquaintances souls.

You have all accepted lives that have inspired others through the expression of great compassion and tolerance. At other times, those of you who wanted to advance their ascension even made the sacrifice to play the role of oppressor, challenging others to organize against and overcome oppression to become advocates of Superior Well.

You see, this is the powerful irony in the experience of life on Earth. When people are in the most difficult situations, you get the courage, conviction and the highest level of dedication to the Light. Ironically, this is the model that has been adapted to train soldiers, who face the toughest challenges in the battle.

This training is popularly called "boot camp". Yes, this is the way the Universe sees stay here: they are seen as Warriors of Light and that is why we admire your progress. There are other ways to evolve as souls, but none so arduous, meticulous in cosmic terms, given the potential for such rapid change.

In the short period of about seven thousand years civilization has become an effective relatively effective general provision which most people on the planet are fed, clothed and protected to the extent that the population has grown exponentially.

Despite the areas of poverty, life expectancy has increased worldwide, and there is a growing popular belief that health care, literacy, availability of drinking water and enough food is a right that everyone should enjoy.


The ambitious goal, the whole beginning of the New Era of Peace, has not yet been achieved on Earth, but the seeds of success have taken root in the heart of the entire planet. Even with the interference of those in power who would put their own greed to the welfare of others, groups of private citizens continue to make astonishing progress through humanitarian programs.

We , in the higher dimensions can see the trajectory of your efforts. You have been receiving countless upgrades and improved to help you in your progress coding. These planned improvements will be sent through events and energetic portals that originated in the Great Central Sun.

Projects moving now have a natural impetus to progress towards achieving at high energies that continue to flood the planet and elevate it in every way.

Acts of kindness   made yesterday and the day before and the day before, have already taken off to generate more generosity in others. The actions of those who read these messages are changing frequencies experienced by many, from the tentative hope to excited anticipation.

Everyone can feel that something is 'coming-coming' . Something exciting and satisfying is about to penetrate the consciousness in you and in the larger world. It is unstoppable

It is a time to encourage new ideas, a time of questioning of old ideas and old ways, which includes two main areas:

1) religious belief systems that have become rigid, exclusionary and destructive to human happiness, and;

2) economic beliefs and those who have allowed and even encouraged the destruction of Mother Earth itself operating systems, which has given life and sustenance to all.

All this will change.

It is changing as we speak!

I am here to provide support and encouragement to those who have followed his profound bow to lift themselves and their human companions, to engage in acts of kindness and generosity, even when no one is watching.

The "unsung heroes" among you are many, and form the Legions of Light that will become the basis of the New Golden Age.

I congratulate them, and all who are just awakening from their slumber. I greet you with open arms and I welcome you to the glorious march to freedom, equality and deeper happiness that comes from the sense of unity among us, with Mother and Father and me.

We are here for you at all times, awake or asleep, and you whisper in my ear even now as you read these messages.

We are one.

I am Sananda, the author of these messages, and you met Jesus.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...