
1 de mayo de 2018

PUBLIC REASON - ELITE PEDOCRIMINAL (bankers, judges, politicians, businessmen, monarchies, nobility, puppets ...)


PUBLIC COMPLAINTS by Don Mario Díaz Fernández: 
- Lawyer Associate number 4,526 of ICAO (Association Ab Oviedo) 
- Photographer No. 4,737 professional photography Spanish Fed

"  I practice the prosecution in defense of 8 women. 
ALLEGED VICTIMS of INVESTIGATED José Juan C4bzudo Z4bala (Alias 'C0TE cabezudo') to which he is charged crimes of fraud, slander, divulging secrets, threats, sexual abuse, production and dissemination of P0RN0GRAFÍA CHILDREN, corruption of minors and RAPE. 
All this within the Summary 684/13, followed in the Court of Instruction No. 4 of San Sebastian, which is owned by Judge Ana Isabel PEREZ ASENJ0. 

In Spain, the instruction of a criminal case has the character of 'Reserved' for the parties, q mode and I can not and must not disclose details or what has been going on that instruction in the last 5 years, or what they it's getting to the victims.

As 'citizen' have recognized the right to freedom of expression and information. 
Freedom of information q includes not only my right to tell me , but also my right to disseminate relevant information to the public, with the only premises that is 'certain' and 'newsworthiness', as established by our Constitutional Court 

Especially today, 8 March 'women 's day and the international feminist strike', as a citizen, it is my duty to denounce something that should shake the foundations of public opinion in this country. 

Today exactly 2 years, 5 months and 1 day .... 
1 alleged victim 'C0TE cabezudo' went to a police station in the national police in San Sebastian.
Next to the detailed account of the facts ... it brought a dozen Internet sites, where they could see and sold to the public, not only child pornography suffering at the hands of this character, but also a video of violations that complaint. All this time ..... videos are still there. 

Has asked police, judges , prosecutors blocking that content ... 
nobody has lifted a finger in the almost 2 and a half years. 
Right now as I listen, if any of you know the destination URL .... for the modest price of € 14,95 .... COULD SEE THROUGHOUT THE MONTH CHILD PORN0GRAFÍA produced and filmed by COT3 CABEZUD0. 
There could also be some of the videos of their secuales abuse. 

The art.189.8 of PenC literally sets
'judges and courts ordered the adoption of the necessary measures for the withdrawal of websites or internet applications containing or disseminating child pornography or , where applicable, to block access to them, to network users who in Spanish territory. 
These measures may be agreed as a precautionary measure at the request of the prosecution. 

We fear that the civil guard blocked by court order 150 websites related to the referendum in Catalonia.
The government, prosecutors and judges acted perfectly coordinated instantly and closed sites in sigh when it came to independence. And yet, when it comes to victims of child pornography, minors, rape, when spent years begging all walks of life who can do something to remove that material are kept exposed. Forlong time I wondered why .... and not long ago someone gave me an answer to what is happening:in child sexual abuse ..... there are also politicians, bankers, judges, businessmen of immense power who participated in the abuses for decades . What this person tells me to me, he has also commentedthe prosecution of Guipúzcoa .... with names of allthem.

It turns out that the November 16, 2017 .... a twitter account q writes a tweet reads: 
PNV and PP agreed between silencing cases of pedophilia in the trial of Cote' 
And that appears in the photograph of that tweet is the judge Perez Asenjo, judge who has refused to withdraw this child pornography. 

However he has not had qualms about ordering telf click the victim during + 1 year. In putting on microphones in your car; to put GPS tracking beacons. 
Nor I had my qualms about fine me 500 € because I dared to legally hold that PREVARICABA. 

By the way, five victims besides me .... and 3 have FILED COMPLAINTS by 

ÉLITE PEDOCRIMINAL (bankers, judges, politicians, businessmen, monarchies, nobility, puppets ...)

 against her. 
Of course, today, that tweet November is gone, but child P0RN0GRAFÍA and video of the alleged violation REMAIN ON THE NET to decide pay 14,95 €. (...) » 

···················· de-aberration-sex-you-mean-to-people-vip-de-espan

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