
1 de mayo de 2018

So it is handled in RTVE: workers have first hand the orders they receive to misinform

Mariano Rajoy Rajoy TVEMariano breakfasts in the TVE breakfasts

 Vanesa Rodriguez

The group of women RTVE network initiates a campaign to denounce the manipulation of information on the corporation and ask again for his immediate renovation. Dozens of testimonies realize specific cases that reflect how public resources are used for partisan purposes.

Censored press conferences. Workers cornered by not being manipulated. Or express requests as "the prime minister does not leave with imputed". The group of  women workers RTVE  has launched  a campaign to denounce the manipulation in the corporation  and thus raise awareness of the situation that exists in the body and is extended by  blocking the PP to renew the president and the Board of Directors .

As they explained in a statement, under the label # AsíSeManipula network that citizens want "to access real situations that explain how the manipulation of information in the public body every day and with everyone's money." 
Similarly, they encourage viewers and listeners to share their testimonies "and telling examples of manipulation" who have received at RTVE.
"People should be aware that they are being denied their right to access to pluralist information and quality", collect drivers of this cross campaign that again claim a "RTVE of all." 
Under the hashtag # AsíSeManipula , first - person stories of how reality is distorted to favor the account of the Government or certain interests. Journalists censored, parallel wording, missing orders the principle of plurality which by law must govern the corporation. 
In the cases in the various reports of the Board of Informativos, thus they add dozens of complaints of women RTVE about the difficulties they have in the day to carry out their work as journalists.
A campaign of RTVE Women have also joined other employees of the corporation who wanted to share their experiences.

"Parallel wording"

Many of the complaints of the workers of RTVE refer to the existence of a "parallel" writing people engaged by management to move forward biased information.
Union sources told Vertele reported that "has hired like-minded people who send and veterans would not let us manipulate and thus out what they want."
Unions have repeatedly denounced the existence of this wording "parallel" noting that the direction of RTVE "use temporary contracts to strengthen the wording" and that "in 2016 devoted more than 40% of temporary contracts for that purpose" . or this reason CGT brought before the Court of Auditors temporary employment in the corporation. 
Meanwhile, the renovation RTVE still blocked despite the consensus of all parties except the PP to launch the public tender to choose a new president. 
At the last meeting the PP stopped asking several reports document because, in his view, there is "doubt that complies with applicable law."
In this situation, RTVE workers gathered last Friday in assembly to establish a series of coordinated measures which m anifestar their protest against what they call "kidnapping" of public media by the government.
Among them, they dress in black every Friday to express the "mourning" the situation living in the body.

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