
4 de mayo de 2018

The New Earth is very different from the Old Earth, because our way of working is very different

The New Earth is very different from the Old Earth, because our way of working is very different. Transcendence by Lisa Brown 

2 MAY 2018

Learn To Run With Punch Drunk: Anchoring the Realms of larger and Heaven on Earth here: Lightbody, gravity changes, dizziness, bursts of energy, learn all dream ... nEW ways ... 

There are many things we have to learn to do from scratch, in ways all new and all over again, because everything is different than it was before ...
Your body sleep to wake up, your Light Body (Body Soul self) never sleeps ... so sleep will walk around for a while and spread all the time. Each burst / massive activation of high frequency light patterns disrupt your "human" sleep and often leave you knocked out ... for hours ... days ... whatever it lasts (even uninterruptedly for years, depending evening is how human experience that you chose a Soul level).
We function in a state of Gamma Brain Wave Frequency ... our entire body, everything we do ... we must constantly integrate and acclimatise to be able to contain the immensity of the universal / cosmic light in the form of our physical body . As humans, we started in a state of brainwave totally different and as we sleep to wake up, as we walk all groggy, our bodies are changing frequency band. Only a small part of "exit the Matrix" and wake up in a dream. Walking Punch Drunk, dizzy, drowsy for some, Super Energized for other, sometimes both at the same time and everything ...
This dream state requires getting used to, it requires every ounce of our body to function, because it is a heavy photon light that is recalibrating our human bodies with all new encodings with Sacred Geometries Quantum to replace the old linear. Walk "Heaven" means no attachment to anything physical at all. Float means, learning to walk again and our eyes, hear, taste ... everything.
You walk groggy becomes the new standard, as multidimensionality. He will be coming and going, as the explosion / previous burst acclimatize and integrate in the / our physical / reality and new body cosmic / universal forms apply to how we live our "new life" here. We have to learn to maneuver, learning to maintain the flow, learn to move energy, learn to remain in a constant mode enable / surrender, learn to speak again (all the time), learn new words, learn new ways as our bodies are acclimated to work in all the new frequencies.
Everything in our reality becomes energy as our bodies work based Energy, Light, which is completely different than before. When our light out, were finished, there. Not an ounce of energy for nothing and we need to be inspired to create, we have to have a lot of nature, silence and alone time, and everything has to support our REALITIES OF THE NEW EARTH, or there is no purpose ... is just energy wasted.
Human aspects do not appreciate the energy nor energy nor the other. yet the value, so this is something that everyone has to pass in order to really understand. Until there is enough energy to breathe, move or do anything ... the energy is something that is taken for granted, so a huge part of this process is the depletion of energy, as the body is built of light...
We need to regenerate and generate a tremendous amount of light, only to function and accomplish everything we came to be and do here. This is done in many ways. Our bodies begin storing light in our cells so that we can sustain it. We need to build our energy, and reserves, so we can follow for long periods. Carry us sun, Vitamin D, nature and anything that allows us to stay connected inside ... because that's where it comes from our light ... and replenishes in many ways ... the dream is one, joy is other, happiness is another, sharing is another.
What drives us is different from when we were human asleep / unconscious in dense carbon-based bodies. Deep love and connection propel us, our goals / missions propel us higher, gratitude and appreciation drive us, our inner / higher visions drive us, inspiration, support and reciprocity drive us ... nothing like before. Our approach is different, takes a lot to maintain and sustain the amount of energy needed to achieve and produce a tremendous amount of light (through our work and exchanges) and master zillions simultaneous physical (and virtual) realities and keep everything very easily.
Our bodies Crystalline Light plasmic process information Light, Light Codes, Data Light and Energy at the quantum level, so all Mindfulness for simply existing need ... and everything else required further. Every ounce of energy that we care. Our approach matters. Every word, every action, every tiny thing matters, should be fully aware ... that is why we must be very careful how we participate, what we contribute, support and allow ...
Everything contributes to a reality ... what we allow in our field, what happens within us, what / who we surround ourselves, we engage ... everything must be observed and then apply quantum equations, being the way Geometries we see the overall picture and all parts of the map / puzzle / equation .... Virtual / Holographic access to the "future" (timelines / realities of much higher dimension), then it depends on each of us create / anchor Those realities in this physical here.
The New Earth is very different from the Old Earth, because our way of working is very different. Our brain wave state becomes a state of ONDA-CORPORAL ... our body has to work that much higher frequency, so our bodies are mega important to sustain. They should be happy, be allowed what they need to easily process, which means continuous systems detox / cleaning without waste / chaos / blockages that "filed" and interrupted the signals and immense energy flow Bio- electric creates an intricate grid system within our physical body, opening new avenues with a whole new re-mapping occurs as the light works through our bodies doing many things, not understandable to our / any human. As you tune in your own Body of Light, you will understand.How the light through your body, looking for the lowest frequencies to purify / delete / recode / tune / clean, how you communicate, how the flow is interrupted or opened, how electrical impulses and shocks ... are all AWAKENING yOUR human body and how your body is changing as a quantum body that works non-linearly, vibrationally, energy ... nothing like it did your human body.
When your body needs to be adjusted / updated, you'll know because he will have to retire, relax, be out in nature and sleep. Human limits and resistance go overboard or everything is much more difficult than it needs to be. Surrendering to this process of your body will evolve as light ... will challenge every aspect of your humanity ... until you choose to listen, honor, surrender and allow.
Your schedules are re-processed, what you can do well. You have to learn how to walk in Heaven with your body, how the sky looks and how to create / anchor your own heaven on / your physical reality here. It is not a process overnight.It has taken us all our lives so far and continually accelerates this process because you can handle it, because you accepted all this, before choosing that body / container in which now awake / exist / you live. Your body is your light body, as you integrate the pure light of your soul (Light Source Pure) in it, weaving, and constantly infusing acclimating to new heights ... literally. Gravity will change constantly, in every way. At first, when you awaken your conscience is inside your body, you're going to get dizzy, which will make lose your balance ... this is a very important process that must honor part, so let yourself go completely. Go slow. Sit down. Lay down. Be present with your whole body, your feet, your hands. Your human aspect has to surrender to your Light Body / Higher Self / Soul emerge from within you ... instead of "just go floating" "out there".
This is a huge process that evolve as a light ... every moment is part of this intricate process that can be easy if you open up and accept your NEW REALITIES / ways of being and everything will change ... and your appearance human can not control any aspect of this process will happen ... and the more resistance you have, the more you fight, the more you deny you open yourself to listen ... you're the one who has to "deal" with what that causes to dissolve your ego / resistance to a process that is necessary and important for the Physical Body Ascension to occur.
The New Earth is a whole new life ... new ways that do not conform to anything anyone "thought" before. Strip all that out the window and open yourself to what's weird, strange and has no logical / linear sense, because what Quantum is not linear ... in any way ... and Quantum's how weexist here. 
I love you and I will write / I will share more as we flow. It has taken years to acclimate and learn to function again, adapting every nanosecond what this energy, each Cosmic Frequency (yes, we can hear / see each) and these attune our bodies instantly, determining our realities to we learn to restructure fully aligned with the Divine realities Light Source Pure and Pure Love frequencies.
Happy magical everything. Follow anchoring these timelines larger and holding everything in place. A lot of energy is required, but the physical becomes simple, easy and all arises (materializes) for you while you vibrate in all new realities simultaneously ... ♡

PS Your body will have to process all unconscious so that they leave EMOTIONS. All lower vibrating, discordant tune with your body larger / Body of Light, and these frequencies Cosmic GOVERN THE EMOTIONS and accelerated beyond anything we've experienced before. When purity, love and connection to a level Almico PROFUNDO is where operas, this part is very simple. Anything that is not aligned vibrationally, inside and out, appears / will pop / will be visible so that you work / you solve / dissolve / proceses, so that everything can more easily / align instantly ... that's where you meddle.

Your choices / decisions / focus and what motivates you, all determines how you experience these transitions, integration and evolutionary processes

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