
24 de junio de 2018

Catalonia accounts for 23% of the Spanish industry

As our friend Sant Andreu says: 
Last Friday , the INE published data Sales for 2016. A year and a half after the year 2016 ended, the public body that costs us 80 million annually, mostly in salaries of Madrid, according to the general budgets, reports that Catalonia is leading the turnover of the industry. Exactly Catalunya accounted for 22.8% of the state in moral and economic decay.

Unproductive community of Madrid, hidalgos reception center around the corrupt state, holds the fourth position. 14% of the Spanish population, accounted for 10.4% of the turnover. Considering only the manufacturing industry ranks fifth, behind the Basque Country, although this community has a third of the population of Madrid. 
The noble character of the locals makes detest craftwork. On the other hand the rain of millions who receives invented this community, to pay public officials and workers, slow and inefficient entities, it makes it productive without, among other industrial.

Luck has the sink Madrid resources pillaged communities pay them non-manufacturing industry: power, water, gas, waste management, etc., which makes it more comfortable if it fits the lives of its employees. Otherwise, the industrial business in the village that became court for the quality of his game, would be nonexistent.

In sales figures, Catalunya exceeds 23%.

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