
24 de junio de 2018


The idea is Iceta Miquel, who asked for the Olympic Games take advantage of the Mediterranean to  declare an  Olympic Trucethe good intentions of this policy is seen as multifaceted. Only the figure seems excessive and out of place. The original Olympic Truce was true: the frequent and continuous hostilities were suspended to ensure the safety of athletes. Currently, under the circumstances, the Olympic Truce is merely symbolic. The world is in perpetual war. Not so in Spain, presumably. Ask the truce is to recognize that there is a war, which is false. There is a political conflict. To turn it into war is necessary that both sides are armed, if not equal, asymmetrically. It is not the case of Catalonia. Therefore there can be no truce where there is no war. Mediterranean Games absence of war; as missing Mediterranean corridor, one facet of the conflict.

However, it is understood, the idea is to achieve a cessation of hostilities to enable bloodless transition to the second part of the classic Olympic truce negotiations, agreements, pacts. Nor is bad occurrence, but also inconvenient. Any negotiation requires tranquility, security, normality. It is impossible to accept as normal a situation with political prisoners and exiles. His release and exoneration is a requirement for any negotiation and, while deciding his immediate transfer close to their families. 

Part of Spanish nationalism seems willing to explore ways of understanding with indepes. The government, hardly the truth. Iceta truce has no content and, in the symbolic dispute between the Government and the Crown, the  Celaá Minister expressed the government 's support to the monarch.  In his view slights the Crown are actually demonstrating the Generalitat not represent all the Catalans. Undoubtedly minister, but unless Catalans represents the king and his government far fewer of you and not for you to speak.

We can think exposing Monday MHP  plans to get a plurinational Spain Catalunya where you feel at ease . It is a reasonable basis for negotiations, especially if accompanied by acceptance of a referendum agreed to self - determination, as it seems. It is a reasonable and intelligent basis. There is no other way out. However, the plan plurinationality referendum and who has to convince is not the indepes, but other Spanish national parties, PP, PSOE, C's. Herculean task whose impossibility is the weak point of the proposal of purple and so are unlikely to rise in votes at the expense of the other ends, the unionist and independence. Theirs will remain the vote of ambiguity

Political conflict does not support truces nor known rest. All things to do in Spain and Catalunya institutionally footprint will clash. And hard ends. Torra announces that the Generalitat breaks relations with the Crown and ignites a new constitutional crisis because, even symbolic, is very representative. From a constitutional point of view of theology, it is a sacrilege. 

But it is on the street. The stadium was half empty  and there were boos and whistles to spare Rojigualdas predominated flags, proof that probably as well as indepes chose to boycott the ceremony, the tabarnianos were present. If the support of the dynasty in Catalunya is Tabarnia, the court may move to a television set on a morning magazine program. 

The independence movement has two recent grievances against the state, both abundantly exposed, the two ignored, one, political prisoners, ignored by the government and the other, apologies for the speech of October 3, ignored by the king. 

The problem is not that the parties are able to articulate proposals for alternative coexistence to the present, including independence, of course. The problem is that these proposals win in a referendum.

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