
10 de octubre de 2018

"ACT bartering energy"

There is a phenomenon that occurs frequently among those who are on the spiritual path. Many who decide to stop paying jobs to follow the call of their souls and the promise of better rewards, are now impoverished and unable to fulfill the destiny of their souls. Why does this happen? 
And yet, what can you do to resolve this situation? The answers are in the words of this message. To understand this monetary imbalance we must first understand the belief systems that hold it However, before we begin, I must inform you that I will share knowledge is direct and forthright. I do not rebuscaré words or sweeten the truth.

If you feel you are not ready to open up to this knowledge, I then sent your next attempt with love and blessings. For those who are prepared to receive this high dimensional wisdom , we continue. 
We 'll talk about those belief systems in the context of the study on money provided byyour planetary school, Earth. 
This model is known as self - service for others. To complete this teaching, you must learn how to serve others in the same way as you serve yourself and vice - versa.

This message is also delivered in other planetary schools and those of you who have been in contact with your brother try space in this class will have different levels of understanding according to their belief systems . 
All civilizations who have returned to the ninth dimension, the dimension of integration, have lived many lifetimes on different planetary schools behind this lesson . For one resume tolevel of the Creator God, you must be able to express everything you want and accept full responsibility for these creations.
To fulfill our service to you, we want to share how we learned this lesson and we graduated from this particular course, hoping to accelerate your learning so that they can achieve the desires of your heart in all things. 

* Managing Self to others 
Finding the balance between serving self and serving others is one of the hardest lessons to learn the soul to complete our current Universal Game for Soul Evolution: Game integration polarity. 
In this game, the polarity of Service to Self is known as the Dark and the polarity of Service to Others is known as the Light.
We have learned the value of Service to Others denying all aspects of Service to Self.Religions teach that serve yourself is selfish and therefore inherently bad. 
They are given only allows for basic needs.Become rich means a negative stigma of selfishness . However, your wealthiest institutions are institutions religious . 
From a higher perspective this is as it should be, because having this dichotomy in your reality gives them a powerful signal about the error of this belief system. As alarm warns you that something is out of balance about this way of thinking .
No planetary course is given without these clues that show failures, and then by a process of elimination find the balance, learn the lesson and you graduate course. 

* If it is spiritual, "should be free" 
In this treatise Self Management for others there is a prevailing belief system. This belief system is "if it is spiritual,should be free." 
Through this teaching one must learn the error of this belief system, experiencing the complete lack of power that creates in one's life . To graduate from this class and the reality it creates, one must reach the following conclusions: the only thing that is free is 'nothing' - a 'nothing'
Nothing is something that does not exist: if something (and in the context of this message, spiritual knowledge) then have a value. And all you have is always offered as part of an energy exchange or barter value (to use a term from Earth.) 
"Something" in high places is never offered for free, since that would put it at the level of "nothing , " and thus destroying its right to exist in its present form. Would return to theUniversal Fund (as discussed below in this missive) as raw material.
When we stick to imbalances in this belief system and believe that spiritual knowledge, or any other related knowledge should be free, then the universe has no choice but to rely on this belief blocking the energy exchange (money) to it reaches us, thus remaining in line with our belief system . 
The universe is governed by a law that can only give us those things that we need. So if we have established that we do not need money to obtain spiritual knowledge of the universe, the universe complies with our belief and closes our ability to manifest money for those things that we say we do not need money .
In a short period after adopting this belief, we find that our ability to create money disappears, because we believe we do not need to acquire spiritual things. This is the reason why many on the spiritual path are experiencing a decline in their ability to manifest money, and still continue to adhere to this belief system. 

* Regalando vs. Charging
This is another aspect ofbelief system "if it is spiritual,must be free" from which we must learn to find balance . In this part of the course one learns the lesson about how and what wechoose to exchange for those things we want. 
Whether food, shelter, a book or some kind of spiritual training, etc.If we are the suppliers of items for basic needs, such as owning a home, then it is expected that the form of barter will be money to rent our room. 
On the other hand, if it is a spiritually based product, the prevailing belief is that those items should not be exchanged for money .Therefore, those who have chosen to provide spiritual knowledge by creating a company to do this, they are criticized for charging money for their services and products. 
If one applies the above findings, he realizes that products and services based on spirituality fall into the category of "somethings" and therefore should be subject to an exchange of energy to sustain its existence .Otherwise it will return to pure energy in the Universal Fund. On Earth, the company would go bankrupt because it could not survive economically. 
At school Earth, the primary form of power and energy exchange is known as money .With money one can acquire all products and services needed to survive and more than that, and pleasure. 
Therefore all "somethings" must inherently be available for exchange through this form of energy, whether or not spiritual origin .Otherwise, as stated above, the "somethings" that are not exchanged for another "something" becomes "nothing" and therefore returns to the Universal Fund as raw energy.

* There are no such things as a free lunch: someone always pays
In this aspect of the belief system "if it is spiritual to be free , " once again we learn that the only thing that is free is "nothing". 
Whenever we find a product or service that says "free", we understand intuitively that somewhere someone is paying the bill.Because our planetary school was created to provide lessons on how to use our powers of manifestation, should have a primary form of exchange (money) as an integral part of their systems . 
Therefore, all products and services with any value will be subject to any energy exchange, money being the preferred form of exchange.
Once this course students understand this concept, automatically they seek who is paying the bill in any situation where you offer something for free, doing it without judging . They know that somehow, those who provide the product free have done with some idea that compensation will come in some other way to support them and their efforts .
All souls incarnating into your planetary school desired to do to learn this lesson along with others given at school. It's the same as when you seek a university that give courses and according to your educational goals. You as a soul chose Earth as the planetary school that offered courses more consistent then your goals evolution 

* Manifesting extracting money from the Universal Fund - The multidimensional way of using the bank
Once the course lessons Self - Service others have been learned, and have taken the form of higher dimensionally think, are ready for the next step: to manifest your needs and desires 3D through the Universal Fund.
The Universal Fund is simply a name for the unlimited supply of energy available to everyone in our universe. This energy is used to manifest all forms of creation from galaxies and planets to the electronic numbers and paper money that you use on your planet to acquire goods . 
To use the Universal Fund will have to become aware of howworks and details of howwithdraw money. In this article Igive them the most important elements, but there is more. I need a book to share everything. I give hereallow thembegin to successfully integrate this multidimensional system of money to use in your threedimensional (3D) system

Basics to successfully use this fund is that we must be willing to let go of our current belief system that the only way to get financial security is to have a lot of money in a 3D bank account, and replacement see the Universal Fund as true savings account. 
This can be very difficult because we have been trained to believe that only by having extra funds in our three - dimensional accounts can manifest what we want. However, it is the key to changing the three - dimensional system of money multidimensional or universal one step.
Our children are really frightened at the thought of letting go that to what they were programmed to see as the only way to feel financially secure. By taking this step, by our actions we say we are ready to manifest from the Universal Fund. 
Also we say we are willing to let go of the need to save money taking it out of circulation because we no longer fear losing our ability to manifest. It shows that we are beginning to have faith in our ability to manifest our desires using a universal source. Spiritually we are starting to put our words into action.

I found it very difficult to do this in some of my dimensional incarnations on Earth, which had now established as systems. For a long time justifying why it was okay to save money. 
However after many periods go wrong money for bad business, I finally gave up, and started to follow the recommendations they gave me my guides to access the Universal Fund. Your soul / Higher acts as your bank executive, deciding when your applications will be accepted and how they manifest themselves.
These decisions will be based on the hallmark of your life, your soul which acts as the administrator. This is, of course, according to what you have requested. Because your biggest reason for being on Earth is the evolution of your soul, all requests to withdraw money from the bank are verified with the distinctive "seals" (draft, "blueprint") of your life to see if they agree with that is best suited for your needs evolution. 
The "blueprint" of your life is the blueprint that you created in your Entrevida (life in your lives), and contains all the lessons, contracts., Major events, and the people with whom you will meet during your present incarnation.

If at this time your order is consistent with the "blueprint" of your life, your soul will be full speed ahead to bring your order to the third dimension literally flow into your life. You'll know when an order has been successful for three things: people, money and opportunity come together. 
You will have little or nothing to do for these three things will happen like magic. If these three elements are not there, it means it is not yet time for what you've requested is revealed. If you are unsure if a request is granted, tell your soul that you confirm it and be positive or negative.
Ask him to confirmation in 24 hours so that it can not be misleading. Your soul will. It has many reasons to give you an answer and usually the answer comes immediately, even before you've finished asking the question. 
Tip: ask to confirm Yes or No. Be specific. There are times when you are granted the request, but the energy provided is blocked by our Ego / inner child because they are afraid of the changes you can bring your application. In these cases vuélcate inward and negotiates an agreement with your Ego / inner child (for more information see: "Key to Open the Door, the fourth Key of Compassion"). 

* Guide to draw energy from the Universal Fund
You must be "grounded" to receive your request from the Universal Fund. Not "landed" is the same as you send mail and you have no address or mailbox. Those who spend a lot of time elsewhere (on the astral plane or other dimensional planes) are hampering the ability to manifest. Those who resist being on earth, are also hampering the ability to manifest. To really show should be the heart connected to Earth and its people.
You must verbally state what you want to express using the power of Universal Fund. It can be compared as writing a check or use a credit card.Both are 3D. Verbally saying what you want, things are created in 3D through sound. Without doing this, it remains on the mental plane as thought. Many of you know this in their studies visualization techniques. 
The request must match the purpose of your soul, as determined by your "hallmark" before you can use the Fund. Anything you ask for is not consistent with this purpose will not be granted will be no need for evolution and mission of your soul. If you feel doubt, ask your Soul to confirm you.
All withdrawals from the Fund should be things or services, no extra money to save in the bank and feel safe. This is considered an accumulation of money based on fear and energy inaccessible to others. 

Be open to allow things to manifest without the use of money. For example, a house may come as an opportunity to live as a caregiver in her residence. Only give you the energy to get the thing requested. It's not delivery. 

Often Fund withdrawals require preparation on your part. It would, for example, that you must buy the ticket if you want to win the lottery. If the withdrawal is "on purpose" your soul will send impulses / messages so that you make the necessary actions.
Orders are granted if at the time to support the purpose of your soul. For example, if you order a home now, but your soul has decided that the time to manifest is after you go through certain experiences, you will be given after those experiences. 
Again, if in doubt, consult your Soul. As you learn to let go of your attachment to the 3D banking system and begin to use the Universal Fund, you begin to experience improved levels of prosperity.You will see that you will be able to manifest for all your basic needs and non - core, with the only difference that will not have saved large amounts of money in a bank, and all things will manifest themselves in line when supporting your ongoing spiritual evolution.
In addition, as you start to feel comfortable with this new process your faith in your power to manifest grow along with your feelings of inner peace and love yourself. You no longer feel more afraid that you can not pay your bills, and you know you can. It's like when you learn to ride a bike, once you learn, you stop being afraid. 

I hope this has helped you understand why you be experiencing financial constraints and at the same time, namely how to fix the situation. Simply switch to a new monetary system, one to which your soul and your guides have been moving some time ago.
When you make the decision to enter the spiritual path, ascend and return to a natural multidimensional state, you also have to make the decision to learn to use systems that are inherent to the new reality. 
Unfortunately, many of you were not aware what was this "deal" when they made the decision. As aresult, they have been confused and frightened by the financial problems that have happened to begin this way. 
I hope this message will feel more relieved about your finances as they now know that learning to use the multidimensional financial system along with your 3D monetary system is part of the training for ascension.

The fact you have experienced monetary changes is proof that your Soul and Guides are working hard getting ready to move to the multidimensionality. 
All who are in the path of ascension will encounter these lessons, so they are not alone. I know from experience how challenging it can be this message and lessons like someone sharing your emotions, fears and experiences with others in the same way, these lessons will go much faster.Please lógrenlo. 

Together we will succeed! 

In service and appreciation, 
Devin / Jelaila Star 
Daniel Cipolat (Dandelion) 
Project caterpillar to butterfly

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