
2 de octubre de 2018

fear takes away your power.

The general belief system of mass consciousness is driven by a negative and hostile thinking and a resistance to new concepts and changes. be alert to the whisperings of your Soul and Higher Self .

All they need is to believe,  it is a choice. This choice always belongs e n life, in time, in space, or knowledge . 

All through their guides  at some point, they will show their psychic potential, and spiritual heritage, to ome  wake up and overwhelmed, needing advice  from people who already know what's going on  .

Most masses are frozen in a reality of pain and suffering, but are unwilling to entertain new expansive ideas, so the ease of his prison of illusion and self -imposed limitation. 

The soul carries the spirit of life to another, accumulating wisdom through them, until it reaches the stage where it is released from the karmic wheel, and be reborn in a human body. 

During the many past ages, humanity has diminished the connection to the River of Life / Light so that, in most people, has become a small trickle of energy life force. 

The conscious mind only sees what is ahead, and remember, physical experiences, their realitiesAccept the Divine Plan, it is when they can see beyond physical existence. 

You are beings of light,  and become beacons of light learning lessons, in a physical body in three - dimensional reality, the planet Earth. 

And you stais in the process of expanding your Light and your conscience 

Do not be afraid, because only they will be blocked, and decrease your vibrations. 

Never forget, fear takes away your power. 

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and notice of Copyrigh t 

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