
15 de octubre de 2018

Freeing the old ...

You are lately feeling a mix of emotions that go up and down ... 
They are ranging ... 
they come and go like waves in the sea ...? 
Grief, anger, nostalgia, anxiety, rage .... 
Intermittently ... 
or perhaps in between followed by moments of laughter and joy ... 
peace and harmony ... 
If so, tranquil @ ... 
You're just in the middle of the process that touches at this time. Which one?

As we are going through a tunnel washing. 

What is happening is that power surges are entering the new vibration. 

They are like light cannons Amorosa, that through our bodies, illuminating those areas that are still in the dark. 

A higher, purer vibration, which is intended to help us heal, cleanse, to leave behind that which no longer serves our life. 

This Light makes those wounds that are stored within us @ s, those attachments that we refuse to let go, those behaviors that hurt us and keep repeating ... are brighter, so that become evident to us @ s so you can work on them to release them.

You may suddenly take time holding something and thinking you can do it or not that great ... you prove unbearable now ..; that what hurt you long and you did not want to think again, because you thought you had it passed ... reappearing in your life in one way or another, removing your inner ...; you take time installed @ in a life that will not fill, you've become your comfort zone ... and suddenly see something / someone new that gets you everything upside down and make you rethink everything you thought you have under control... ; or just seemingly out of nowhere, you invade low vibration those emotions (sadness, fear, anxiety, grief, anger ...). 

All this is just going to withdraw it from within all that disturbs our being to continue our evolution. 

All that prevents we vibrate higher, according to the new vibration being installed on the planet. 

It has to do with feeling good, loving one @ mism @, with stop making decisions based on fear ... All this is lagging behind. 

It is becoming old. 


If you have not noticed yet (I think if, if you would not be reading this not to this point), the entire planet is changing. 

There is a new energy grid being installed. This would be like a new operating system. A new way of working. 

Think, feel, act. A new consciousness. 

The wonderful thing about this is that we are doing we @ s, step by step, each with their individual work ..., facing and overcoming their personal battle. 

 A battle that is inside and not outside. Everything that happens outside is a result and reflection of what we have inside. 

So if you want to travel liger @ luggage on this trip we are doing together, you know it touches. Release, release, goodbye ... It is sometimes laborious, hard, intense ... that scares let you know what to go do not know where. But let me tell you it's the only way. 

There are times on the road are leaps of faith. There is no choice but to trust that what your Ser / heart tells you, it is best for you. 

Leaving listen to the mind and its thousand ways to scare you follow @ aferrad everything before. Being aware of what is going on inside you, and evidence that Life / God / Universe (whatever you call it), you're putting forward. 

They follow the tracks, listen and watch the signs ... are everywhere. 

You can choose to ignore and keep repeating it before and try to move anything ... but that will resist the flow ... and believe me, you will find it increasingly more complicated. 

Let's all together into one place, as one, because that's what we are. And there are more awakened souls, making the process accelerates. 

Just want to be happy. Really want out of fear and mistrust that have dominated our lives for so long, to live one day at a day full of love. In all its forms. Feel free to make decisions that revolve around your well-being and consequently to all. 

If it's good for you, it is for everyone ... do not let them continue to convince otherwise. You do not have to sacrifice your happiness for anything or anyone, because you will not get anyone of you want to be happy, if you're not. 

To give love ... Love yourself. 
... treat yourself to deliver joy joyful moments. 
To transmit peace and harmony ... relax. 
... Liberate freedom to deliver. 

Say goodbye to love anything that does not make you feel good, and let it go, to make room for all the new and wonderful that is waiting to come into your life. Posted byVictoria Knight Lusson

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice 

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