
2 de mayo de 2019

Babaji: Start Moving

Amongst human beings there are those who perceive the changes in the world, who realize the magnitude of events, but regardless of that don’t want any personal change. Then there are those who ignore everything that is arising so apparently – wrongly believing that by sticking their heads in the sand some events could be undone.
And then there is you, who welcomes these possibilities for growth, who resonates and goes along, who looks at your own shadows, so that the light can spread more and more – and it is you who I address this message to.
Beloved seeker who is longing to find!
I accompany you on all your paths. You are never alone, and there is no path, no matter how difficult and steep it may be, that is impossible to master.
Difficulties arise when outer and inner factors act as brakes. But as soon as these mechanisms are removed, difficulties dissipate.

My presence and your devotion

I can help you with that. My presence in your life acts as a strong impulse for transformation, and all you need to do is devote yourself to it.
Devotion is the essential quality needed in you, the seeker trying to find. For you, who can’t bear any more half measures and half-truths, it is essential to take final steps towards healing. This means that it is time for you to stop going in circles in your transformational process, but instead it is time for the last layers to be healed and the last “difficulties” to be dissolved into air and light.
A profound healing process down to the core is now in order, so that you no longer keep falling deep again after each high, but display inner strength of such frequency that it cannot be influenced by anything.
I assist you with this, by lifting you up from your lowest lows, and you reacting appropriately – without hesitation but with determination, without fear but with devotion. Then your complete healing is only a matter of instants, and your ascension into the light can take place.

Ascend where?

“Ascension” is all the talk. But ascend where?
Be well aware: This world is not overcome externally but internally! Ascension means living life with both feet on the ground and mastering this plane as a human being with divine spirit.
Ascension does not mean renouncing or escaping life in this world.
Even if the games of this world don’t fascinate you anymore, your divine missions have led you to this earth. By completing them you get closer and closer to God and to ascension – until one day the last veil is lifted.
Your ascension is between you and God.
Don’t make the mistake of not seeing your life on earth as a matter between you and God as well. When you understand this you have understood life and reached the maturity of a seeker who wants to find.
It is you I am speaking of!
You, the mature soul, who no longer wants to participate in the games of this world and puts your life entirely in the care of God.
Being in this world but not of this world, living with human beings without partaking in the dramas or the comedies – and fulfilling the missions with the help of God, that I am.
So be on your way, I will meet you there.
My invitation is not a dream, it is reality. I accompany you as soon as you start moving towards the discovery of the realm of light deep within you.
Open your heart to me, and everything will happen. I am BABAJI.
» Source » Channel: Jahn J Kassl

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