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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta metaphysic. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta metaphysic. Mostrar todas las entradas




I have watched you as you moved across the pages of time. 

His-story they call it, written in blood at the hand of the patriarchy, paid for by the lives of our people.

Yes, our people. We were once friends, you and I, allies in a dance as old as time, long before they pulled us apart and pitted us against one another.

When did your hand slip from mine? 

When did you align yourself with such a dark force that tried to erase the love in your veins and the wisdom of women? Who put a value higher on money and status than happiness? That shut down your heart and wrapped you in iron armor keeping your humanity hidden from your own eyes?

You were seduced with promises and shackled, I know. I’m not here to cast blame or judgement. I’m here to offer you a way out, a path back to salvation. I’m here to show you the road home.

You see, there is nowhere to rise if we stand on the bones of one another. We were never meant to be enemies. We are partners. We are kinsfolk.

All I ask of you is that you remember.

Remember who you are past the lies that they taught you that you needed to be. Remember the sacred lineage that flows within you. Remember the truth of who you are deep down in the core of your being, and awaken.

The wild winds are calling you and stirring deep your blood. The ancients whisper wisdom into your veins, do you hear their sage words? Are you ready to bear sacred witness to your own unfolding? The time has come to usher in the alchemy of your rebirth. 

Are you ready?

There is so much more that exists beyond the rules and regulations that have been created to hold you prisoner. A vast, lush forest tangled with truth and promise waits to welcome you home.

It is there that I witness the truth of you, deep within the arms of the wild natural world; King, warrior and muse, primal, naked and raw. Adoring father, nurturing lover and Gaia’s eternal son.

I don’t call you King as some form of flattery, but as a reminder. As a call to awaken and take your place as ruler of your own life. To cast off the lies that have brainwashed you and lay down the patriarchy that ensnared us all.

Take up your sword of truth and raise it with me, let us fight the injustice that plagues this land. Remove the shield that protects your heart and open it. Use it in protection of those who need it, for the natural world that needs your gentle, loving hand.

The time has come to take yourself back.

Dig your roots deep into the ancient wisdom that flows in your veins and pours into you from the elements that surround you. Lay your weary spirit down upon Her soft soil and rest. There is nothing to fear from Her. 

She is not here to ensnare your soul. She is here to set you free.

You are a mystical man, can’t you see? You are meant for so much more than surface dwelling and being tied to masks of the past. 

Don’t you long to awaken? Can’t you feel the vibrant passion that emanates from you? Can’t you hear the singing of your soul?

I can see the authentic truth of you, and I wish you could borrow my vision. You are a great mystery to behold, crowned with integrity, robed in spirit-deep knowing. The modern world is your kingdom and you struggle as do we to peel away the paradigms of the past and cast them into the four winds.

You too have suffered, you the prodigies of the patriarchy. You who were molded and shaped in their image, their rules branded upon your yielding skin. You are more than this, more than what their labels could ever allow.

You are a temple, sacred and holy, your altar worthy of reverence and devotion. The old ways cast you as an unfeeling stone ever closed, ever empty. But this is not you. You are an eternal sea, fathomless and profound swimming in oceans of dreams. And the time has come to let them flow.

In this new era, the feminine has awakened. Her daughters have stirred in the darkness where they were once buried, growing strong in the shadows. Our sisters have reclaimed their voices, you can hear their feral howl to the Full Moon and feel their medicine moving through the trees.

We will never be silenced again by the chains of the past that seek to ensnare the world.

This is a call to rise, summoning us to our deepest truth. This battle-cry is heard by your heart as well. The time for segregation is long past, the time to gather and stand together has come.

You were never meant to bow or scrape. We have seen what tearing us apart has done, the wars that rage, the hurt we cause to one another. 

Imagine what we could accomplish together.

We are not adversaries. We were never meant to be on opposite sides you see, we are so much stronger when we stand beside one another and offer support. They tried to pull us apart, much as they did the sisterhood. 

But they failed. As we gather and grow, so does our strength. United against them, they hold no power. Together we take back our once stolen world.

And so I call to you, from across the pages of time and the distance that has been wedged between us. I invite you to step into this new paradigm with me. Help me peel the damaging labels from weary old bones and usher in a new time of peace, love and possibility. 

Rise into your authentic power and embrace all that you are.

Find yourself, sacred masculine. Awaken from the nightmare of bondage and throw down the chains that enslaved you. 

Embrace the truth of all that you were born to be.

A new day is dawning, and the hour has come to embrace the truth of all that you were born to be.

This is our time.

Your Eternal Friend, 

The Divine Feminine

~ Ara Campbell

💖 👑🌹⚜️ 💖

Opening of the Heart Meditation

Gene Key 44 - Synarchy

💖 👑🌹⚜️ 💖

Love the unlovable

Forgive the unforgivable

We are ALL ONE

Heaven is back on Earth

Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE

💖👑🌹⚜️ 💖

I am that I am

Inanna I Am

Goddess of Multiversal Love 

Keeper of the Sacred Divine Feminine Magical Sexuality Codes from Ancient Egypt & Carrier of the White Flame from Andromeda

I feel very Honored, Humble and Grateful

~ Agnes Lindhout / Inanna


In Liefde en Licht.



If you've had painful experiences in the past, it doesn't mean they will be repeated. 

If a bad memory haunts you and does not allow you to live your life, let it go or you will ruin everything.

You have to accept that defects and weaknesses are natural and are an integral part of who you are. 

Do not let the slightest sign of weakness appear, be firm.

Don't be afraid of happiness, being at peace with yourself is the most important thing in your life to achieve happiness

Now that it is within your reach you will live a synchrony of love. Don't be jealous 

Have confidence in life, you too have the right to be happy

Published by Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar 

©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that the integrity of the publication is respected and the author is acknowledged. The source of the publication includes this URL and the copyright notice

Translated with (free version)


The greatest miracle of love

The greatest m
iracle of love is to make the impossible possible, your greatest qualities are found in your heart.

You dream of having a little more independence, you would like to go forward, but something stops you, forgetting the mistakes of the past.

If you want to be understood by others you must open up more and stop shutting yourself in.

Do not impose your views, be honest with yourself and listen to your inner voice to decide the path you should follow.

Published by Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar

©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that the integrity of the publication is respected and the author is acknowledged. The source of the publication includes this URL and the copyright notice



"Being a woman is not a natural fact. It is the result of some history. No biological and psychological fate that define a woman as such. No woman born: do you woman "!
(Simone de Beauvoir).

It is difficult to gather countless such nonsense in so few lines. Ideology of "imagination to power" dislodges the same biology, common sense and the most glaring evidence (such as sex assigned to him on his birth certificate instead of waiting for it "won" through her know that merits) and puts his identity delusions above a totally ignoring scientific rigor, making true the opinion of Dawkins' Too simple for science?Try religion. " For nothing more than a religion, with its irrational and immutable dogmas, their excommunications and their rejection of the shallowest critical analysis, is gender ideology that defended the cow is sacred, that is with all "animus injuriandi."
Click on the image to enlarge
Natural is not necessarily a human value. Humanity has begun to surpass nature; we can no longer justify the continuation of a discriminatory sex class system on the basis of their origins in nature. In fact, just to pragmatism it begins to seem that we should get rid of it. The revolution of women to control media playback is parallel to the revolution of the proletariat to control the means of production. How to control the means of reproduction is the abolition of the biological family. 
(Shulamith Firestone).
One born man or woman born. No one is born homosexual or asexual.
"The natural is no longer a human value" dic- 
tamina a fool. But it can be a 
human value unnatural?
Sex is referred to the anatomical, physiological and endocrine characteristics in the form and function of the reproductive organs themselves which differentiate between male and female. Two different but perfectly complementary to physically and psychologically sexes. And they will remain what they were since their birth: a man or a woman.
Sexuality involves the whole individual being in their way of thinking, feeling and acting, ie, a non-instinctive potential which manifests itself as a gift that we bring in us: One is always male or female.
No one can choose or choose their sexuality. There is no other possibility of natural sexuality, and there are natural features of homosexuality.
Prenatally by genetic know that the first characteristic is recorded in a human being at the time of conception it is sexuality.
This is the first stamp of the union of one egg and sperm: male or female. Why sexuality is defined from the beginning to the end of our life, being the brain by the governing body conformation of sexual identity.
Homosexuality is a symptom of a psychological problem unsolved. A child to grow up healthy requires a parent who is male and a mother who is a woman. Affective gaps and inadequate sexual identity models generate distortion problems, conflict and affective-sexual disorder. Feminism is a political fight for male supremacy on behalf of women as aclass practice.

Andrea Dworkin.
Gender ideology is a theoretical system of punitive and authoritarian thinking for the planned suppression of the instinct of procreation, which destroys the biological basis of society with the postulate that the differences between men and women do not have their specific nature, being a mere cultural construct developed by stereotypes that each society assigns to the sexes, broken down into'géneros' that can be assigned to pleasure.
In analyzing language of reality field, every ideology is an unscientific philosophical essay, a political theory no method of checking for possible facts, which nevertheless is used to regulate group behavior. Gender ideology is based on the axiom that Western culture is capitalist, patriarchal and phallogocentric - the sacred masculine logos, spiritual foundation of society that must be destroyed.
The enemy of science is ideology. Science only discussed in science and the opinions are discussed only opinions. An ideology is a set of beliefs they profess an activist group defined jointly by profess that ideology, against other ideologies. That is, ideologies are critical with other ideologies, but never with themselves or with their own foundations.
The ideological perception of reality is to kill the species by gender. An ideology defends his criticism when questioned about herself, but criticism when questioned exerts the opposite ideology. Thus, ideologies articulate unions in society and face each other. It is that humans feel stronger when they are fed by the ideology of the union to which they belong.
Science must crush the false ideologies or false consciousness of activists highly trained by ideology but ignorant in science who believe that profess an ideology are strong to the extent that identify with the guild exercising that ideology, although this does not constitute an alternative to scientific theories, being a conceptual error of ideological perception of reality that is very difficult to reverse.
Today the enemy of science is not religion as coming ideologies of secularism and atheistic doctrines, often more irrational than any religion. Culture is a science-free zone, with no reliable information and propaganda jargon generated in place of the facts. It other words, "culture" is the enemy of science and replaced. Science no longer can protect us from the "culture" (which, unlike nature, which imposes ways of being genuine, we imposed identities that interest the political power, note the "blogger").
Culture is what identifies a human being as a member of a group. In this sense, feminism does not stop being an atheist ideological union. According to this neo-Marxist theory, the personal is political and therefore sexuality is a matter of the state, for which the self-perception is really a category that lets you choose before the law between gender countless options.
The danger of gender ideology is very subtle because it does not use violence but ideological subversion and propaganda to change the human mind and heart aiming to destroy the child and family. Other nominees argues that motherhood is the radical oppression of women, a certain bondage biology;and even defends sexual emancipation in childhood or that heterosexuality is an aberration of nature.
Gender ideology implements the social constructivism of postmodern Marxism - who does not believe in the individual - in legal systems and doctrinal foundations that build human identity: biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation vary independently, when in reality they do not.
Sex belongs to the non-verbal language of the body's senses.Statistically, 99.98% of the time - without bimodal distribution spectrum with a tiny number of exceptions - the individual expresses isomorphously sexual identity according to their genotype and phenotype.
The theoretical argument of cultural neo-Marxism to meddle in the intimacy of a couple, is now el'consenso científico' dictates that there are no biological differences between men and women, the idea of ​​class is obsolete and has changed gender identity and racial identity in another dichotomy between oppressed and oppressors.
Hence the dogma that we live in a'hetero normativo' system, a system of compulsory hetero sexuality imposes on women's reproduction of the species, that is, to reproduce the heterosexual society emerges. In conclusion: women do not exist.
A sophisticated ideological weapon to control thought and impose the way of understanding reality, disseminated drivers New World Order (NWO). 
State religion and doctrinal design subversion, made by a technocratic tyranny frontally facing nature and common sense, and presented as a liberation movement of women under slogans like without gender equality there is no social justice.
Gender ideology is an ambitious plan nihilistic lavishly funded for mutating human nature in a way never seen in any totalitarian state. However, the facts, not ideology, determine reality.
In his attempt to destroy the biological basis of society, among its spokespeople and laborers who do not understand the game radical feminist organizations and ideological homosexual movements that divide and demoralize the population count - the so-called LGBT groups + (Lesbinas, Gays, Bisexuals, ... QIAP Queer transgender, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual) whose annual suicide rate exceeds 40%.
The disorder of sexual identity or'disforia of género' has been standardized as healthy by decree supra national United Nations system and the World Health Organization. However, no one can change sex doing magic with words, for more cultural than is the spell, being an indelible fact that will never change even if it is presented as a struggle for civil rights.
Which imposes limits on the manifestation of this world are their non-malleable, determinists and knowable natural laws, not culture. Therefore, gender ideology involves the removal of any natural limit. One is male or female before birth and even after death. In this regard, testing for DNA genetic code are irrefutable.


Tips for a successful couple

The  relationships  require effort and work.Not always be rosy and happiness, but there will be disagreements and times when you should talk topics that may not be comfortable, but they do decide the kind of life partner and they want to be.Therefore, and always thinking about maintaining a healthy relationship where they are not afraid to speak and work even on issues that may find it uncomfortable, now look at some of the best tricks and tips for your relationship to be successful, and especially healthy .

1. Do not lose autonomy and self-esteem

Be in a relationship does not mean you have to spend all the time together . It does not mean that you should neglect your self - esteem or give more importance to what your partner says or thinks about you. The important thing for a successful relationship is that members are free and have enough confidence in themselves and the other to advance together for life.
Excessive emotional dependence on the couple makes one lose his own identity and start losing self - esteem. Each partner must keep their personal space, a range that is sufficient and consistent with the bond holding, but for differentiating these spaces that are not necessarily together. It is best to continue to have attention and interest in the work, social relations, friends and previous to be a couple hobbies.

2. Sincerity and emotional expression

Many couples fail because they are insincere , or because they lack the necessary steps to express their feelings appropriately emotional capacities. In the first stage of the relationship, it is normal to seek to show the best version of yourself. However, no one is perfect, and maintain posture to show devoid of flaws will cause us to lose authenticity. Also it leads to living the relationship of an unreal way. Therefore, the best for a healthy and successful relationship is toshow authentic.
Hide aspects of our personality that we consider ugly, it is a way to hide the truth.It is preferable to disclose and work to change them, if they really bother us.Otherwise we are creating a false image for that person to stay with us or despise us.
Verbal or written expression of our feelings, to show the person we love, with concrete gestures, the way we feel. It is a cornerstone for a healthy relationship that lasts over time.

3. Maintain objectives and stimulating projects for both

Do not fall into the monotony  and routine is another important for the relationship to endure and succeed factor.Everyone needs to have goals that create motivation and enthusiasm. Losing these goals or none at all in common will make the relationship begins to falter, because why they are together if they want to share anything? These objectives and projects are renewed daily, so you have to conversarlos, dream them and assemble them together. That way love and enthusiasm in preserving  couple .
Published by EVERTH THENANSHED 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.
© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source and the copyright notice.



The magic formula. 
Conny Mendez. 

"Let me give you the metaphysical formula for anything you want. It is a formula to use it at all. Check It for yourself, do not believe me blindly. 


Now do not hesitate for a moment. You have used the magic formula. You have fulfilled all the law and you will soon see your desire manifested. 
Be patient. While quieter wait, the sooner you will see the result. 
Impatience, tension and be mentally push destroy treatment (formula is what is called metaphysical "treatment").

So that you know what you've done to repeat the formula, I'll explain the process in detail. When you say "in harmony for everyone" you have removed any danger that your convenience harm others, nor is it makes you may want evil for another. 

By "according to God 's will"; If what you want is less than perfect for you, you will see happen something much better than you expected. In this case means that what you were hoping you were going to not find enough, or I would not be as good as you thought. God's will is perfect.

When you say "under grace and perfect way", contains a wonderful secret. But let me give you an example of what happens when we do not know to ask under grace and perfection. A lady urgently needed a sum of money, and also requested: the 15th day of the month. I had absolute faith that would receive, but his selfishness and indifference not ask inspired him with some consideration for anyone else. The next day a car ran over his daughter, and the 15th of the month received the exact amount that she had asked. It is the insurance company paid for the accident of her daughter. She worked against the law and against herself.
Request "under grace and perfect way" is to work with spiritual law. The law of God is always manifested in the spiritual realm. There (on the spiritual plane) everything is perfect, unobstructed, smooth, smooth or damage to any, without struggle or effort, "softly, softly", all with great love, and that is our Truth. That is the truth being known makes us free. 

"Thank you Father heard me" is the highest expression of faith that we cherish. Jesus taught and applied in everything from before the bread that fed five thousand, even to say how to turn wine into his blood. Thanking the Father before seeing the demonstration. " 

Metaphysics 4 in 1, vol.1 
Conny Mendez. 
Shared by: Metaphysical Decrees "I AM"
September 20 at 16:24



Saturday, October 21, 2017 

After physical death the ethereal body, also called the subtle or astral body, is separated from the physical body. The energy of a human being is stored within the ethereal body; the information corresponding to the personality or false self, with all the range of emotional patterns and physical residues of experiences accumulated during physical life, is recorded in this energy field, including the experiences of other lives. 
 Wrapped in this subtle body, the being is directed towards the light, which is always present. The spirit guides are approaching to receive the spirit of the newly deceased. The guiding spirits do not have a definite form, they can appear angels, beloved people or they can be simply, forms of energy.
 The spirits of relatives or loved ones can be a guide, and even if they have no form, the deceased will recognize them by the vibration of their souls. If the one who comes does not have a definite form, the eyes, which are considered the windows of the soul, will be the key to recognition. This is important since many entities, whose purpose is not precisely to guide the newcomer, are waiting to be able to "deceive" the illusions. 
 These are self-service entities seeking to trap those spirits who do not possess sufficient knowledge to defend themselves. According to William Baldwin, the eyes of these entities are black because they lack light.
 Apparently, there is a barrier or a portal through which you have to pass in order to enter fully into the light. If the spirit of the deceased moves beyond that portal, it will advance towards the 5th density, to which the souls of all beings go after death. 
 When dying, the silver cord that unites the spirit with the physical body in the third density is definitively broken. However, not all deceased spirits follow their path to light. Some are lost along the way, either by conscious decision or by simple ignorance, many are trapped in the state between the fifth density and the physical density, the third density.
 Some authors denominate this zone as under astral, gray zone or intermediate zone. He who does not cross the portal, wanders through that area and may find some human being to join to continue to enjoy the activities inherent in physical life. 
 In this way, the incarnate partially or totally joins the subconscious mind of a "living" individual, exerting a certain degree of influence on the mental processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. In this way the entity becomes a parasite in the mind of the host. A victim of this condition may be totally amnesic during episodes of complete takeover by the entity.
 There are a lot of reasons why an individual does not complete their transition; as examples we can quote: A traumatic or sudden death can take the entity by surprise, producing a trauma in the consciousness of the newly deceased spirit. Such death can lead to various emotional states that can range from surprise to fury, fear, despair, guilt, remorse, and so on. 
 The entity may refuse to accept its physical death or may be unaware that it has occurred. Emotions, be they of a positive or negative character, that border on obsession act as an anchor that prevents the departure of the entity. Therefore, feelings of hatred, guilt, remorse, anger, and even excessive love can interfere with the transition.
 False belief systems about the afterlife can prevent the spirit from going into the light; the experience of death may not coincide with false expectations or preconceived notions of how it should be. 
 Death by overdose of drugs or alcoholism can cause the spirit of the deceased to conserve the appetite or desire to consume such substances;being a state of consciousness-energy, the astral world can not satisfy such appetites, so the spirit decides to laze until it finds a subject to adhere to, for example, an addict who will provide satisfaction through his sensory-motor apparatus .
 In this way the spirit becomes a parasite. The same can happen with any kind of appetite or obsession associated with the material and physical world of the third density, for example: food, sex, another human being, etc. 
 If at death the person had within himself one or several parasitic entities, the transition can be a difficult process. In this case there are several possibilities: The spirit of the newly deceased can carry the parasitic entity into the light and thus rescue the lost soul.
 The spirit of the newly deceased can be separated from the parasitic entity and directed only towards the light.After the separation the EAP may be lost again, so it restarts the search for another guest to stay. If the EAP has a fixation with the individual to which it was attached, it can wait until its next incarnation, locate it at the time of birth, and join it again. 
 This intrusion can occur in repeated incarnations of the host. If the spirit of the newly deceased person can not be separated from the intrusive entity, perhaps because it lacks the necessary energy, it can also become a parasitic entity with the other EAP attached to it.
 In this way, both entities can be united to another person, which in turn, when dying, is trapped, and so on, until forming true chains of EAPs.These chained spirits can form true clusters of wandering entities. 
 It is necessary to understand that it is not a physical reality and that applying concepts that do govern it in a material state is a fundamental error. Spirits are energy and do not take place. A person can have dozens, even hundreds of entities attached.
 They can even rearrange in the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If a part of a person's body is particularly weak, or has suffered an accident or illness, it may harbor an EAP which in turn identifies with that weakness. They can also be located in any of the chakras, attracted by the peculiar energy of one of them or by the physical structures of that part of the body. 
 There are different classes of EAPs.There are benign, malignant and neutral or passive. The reasons that can lead to a person acting as a magnet for these entities are many and very diverse. It can be very simple, like being physically close to the place where the death occurred.
 According to W. Baldwin, approximately 50% of the clinically investigated cases were due to chance situations without any relationship between the CAS and the host in this or any other incarnation.The other half of the cases may be due to some kind of relationship or unfinished business in this or another life.
 According to specialists in the subject, the phenomenon of Astral Intrusion occurs very frequently and all people are affected by one or more EAPs at some point in their lives. A physical, psychic or emotional weakness is an unconscious invitation for an entity to adhere to the individual. Too strong emotions, negative feelings consciously or unconsciously repressed may be the signal EAPs need to become unwanted tenants. 
 Some of the reasons that attract a PAD include: All types of surgeries, organ transplants, blood transfusions, diseases, physical or psychic weaknesses, depression, mental illness, head bumps, stress, ec.
 The use of drugs, especially hallucinogens, alcohol, anesthesia, painkillers, and similar substances produce an opening in the energy field that protects us. Sex can allow the exchange of EAPs. Sexual abuse, incest, rape, increase the possibility of astral intrusion by entities that are attracted by the vibrations that such situations produce.
 The magical practices of any kind, the channeling, the action of asking for help from the guides without having sufficient knowledge about the invisible world, meditation practices to contact spiritual masters, spiritualists and all kinds of spiritual activities that are made without a deep knowledge of the invisible worlds, are gratuitous invitations to opportunistic spirits of all kinds, both fleshless and demonic entities, to interfere and produce all sorts of problems.
 Behold, many of the ideas propagated by the New Age are nothing more than pure disinformation that can cost VERY EXPENSIVE to those who are not willing to investigate more deeply these kinds of teachings. The practice of certain lifestyles, the fixation or obsession of certain mental patterns can attract those entities that have affinity with them.Exposure to certain environments in which negative vibrations predominate will attract a multitude of EAPs.
 A fact that today's young people (and not so young ones), who are profoundly ignorant of the seriousness of the subject, are exposed to astral intrusion when listening to certain types of music, as well as to incline towards promiscuous sexual practice, drugs , alcohol, etc. It is not a question of being Puritan. It is that the Control System uses these tools to its benefit, assigning a great number of demonic entities to those who could have the possibility to WAKE UP and UNDERSTAND the true nature of our reality.
 In this way, young people and especially talk about young people because in some ways, they are the most vulnerable to external influences driven by the need to belong to a particular group, they walk in sinuous ways that put in danger much more than their physical life : they endanger the freedom of their SOULS. We will talk about this when we deal with demonic entities.
 A person can be affected by an EAP in many ways without ever suspecting that one or more EAPs are adhered to. Attitudes, behavior, inclinations, desires, thoughts and emotions may be influenced or even determined by the action of another personality with a different history and pattern of behavior, however the individual will believe that they are his thoughts and their emotions. 
 Such an entity acts as a psychic vampire no matter what the entity's intention, negative or positive sucking the vital energy of the guest who in his ignorance, believes that it is an incorrigible fact. The entity lives at the level of the subconscious of the individual and exerts on him, all his mental, emotional and physical charges.
 An EAP is a parasite that prevents an individual from disposing of their energy, and performing it spiritually.EAP imposes on its host its own psychic load, which can manifest emotionally and / or physically interfering with its life, being able to alter the original plan of the guest. 
 Karma can be altered due to the influence of the EAP, causing a premature death or a too long life, preventing the individual from leaving at a certain point in his life. 
 The EAP can alter the sexual orientation of the person, the choice of the couple, the relationships with other people, etc.
 In many cases a person recognizes the possibility of having a PAD only after having undergone therapy and having discovered or noticed that certain habits, thoughts, addictions or obsessions have disappeared. 
 This new awareness may come months after the treatment. The symptoms of astral intrusion can be very subtle. An EAP can be present without producing any noticeable symptoms and this also applies to demonic entities. However EAPs ALWAYS exert some degree of influence.
 The bonds that unite two individuals in this or another life, whether of love, hatred, jealousy, revenge, etc., can be an important factor that allows astral intrusion. Unknowingly, an individual may unconsciously invite a loved one to join him when the latter has passed away. 
 This invitation can be produced by the pain of loss and by refusing to let go of the loved one. The spirit of the deceased person can feel the same way and decide to stay to accompany the other, protect him, give him love, etc. However this DOES NOT BENEFIT either.
 The intrusion that is produced by the bonds of love that unite two individuals is a VIOLATION of the FREE ALBEDRÍO of both souls. The reality is that however much the person who is still alive misses, yearns or feels pain for the loss of the deceased, the spirit of this person DOES NOT have the right to invade the space and energy of the other person, nor can the living person DO NOT ever invite a spirit to stay. 
 GREETINGS to your beautiful soul and heart Akatriel Ratzón Elyon

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...