
8 de mayo de 2019

Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - May 8, 2019


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

A sudden and major flip in the global economy is expected to occur.

The US holds over 8,000 tonnes of gold which accounts for over 75 percent of total central bank gold reserves.

Zimbabwe unofficially sits on potentially 13 million tonnes of untouched underground gold.

The fiat financial system is on the verge of imploding as the global debt bubble is about to burst.

Once the fiat financial system implodes, the new quantum financial system (QFS) will replace the fiat financial system.

The QFS will return all currencies to a gold-standard.

Therefore, all currencies will be backed by gold which means Zimbabwe's currency becomes the most valuable in the world.

Zimbabwe's currency will naturally become the world reserve currency.

Sources are expecting this sudden and major flip to be the trigger for the RV.

Source: Operation Disclosure


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