
2 de mayo de 2019

Q & A with Kejraj: Galactics, Ascension, GCR and more

Regards! As always heart - to - heart talk right now, I'm Kejraj! Here I chose to answer some questions I have received from readers. The answers expressed here are, of course, from my perspective, my view. For all the answers await you inside. Tune the light within you.
Q  : What% of humanity needs to wake up to the ascension happen?
R  : No "measures" in this process. Mother Earth has the last word on when the final layer of the veil will dissolve and humanity willrise. No matter what the "number" at the time.
P  : Ra is a being or group of beings?
A  : Ra is a group of beings.
P  : If the Galacticos love us so much, why have not spoken directly yet?
R  : Well, on the one hand, honor the universal laws. I'm sure there are many other reasons. Perhaps the fact that at this time appear to cause more chaos than good because the masses are not yet ready. And if to do more harm than good, it is useless and this would create a negative galactic karma, so that absorbed back into the karmic cycle.
Q  : Have you seen the commercial for Gillette?
A  : Yes, I have. It is rubbish, like everything else that comes from the Cabal. Another tactic of divide and conquer through the media.
The behavior of humans among them was "taught" them by Cabal programs, and now they did Cabal owned by companies like Gillette pretend to care?
What is more disturbing is that many in the spiritual community that are considered more conscious compared to the average human being, applaud and recommend that video too. Very unfortunate. They do not see it for what it really is.
Q  : I found an interesting question, I thought I would share. Why is there something rather than nothing?
A  : There is something. It 's all a "mirror" of your consciousness. The universe is a mirror of all, the eternal. And besides all nothing.
Q  : What is the best way for a person to achieve happiness?
R  : Do not think about being happy, just be happy. Take no action of any kind unless it gives you joy.
Q  : What group of beings we will find first once an open contact occurs?
A  : The Pleiadians.
Q  : Why sometimes fear posting messages in
R  : The light workers often forget quickly what you have been taught, or what they know deep. Fear is an illusion, right? So why do you fear a few simple words? I must also mention the fact that certain truths can be so frightening for some, this does not mean that what is said is false. You're just not ready to accept that truth and move on.
Q  : When did you think open contact occur?
A  : we would say days after the event.
Q  : How true is that some of the intellects say we will get a rate of 1 to 100 or more in zim and the Iraqi dinar?
R  : I do not want to respond in this way, but I must. Greed in the so - called community of light workers in the community of GCR is amazing.
Be humble and grateful for the rate you get, that's all I'll say.
P  : Thank you for everything you do ... EraofLight Kejraj is my goto page every day. Just a quick question here, what can I do to concentrate while meditating or try to meditate again, should Isay? Because lately I have not felt like doing nothing at all. Thank you.
A  : You're welcome and thanks! So basically you've been meditating without knowing it When you're relaxed, whether at home or in nature, without engaging in any activity that requires a lot of energy or can steal your energy, you are meditating. No focus or a certain position is required, only it needs to be free from any external influence. You can always take a nature walk for about thirty minutes twice a day; will begin to notice the positive impact this will have.
P  : Meat consumption has a positive or negative impact on our body and in this process?
A  : How do you feel about eating meat? Have you tried a vegetarian diet? See how you feel about it I think that only with your question says your body is ready to make the switch to something lighter.
Q  : Hello, I want to ask if you know anything about payments swissindo 11.01. I printed the bond m1, but what is going on with all this? Nobody knows anything. We are not getting any news or updates strengthening what will happen. I live in Ireland and we do not know what will happen to this world Gold Trust on the website of swissindo. Best regards.
A  : All this is connected. The GCR / RV, GESARA, and so on. However, it not activate anything, no changes will be made until it is 100% safe to do so. Until all threats have been neutralized.
Q  : Are hot flashes / night sweats another symptom of ascension? I take nothing seems to help relieve them .
R  : Yes, this can also be a symptom of Ascension. Night sweats, in particular, are an indication that his body is moving toward a higher vibration. This can also be a sign of the breakdown of Kundalini blocks throughout the body.
More to share in the coming days.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice

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