
6 de diciembre de 2019

Mike Quinsey message, spiritual awakening and ascension

Mike Quinsey message, December 6, 2019 
 Dear, I can not emphasize enough the need to focus on their future and give their visions of him all his energy, to the extent that it would be uselesscontinue living in the past. Now you are in the New Age and leave behind the old, because it has served you well with your purpose. Those of you who have awakened continuedo so and the ultimate goal isexperience the Ascension. Today, you are gradually rising, and some of you have noticed that your consciousness is expanding. It is giving them help to understand the changes that are taking place that will allow themeventually become Galactic Beings. It is largely his interpretation of events which is so important if you continue in a direction upward,  and why cling to the old understanding will delay its evolution. Previously we have asked to think big, as humanity itself will help influence the outcome and their experiences will shape accordingly.

Words can not adequately express the wonderful period ahead, one of peace and happiness without interference and influence of the Dark, who eventually will move in a different direction to humanity. The upcoming changes are what you've been working for millennia of time and have proven yourself to spending the scoreboard. Once this is done, there is no way that we allow the Dark interfere with their progress. They are a nuisance from time to time, but unable to seriously delay final success as it enters the higher vibrations. We will support you all the way and, as always, we are available to deal with any intruders. They have stayed away to avoid any interference with the path chosen.

Do not forget that thoughts are energy and through them you attract more of the same, so be careful what you give your energy because it can return to haunt you You have a beautiful soul that is the essence of God and as you throw the lower energies, your light becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually back to being a fully enlightened being. You can not imagine the joy I feel for your success, knowing that soon we will be waving at the higher levels of vibration. Certainly there will be celebrations and old friends who have long forgotten once again will meet with you.

Many of you are Sirius and their families eagerly await the opportunity to meet them again. It does not mean that it has never known since falling to the lower dimensions, as occasionally the opportunity has arisen when it has been out of the body. However, as mentioned above, you can bring those memories when he returns to his sleeping body, but it's hard to remember once again awake.

Most souls while they sleep move out of the body, if only to float just above it, while others may move toward what has become Summerland. It is there after the death of the physical body that souls first review their activities of life and how life worked his plan. In their etheric bodies, souls come together and can have food and drink for free, and discuss the earthly problems encountered and the responses to them. Many problems have been solved in this way, although the actual visit to Summerland may be only vaguely remember when they return to their physical body.

Often you declare that sleep on a problem waiting to have the answer when you wake up, and often do. The most exciting and satisfying experience in Summerland is known to those who have overlooked, who almost certainly have changed his appearance through the power of thought, looking younger or free from any disability they have had while they were on Earth. It should be mentioned that normally happen at other levels once you've determined how and when they should take their place next experiences. Undoubtedly, you are now becoming more aware of what is the difference between life on Earth and your future life. Also you must realize that life is eternal and that in reality there is no death as we understand,

The value of having life after life means you have enough time to gain experience and prepare for the next. There is always a plan that, if successful, will move along its evolutionary path, and gradually your vibrations will rise and rise further as you move through the different levels of vibration. The benefit of being able to reincarnate is that you have endless opportunities to succeed and advance to a higher level of vibration. Once you have reached Ascension, there is no reason to return to the lower vibrations and will have no obligation to do so. All matter may seem solid and often very hard, but because the atoms vibrate at a very fast speed and give the impression of being solid.

Often, through their various lives, he has completed all his experiences and returned to the Deity before embarking on another journey into the unknown. It is God who sends you for the sole purpose of gaining experience and knowledge through you, so you can take it to the Trinity. You're just one soul among trillions that leave regularly to get more experience, so although the main reason is your evolution, also serve the Deity. It is a simplistic way of putting it, but it conveys the right impression to help you understand. You not get a more detailed description until it is in higher dimensions and can comprise a suitable explanation.

One of the greatest truths that you will ever is the purpose of life and where it leads, as you can conclude that one day all souls have returned to the Godhead from whence they came. In the past, souls have been sent again and again to experience, and every time I have returned to the Deity has grown because of it. Deity is a timeless experience where souls are in love and unlimited time stops, as they are more than happy and ecstatic to stay there forever in the pure love of the Supreme Creator.

There is no language that can be used to adequately describe the happiness and perfect happiness, but most humans have experienced the intensity of the energy of love, but that is nothing more than a pale reflection of the love of the Creator. Perhaps no word is able to describe such an overwhelming experience. Knowing what lies ahead should encourage him to see it as a great and exciting journey that never ends and filled with joy and happiness.

I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the end. This message comes through my higher self , my Divine Being, and every soul has the same inner connection with God.

In love and light.

Mike Quinsey.   

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