
10 de diciembre de 2019

New Earth Report; The (13th) Garden Gate: Trinity Completion

How is it December already?? 2019 was both the longest and shortest year of my life…and it is ending as emphatically as it began. This is another power-packed month of completions, one in which many will finally, fully and officially be “liberated from slavery“.  Translation→ a massive purging of the enslavement template is already underway.
We have the triple 12 gateway this month…which leads to the “13th gate” ⇊…the solstice, and a solar (ring of fire) Christmas eclipse which reads like a last minute 1-2-3 punch that ends on Boxing Day. Speaking of which, this is also the last 12/3 month of the universal 12/3 year which completes the divination of the Holy Trinity…the great (light & dark) divide has dissolved which, for wayshowers means our covenant with GOD is complete.
As a result of this contract completion, SO much new will open within us/become available to us as we are flooded with a whole new level of light/intelligence that includes necessary information about our new lives/new missions..about beginning again…and what that entails for each of us as we enter into an “ascended life experience.”
That said, and for the moment, we are still in the process of surrendering ourselves over…renouncing the last bits of (human) will to empower our GOD will, dumping old template dynamics left & right in order to squeeze thru the “last of Heaven’s Gates” and into alignment with the 2020 timeline/New Human-New Earth trajectory.
There is a lot on the line and we can feel it in these final moments of blind faith, but in our reunion with Prime Creator we can also feel that we are being carried now…supported in the subtlest and yet most profound of ways, enabling us to truly let go-let GOD on the deepest of levels.  We have no fight left in us, but most importantly, no need for it.
“Once your Christed aspect is able to hold dominion over your human life, you are Home.”
Because of the all-new everything coming in for 2020, we are also being urged to OPEN our minds to reimagining life again→ this time without the core wound.  We were asked to do this earlier in the year…to reconnect with the magic of life…but now after having gone thru an all-important resurrection of the mind, dropping so much mental clutter, we are more anchored in and connected to our ability to FEEL that magic now…to embody our full potential, the full truth of what’s becoming possible.

And so the guidance for this last big push to New Earth is to spend some time every day from now until the new year imagining life without THE wound…what does that look like, feel like?  What would you be doing?  Where would you be?  Who would you be with?
Visualizing life without the central wound is now a real compliment of retrograde Mercury through Scorpio last month. That trip was as intense as it was productive to heal the inner male child (return to innocence) that precipitated the liberation of the Divine Male Christ that culminates this month after a full year of recovery.

This was a HUGE company, THE key piece to complete the Divine Trinity and the Trinititzed way ... to release our stories of victimization / crucifixion / persecution, which was THE theme of 2019. The result of this liberation is already generating new levels of self-acceptance, and, therefore, the acceptance of others ... new levels of self-forgiveness, and therefore the forgiveness of others ... in a way that finally puts everything in our lives in the right / divine order .

The healing of the masculine side of the self is also strengthening us with feelings of security to open ourselves, to lower our guard, which is leading to long-awaited resolutions within ourselves and our closest relationships. And as the Divine Masculine advances as LOVE and learns to trust him again, to take responsibility for his GOD and to honor his true internal authority, the Feminine is also finding his inner strength to trust the masculine.

This intertwined spiral of mutual trust and acceptance is solidifying the newly discovered security within ... leading us to true justice and equality (even clemency), which is the basis of an authentic union, one that causes true feelings of intimacy with life. , with each other and with the world around us. In this space of honest communion, stress is replaced with consolation, worry is replaced with peace, submission is replaced with sovereignty. But most importantly, our equality of conditions finally guarantees the level ground necessary for the construction of Eden.

Now just to get through that Garden Gate.

»Source» By Lauren C Gorgo


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