
20 de diciembre de 2019

new Light Codes and an unlimited supply of new frequencies

Resultat imatges d'maria magdalena
They are emerging on the planet through the Great Pyramid of Giza, new Light Codes and an unlimited supply of new frequencies  because the Earth needs immediate assistance, l os pollutants and collective energies, are affecting terribly  This is for the purification of the dark energies of the collective consciousness that have permeated this planet These energies are also fusing and cleaning the elements Water and Air pollution. Many are concerned about the Earth and its survival, these new Light Codes and new energy, help the planet is released and begins to heal.

Powerful changes will continue to occur, and these energies will bring a powerful purification. Very quickly, they will be accelerated to a lighter form within their physical, Auric and etheric fields. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a transmitter of the Galactic Federation, which brings to Earth, frequencies of the higher realms. They begin to perceive having a frequency lighter within their Essences and Presences. The energies that emerged through the Pyramids are running through the ley lines and the grid of the Earth.

The main purpose of these new codes of Light is the healing of the planet, and all sensible forms, including all kingdoms of animals, plants, minerals, and all earthly beings, both those that exist on the surface, as in Inner Earth. This energy was like an electromagnetic charge  witnessing the intensity of energy, which will bring balance to this plane ta and  some felt like an electric shock in their bodies and that energized. Others experienced a sense of connection to Earth, Peace and end. omenzarán to feel your Essence, Power and Light, please allow yourself to receive this again.

Each person responds to light their way, all beings on Earth, all sentient life forms, receive this energy, regardless of whether they feel, or know on a conscious or subconscious level. Each Soul will receive their new bodies of Light, as they now are merging with the frequency of these new Light Codes. The body, mind and spirit, are now evolving at a very fast pace, allow these frequencies to heal their souls. Continues allowing you receive, so the body can respond accordingly, and you can join your Light Body, your luminescence ...

Heal those parts of themselves that need light.  
Let the Light merge through each and every one of its internal spaces and energies that still contain trapping dark encoded within themselves, or past lives, including the current conscious Sean what they want to achieve, demonstrate and clarify in their lives. If you are experiencing a feeling of tiredness or heaviness, lightness allow yourself to transmute it. If you feel too energized, allow yourself to connect to these energies to start again Sagrado balance.

Even if they were not physically present inside the Great Pyramid, allow yourself to feel this energy on a conscious level, Receive them within your being, and transform into these new energies of the New Earth. Perhaps, they have trapped emotions, memories and sorrows of past lives , their emotions are being healed, regardless of what is surgiéndoles from within, being very important to allow the light transmute and heal these aspects of themselves, to clear your body, mind and spirit of all that no longer serves them. Your physical body will become stronger, more vibrant, you will begin to transcend and go back to your youthful energy to your own vibration and frequency of your Light Body ...

Prepare to advance within the intent, clarity and purpose, since much will change for all of you, individually and collectively. You transcend time, while holding the space of Love for you and this planet .... Accept this in the essence of your being, because you received the gift of transformation .... Now you're operating as a physical being spiritual, reminiscent of the Essence of all you have and you've been ... You're the kind of New Earth, Bearer of Light Codes for the New Earth ...

Now you are at peace ...

I am Mary Magdalene

It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now also alerts the public on this knowledge in hand.

Posted by   THENANSHED 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets  by Joan Ashtar   © misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced on condition that its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL  https: / /  and notice of the Copyright

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