
16 de marzo de 2020

The coronavirus is not the reason - INFORMATION INFORMATION

Corrupt governments know that the time has come to them from the not doing anything more, so close all because they are afraid of what lies ahead. Those who are corrupt or have blood on their hands will yield, will be tried and imprisoned soon.


The truth is that Trump inherited a criminal cartel masquerading as democratic republic that many past presidents were involved strategically in the dismantling of America and its constitution. President TRUMP is grappling with the biggest crisis of our civilization, as it literally inherited the task of beating the world back together after years of planning, betrayal by presidents otres to become under the rule of nations united for world government while deconstructing Christianity in America. Do not miss! People do not realize how close we came to the end of America for treason, sedition and violation is Smith Act. CREDIT - MICHELLE SAMALLBACK

Q today released saying that 'time is allah'. My husband is a vet of the army and said 'Rig for Red' meant they had to change their lights you infaradas in his views of arms and right equipment before attacking the enemy, and the enemy will not come see. This means mass arrests and we know that this will happen around the world 🗺, so they needed a cover to restrict travel and get people to prepare for a disruption in supplies as a financial restoration and arrests occur.

President TRUMP is tratandoque tell Americans who estem prepared under the appearance of a pandemic. The stock market needs to be adjusted to make a full reset and move to a currency backed by gold and get rid of the Fed. The stock market has been falsely inflated for a while. The CV is the perfect "crisis" to make a lot of work. Travel will probably be closed so children are home home safely when arrests occur. We could even have a period of marital law to repress opportunities for looting and rioting.

[Keep the person away from crowds miniminiza false flags, mass shootings or other catastrophic events. You can not have a school shooting if children are not in school - M] crisis have the CV allows the president to close our borders to national security and our military can focus on maintaining peace. In addition, the president said the whole CV will be completed in April. He said it because he knows that is false and plan to take action in March and April, you will be informed of what happened and why.

India had a celebration filled when the president visited. It is qy hit an agreement with India to start producing many of the things we were having in China producing cheap and will help a lot to India .. I think China is leading it with Trump, possibly.

Trump visited China when I took the Forbidden City and this has never been done with another world leader, is likely to have complete privacy to plan. China also has a deep state who joins our players CIA and the deep state: the Clintons, Bidens, Romney, Feinstein and others. Doug Collins, Matt Getz Ted Cruz 🙂Mike Pence, Mike and Mark Meadows Pompey were allegedly exposed to CV. What better way to explain their absence in DC next quarantined in their homes? Q no longer said when mass arrests occur, the president will be safely out of the country.

AF1 can fly continuously if necessary, because it can refuel in the air. The president Trump is taking its current and future members of the cabinet with at AF1 To keep out of the way and not alert anyone who is taking them all! And he announced that Mark Meadows will be his new chief of staff. All quarantine facilities is installed in areas where the concentration of sealed charges is the highest. This explains why there are inclined wire inside. These are detention centers for many criminals and traitors. They can even be configured as prisons with the sheer number of them.

Gitmo has had a multi-million dollar upgrade is completed. A new chief judge has been sent to Gitmo. There were a lot of our troops sent to Gitmo for an assignment l 2 years last summer. There was only $ million spent upgrading the buildings of justice and law offices in Gitmo and other military base in the United States.

I really think Trump, Gene Kelly and Gen Mattis are not on bad terms. I think everything is an act them out of DC and allowing them to fly under the radar so they can be in Gitmo and the other base to get everything ready for military tribunals. The same goes for the sessions, he knows everything because it was ag while investigations were going on and sealed indictments were increasing.

It is likely to be retired from the Russian research to focus on other investigations sealed. Supposedly he was on bad terms with the president, but I bet you've been working under the radar since he left DC to prepare everything.

Trump has replaced many of the judges of Obama and others who would not do the right thing when mass arrests occur. That it took a long time to get it confirmed and strategically placed where they are needed. It has most of Scotus.

Justice Roberts is very committed and will be replaced by another conservative justice or has given an agreement to go along with the ruling against any attempt to stop justice the criminals and traitors of our government.

There has been a lot of movement of National Guard and military equipment under the appearance of a state of emergency for the CV. They are putting in place to help deal with any civil unrest that occurs when people are frightened by the arrests or groups as Antifa trying to start trouble because after Soros have been paid to do so.

Internet, or less all social networks, it's probably dark, so do not panic if it happens. It will not be forever. They tried to eliminate specific platforms and cellular service a couple of times. CIA satellites have been closed, so we have been blinded. I find it interesting, too Gina Haspel was in the last SOTU address grinning ear to ear.
CIA directors rarely, if ever, attends meetings of SOTU.

The Queen of England was closed Windsor Castle briefly on Friday for the first time in history. It was a marker to tell the following Q it's time.

A post q September 2018 reads:

Lock Castle.

Then directly after reading:

Panic in UK
Panic in DC
Panic in UK
Panic in DC

P Atriones
A re
N ow
I n
C ontrol in the UK and DC

* Nothing can stop what good nadea * -Q

Trump wore a bright yellow tie in India and today at the press conference CV. We are saying that no viruses because it is exactly the same color as the maritime flag representing the ship that has infected people on board. NO IRUS. Each state qsue reported the most cases and deaths are all the shrines states led by bad actors Democrats in an attempt to obtain funding for the virus since Trump has cut all federal funding for states sanctuary.

You see it now?

Trump and Pence have been flying everywhere, attending group events, hugging people, shaking hands. They are not worried because the virus is false.

Why do we publish this?
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people now wakes can bring together the authorities to carry out their legal duty. This information also alerts the public about the breach of trust and responsibility on the part of the institutions of law enforcement who already have a legal mandate to enforce the laws but refuse, apparently, to support companies information about illegal activity. With this knowledge in hand.

Ralf Kramer

information provided pro Ana Maria Garcia

*** © misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL  and notice of the Copyright ***

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