
3 de marzo de 2020

They are Simply Incompatible" by Ron Giles 3-2-20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 3:21 PM EST on March 2, 2020

Certain guru types have it all wrong. From my perspective, the QFS and the present Central Banking system with its antiquated binary banking computers and their SWIFT transfer system are completely incompatible. It's like the difference between a Horse & Buggy and an Airliner. Horses do not belong on a runway, they get killed.

Is this really true or is this just a figment of my imagination? What does this really mean and what are the ramifications when the QFS is activated?

The QFS is a financial accounting system that keeps track of the movement of funds in and out of accounts. At any given nano-moment the accounting is complete and balanced. It is advanced off-world technology that uses a super quantum computer the likes of which are not known on this earth to date. Quantum is a package of interactive information or data points that are moved from one location to another and when it reflects in the other location the data entry is completed. While there it is only activated when acted upon by human input that the computer recognizes as an authoritative command. It is more than a binary computing system because the data interacts with itself and has its own awareness. In essence, it is alive data. That is the Quantum part of the Quantum Computer. A binary computer has no awareness by and of itself unless it is programmed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for a specific purpose. At which point, once set in motion, its intelligence serves its own constantly evolving purpose. There is no way that the input into designing AI, could ever account for all the myriad of possibilities that it will encounter. Each encounter may give it a different projection or a different direction that very well may be way beyond and outside of what it was intended from the imperfect human input.

The QFS, on the other hand, is a 5th-dimensional creation that has Universal Intelligence and is alive and has a specific purpose for its creation. It will never self adjust to a different set of intentions. While AI eventually goes where it wants to go with or without external guidance the QFS is always aligned with its pure intent from the beginning. Real intelligence is far superior to artificial intelligence.

If one has a problem believing in God or the Heavenly realms, there may be very little in one's life to support a belief in the QFS. It will be considered Woo, Woo, stuff, beyond understanding. However, the QFS does not concern itself with non-believers, it just does what it was created to do, perfectly.

Try, as the present Cabal may try, with their guru crews and trolls and the swamp bankers leading the way, they will never be able to duplicate, hack, interfere with or compromise this financial system and its quantum computer. While on the other hand, the QFS has the ability to interface with any binary computer network and will monitor its output in real-time and store that data as history. All this without a physical connection to the binary computer network. The QFS computer will counter the ill effects of AI’s negative activities. It will protect all data from AI intervention within the present Central Banking System (CBS). The QFS can interphase with a binary computer and do so without the computer become aware of its presence. That is why the Quantum Financial Computer can run parallel with the present Central Banking System computers without the CBS knowing of its presence. The QFS has been activated to run parallel for two or more years now and has never been hacked by a binary computer and never will. The computer wizards cannot figure out why their computers are not responding to the stealing commands they were designed to respond to. The technology is far beyond anything that the earth has invented. The techies are scratching their heads while their banker bosses are being arrested for their illegal attempts at stealing money.

The reality that all exchanged or redeemed funds will be deposited in the QFS and not the CBS has major implications for the old system. When the RV takes place the QFS will have been activated and will be the only financial system available. All CBS computer systems will be deactivated. That means that the antiquated SWIFT transfer protocol and all things binary banking will be integrated into and controlled by the QFS. All present bank accounts will be acknowledged by the QFS. The old CBS will become extinct. Ownership of bank accounts will be known and reconciled as to the legality of those accounts and the sources of their funds. I wouldn't want to be the person who is hiding illegal funds. They will be known and dealt with by law enforcement agencies. This is especially true for crooked politicians who have been stealing foreign aid money for decades. Their deeds are already known.

The QFS will charge no fees for any services. The consumer will find great comfort in not being charged for any banking services as the transition from the old to the new is completed. Hopefully, it will be a seamless transition that the general public will not be aware of unless they ask the tellers why they stopped charging for their bank services.

There is one notorious CBS banker that purports to have the only codes to activate the RV. This man is obviously in the upper echelons of the CBS and has been trusted with the bank codes to activate the RV as they/he suppose. The problem is: all exchange funds are to be new gold-backed currencies in the QFS. The QFS is not responsive to binary computer codes and computer codes will not activate the QFS nor the RV. It uses Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) from authorized agents to access the QFS. This will be done at the redemption appointment.

The QFS does not charge for its services.

The question to ask the gurus that are backed by these powerful banker trolls that support the CBS with their bank codes etc., is this: if there is only one financial system activated that does not charge for their services, how is the old system going to survive running against the QFS without any income? How long can they continue to spend huge sums of money on overhead and wages and still continue in business? A week, a month, 3 months, 6 months…? How long will it be before the banks go into receivership and a bunch of Zim Benefactor Whales step up and take over the old system and turn it into the New Financial Service Centers that will continue to service the financial needs of the people?

The two systems are mutually exclusive. Horses do not belong on a runway. They cannot survive together and guess which one will take over as the worldwide financial system with brand new gold-backed currencies? No more Fiats being created out of thin air. No more bank trading programs that created billions upon billions of corrupted currencies. The CBS has a voracious appetite that supported its own structure in the past. It is now on a dead-end road with no future. I guess one could say that their malady is terminal.

Those who are now suggesting that the two systems can work together are delusional. They can’t. They won’t. Only one system will survive and that is the QFS.

This is not rocket science and it is not trying to understand Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Physics, it just simple economics. It is simply the old giving way to the new. If a CBS guru still talks about “Banks” being part of or receiving RV funds, it’s time to throw that junk intel source under the proverbial bus and move on to what is true. The future is the QFS where our funds are safe and secure. Those who preach against the QFS with flimsy Woo, Woo, arguments are opposition shills/trolls, paid or unpaid. and are not working for our best interests, only their own.

It will be our privilege as Zim Holders and currency Holders to take the reins of this new financial system and make it work for the world. We are on track as a collective to do the work of bringing mankind out of poverty and the “lack consciousness;” and into the prosperity of the “Abundance Mentality” that moves us closer to the Ascension Process. The cooperative components are being assembled by the Alliance and when assembled the RV will take place and we will be released to do our work.

Blessings to all, and to all, be a blessing.

Ron Giles

Copyright © 2020 Dinar Chronicles

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