
8 de abril de 2020

After some time ... LEARN

LEARN After some time ... you will learn the difference between shaking hands and help a soul; and you learn that love does not mean leaning and company does not always mean security. You begin to learn; that kisses are not contracts, nor gifts or promises. You begin to accept your defeats with your head up and look at the front, with the grace of a child and not with the sadness of an adult; and you learn to build all your roads today because tomorrow's ground is uncertain for your projects and the future has a habit of falling into the void .

                                               Wililiam image result sherpeare
After a while ... You will learn that the sun burns if you expose yourself too. You accept; even good people could ever hurt and need to forgive.

You learn that talking can ease the pain of the soul. You will find that it takes years to build trust; and only seconds to destroy it , and you too can do things you'll regret the rest of your life.
You will learn that new friendships continue to grow despite the distances; and that no matter what you have, but who you have in life and that good friends are the family we choose allow.
You learn that we have to change friends, if we are willing to accept that friends change. You'll notice that you can spend quality time with your best friend doing anything; or simply nothing, just for the pleasure of enjoying their company. You will find that often take lightly the people who matter most; and so we must always tell the person we love, because we are never sure when the last time I will see that.
You will learn that the circumstances and the environment that surrounds us influences us, but we are the ones responsible for what we do. You begin to learn that we should not compare ourselves with others, except when we want to imitate them to improve. You will discover that takes a long time to become the person you want to be; and that time is short.
You learn that no matter where you came; but where you're going, and if you do not know any place serves.
You will learn that if you control your actions they control you; and to be flexible does not mean being weak or not to have personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile a situation is : there are always two sides.

You learn that heroes are the people who did what was required and faced the consequences.
You will learn that patience requieres a lot of practice. You will find that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you fall, perhaps one of the few to help you up. Maturity has more to do with what you've learned from experience that the years lived.
You will learn that there is much more of your parents in you than you know.
You will learn that you should never tell a child that dreams are nonsense, because few things are so humiliating; and it would be a tragedy if he believed, because you're taking away hope.
You learn that when you feel anger, you deserve to have it, but that does not give you the right to be cruel. You will discover that just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean they do not love you with all that you can, because there are people who love us, but do not know how to show it . It is not always enough to be forgiven by someone; Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
You will learn that with the same severity with which judges; You will also be judged and at times convicted.

You learn that no matter how many pieces your heart broke, the world does not stop to fix it .
You will learn that time is not something you can go back; therefore you must cultivate your own garden and decorate your soul , instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. Then, and only then really know what you are able to bear; you're strong and you can go much farther than you thought when you thought you could not anymore. Is that really worth living, when you have the courage to face it .

William Shakespeare

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